For some time now critics of Safe Haven Baby Boxes have discussed amongst ourselves the possibility that some of these perfectly healthy babies who anonymously arrive pristine and “much loved” in a local box-in-a-wall might be run through the box system via Crisis Pregnancy Centers now nicely known as Pregnancy Resource Centers. CPCs are huge supporters and funders of boxes, under the belief that their availability can decrease abortion (where it’s still allowed),give a “safe option” to women whom they speculate will otherwise dump their babies in a ditch or dumpster if they can’t get an abortion or find themselves in some other undefined crisis.
Murray, Kentucky Safe Haven Baby Box Talk: Oh Those College Girls….
“As you know, they’re a college town like we are, and so I feel that this city would greatly have a need for this…I can’t help but think of how many we have missed by not having one of these boxes. “I
Indiana: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc “Reforms Abandonment”
It’s especially weird since the baby box movement advocates for and encourages what the rest of the world sees as abandonment– newborn legal anonymous box dumping,– while insisting that anonymous “safe” boxing isn’t abandonment at all but a mechanistic, though happy transfer of Baby Bumble from a “vulnerable and dangerous mother” into the loving arms of stranger adopters. –with no human contact required. In other words, abandonment is abandonment only if it is illegal and unsafe, while legal abandonment is nothing more than the seamless safe, loving, and secret transfer of parental rights, and not abandonment. Newborn abandonment is thus presented as a semantical game that when “legal,” is cleansed of negative connotations and impact.
New Mexico: Safe Haven Baby Box Cases
Safe Haven Baby Box cases in New Mexico drawn from news reports, social media, and other resources.
No One Can Sanitize a Safe Haven Baby Box Transaction like Missouri Rep. Jim Murphy
Why not hang a pair of rubber gloves on a hook next to the box? How about developing a technology where a robotic arm reaches out and removes the baby from the pre-murder clutches of its “desperate mother” (assumption: it’s always her, not a pissed-off father or grandparent.) That could make the separation of mother and child as mechanized and inhumane and cartoonish as it “should be” if you listen to the propaganda of the pushers, and Mrs Kelsey’s handy-dandy YouTube/TikTok that teaches women how to do a 30-second dump and run with no regrets, shame, or bloody underwear.
The Interview: Chris Hicks Deconstructs Safe Haven Baby Boxes. It’s Polite, but it’s Not Pretty
Ohio Safe Haven Baby Box critic Chis Hicks has done it again. Listen to the audio recording below where he (please, excuse the vulgarity) tore SHBB Inc and its founder and CEO, Monica Kelsey three new ones in an “informational” phone Q&A with Indiana filmmaker Trent Eilason, hired by SHBB Inc to make a full-length documentary to promote itself…After listening to Hicks’ total deconstruction of SHBB Inc, the baby box movement, and Mrs. Kelsey, and overall owning the baby box scheme and schemers I wondered if the documentary would go forward, at least with Eliason, who says no money has crossed hands yet. He admitted he thought that baby boxes are a good idea,
Safe Haven Baby Box Legislative Roundup, June 2023
The 2023 legislative season has been busy and brutal/ Twenty Safe Haven Baby Box bills were introduced. (+in many cases companion bills). Some were brand new bills to authorize baby box installation in their respective states and some were amendments to expand or clarify procedures for in-place safe haven and baby box laws
Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next
Today campaigns to install new Safe Haven Baby Boxes operate in 60 towns throughout United States! There are probably more that we don’t know about… To challenge this “goal” we have added a new page to the SSHBBN site: Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next.
Alabama ad Absurdum: Now that abortion is illegal in Alabama, Safe Haven Baby Boxes to roll in to the rescue
Lack of actual facts, of course, won’t dissuade Rep Givens from enriching her moral panic and her campaign to invent an absurd solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. She has lined up anonymous (what else!) funding from a constituent in Baldwin County to fund Safe Haven Baby Boxes in what she calls “the 10 largest cities near universities.
Arkansas Times Drags Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
In under 400 words Bailey eviscerated baby boxes and those who love them. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to find a journo who actually finds the boxes absurd and doesn’t regurgitate the party line on their keyboard.