Reports, research, and papers related to safe haven laws and baby boxes.

Note: some links may be cross-posted elsewhere in Critical Readings
Abandoned Infants Assistance Resource Center. Discarded Infants and Neonaticides: A Review of the Literature, Berkeley: University of California, September 2004
Centers for Disease Control Infant Mortality
Commission on Improving the Status of Children. HEA 1016 Report Indiana Task Force on Infant Mortality and Child Health Commission on Improving the Status of Children, November 18, 2015. (see Indiana Legislative Reports and Documents in Indiana Story for collection of documents.
Douglas, Emily, Marguerite M Ammerman, Lena Sophia Thompson, Heather Burner. Who Calls the National Safe Haven Alliance Hotline? Evaluating One Element of Policy Implementation, Journal of Policy Practice and Research vol. 2 2, pages 270–284, September 17, 2021. (via Academia)
Guttmacher Institute. Infant Abandonment, April 1, 2022 (some of this is outdated but it gives a good idea regarding specifications in individual state Safe Haven laws. Baby Box laws follow these specs.)
Indiana Department of Health, Indiana Maternal Mortality Review Committee 2021 Report, September 2021.
Inter-Agency Council on Child Abandonment and Neglect (ICAN), Safely Surrendered and Abandoned Infants in Los Angeles County (2009-2019)
Lynnerup, Niels. Abandonment of Newborn Infants: A Danish Forensic Medical Survey, 1997-2008, Forensic, Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 2011 (via
March of Dimes, 2023 Maternity Care Deserts State Reports
National Consultation on “Countering Challenges in Adoption: Combating Child Trafficking, January 10-11, 2009, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India
National Vital Statistics Reports. Infant Mortality in the United States, 2018: Data
From the Period Linked Birth/Infant Death File
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Committee on the Rights of the Child. Concluding Observations in the Fourth Periodic Report on the Netherlands. (p. 7-8) June 8, 2015.
L’Hopital des Enfants Trouves (France)
Palante Center (LaRouta and Trovatelli)
The Foundling Museum (London)