According to this report, Znachko made the most astounding claim during the ceremony: I ” believe that it is the number one initiative that we have to battle infant mortality in the state of Indiana and across our country.”
Indiana: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc “Reforms Abandonment”
It’s especially weird since the baby box movement advocates for and encourages what the rest of the world sees as abandonment– newborn legal anonymous box dumping,– while insisting that anonymous “safe” boxing isn’t abandonment at all but a mechanistic, though happy transfer of Baby Bumble from a “vulnerable and dangerous mother” into the loving arms of stranger adopters. –with no human contact required. In other words, abandonment is abandonment only if it is illegal and unsafe, while legal abandonment is nothing more than the seamless safe, loving, and secret transfer of parental rights, and not abandonment. Newborn abandonment is thus presented as a semantical game that when “legal,” is cleansed of negative connotations and impact.
Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation’s Last letter of Opposition–In Hopeless Hope
Absolutely no adoptee rights or adoption reform organization in the United States today supports this unhealthy and unethical scheme that abrogates the rights of “legally abandoned” newborns, adoptees, and their biological parents and reeks of private industry privilege and profit. Yet our concerns go unanswered, and in fact ignored.
Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition– House Judiciary Committee, March 7, 2023. Legalizes child traffking for adoption
Moreover, the bill contains no requirement that the emergency provider even inform DCS of any type of Safe Haven event, hindering the state’s ability to regulate abandonment care procedures, oversee cases, and track abandonments and numbers. Lack of DCS involvement, in fact, reeks of black and gray market adoption outcomes and trafficking.
Indiana Senate Creates an Adoption-in-a-Box Pipeline
An Indiana bill will build a pipeline of abandoned babies, all boxed up and ready for adoption.
Indiana Baby Box Adoption Hits the Wire. We Have Questions. Why Doesn’t the Media?
Does anyone believe that all 21 (or is that 22?) babies left in baby boxes and their mothers experienced no medical issues? No medical provider I have ever spoken to believes this.
What the Hell? Indiana to Pour $1 Million in Taxpayer Money into Safe Haven Baby Box Installations
This is a surprising development—but maybe it isn’t when you consider the baby box chicken-in-every pot vision of a future America.
Firefighters Search for Missing Babies?
Firefighters are not crime investigators or finders of lost babies.
Safe Haven Baby Box Inc Theater and the Return of Baby 19: Adoptee Stories are Our Own, Not for Public Perusal
Adopted people have been subjected to this kind of exploitation, objectification, and third-party self-aggrandizement for decades.
Email from Monica Kelsey to Dr. Jerome M. Adams, June 24, 2016
Text of an email from Monica Kelsey, CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc., to Dr. Jerome Adams, then the Indiana state health commissioner (he later became the US Surgeon General).