It’s only 7 weeks into 2024, and we’ve been deluged with baby box bills.
Totals for 2024:
Here’s our latest statistical rundown:
- Number of Safe Haven Baby Box bills of all types introduced: 19 (some states have multiple bills)
- Number of states that introduced bills for baby boxes and amendments: 13
- Number of states that introduced bills to authorize baby boxes: 11
- Number of states that introduced bills to amend in-place baby box laws: 2
- Number of dead bills: 3
- Number of baby box dead bills: 2
- Number of amendment dead bills: 1
Current Numbers:
- Number of Safe Haven Baby Box bills of all types: 15
- Number of states with active bills for baby boxes and amendments: 11
- Number of states with active bills to authorize baby boxes: 14
- Number of states with active bills to amend in-place baby box laws: 1
Compare this to the number of OBC/adoption records bills currently active to restore the right for adopted people to obtain their OBCs and other adoption records without restrictions of conditions: 3 . (This will be slightly updated this weekend).
About twice that number of bills are running in states to continue restrictions and conditions.
Safe Haven Baby Box legislation and use are a direct attack on adoptee rights. Please join us to stop this travesty of adoptee justice and organized baby abandonment.