We have known from the beginning that Safe Haven BabyBoxes Inc does not think highly of women, especially those who find themselves in what they quaintly like to call “crisis pregnancies.” SHBB Inc founder/CEO Monica Kelsey routinely excoriates young unmarried mothers who have made “bad decisions” and struggle to make ends meet (or have other personal problems) suggesting that they should place their children for adoption. These moms might even be dangerous. The company’s hotline coordinator and counselor Pam Stenzel (an adoptee no less), is a nationally recognized rightwing “purity” advocate who promotes abstinence and opposes birth control and abortion, She compares young women who have more than one male sexual partner to an old shoe and a piece of chewed gum. “No man will want you! ” We can imagine what a baby box phone session with her is like.
It was with great joy, then, when I saw that our Stop Safe Have Baby Boxes Now! friend and comrade-in-arms “that random Sarah” took SHBB Inc and Mrs Kelsey to task on TikTok his week. Her TikTok stitch “Back on shbb bullshit” ” is a glorious succinct takedown of the abandonment box company’s spurious but core claim that women in “crisis pregnancies” default to abusing or murdering their newborns unless they can anonymously dump them in a nearby box so generously furnished by SHBB Inc. and then walk away cleansed of their homicidal tendencies; converted and valorized as a “good mothers.” In under 3 minutes, Sarah manages to discuss surrender coercion, lack of services for mothers and children, and obliterate SHBB Inc’s portrayal of new mothers as potential homicidal abusers that can only be redeemed by the services of the baby box company.
Below is the TT. I originally planned to add some comments of my own at the bottom regarding SHBB Inc’s Madonna/Whore messaging that runs through adoption like hungry rats through a maze. The misogynist message that keeps adoption and adoptees in a black hole. My thoughts, however, began to meander beyond the direct subject and my patience. They will show up some other day.
Thank you, Sarah!
@that_random_sarah #stitch with @Monica Kelsey so we love bio moms only when they do what we want. Got it. #childwelfare #adoption #contreversial @StopSafeHavenBabyBoxesNow ♬ original sound – Sarah
…they would be murderers except for Safe Haven Baby Boxes which saves them from being murderers and also turns them into heroes.
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