I’m not much into “trigger language” but sometimes, something just sets me off in a delastory diatribe–like the message below. I’ve tried to give my thoughts a semblance of order, but I’m just pissed.

A fan girl added:
Imagine how hard it is to drive many hours or even days with a newborn that you have already come to terms with the fact you cannot care for to surrender in a state where it is legal to because the baby is too old to surrender where you are
In other words, (we already know this!) boxed babies, and by extension, adopted people, aren’t part of the Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc equation and plan other than to serve as window dressing. We are things to be dealt with, to be fixed, to be objectified and fetishized, and then shuffled off to Buffalo reborn invisible and silent. The baby box gangbangers clearly put a lot of work into making us look irrelevant.
Under the baby box regime, our civil rights don’t exist. We don’t exist as a class or as individuals unless we join their gratitudinal party line or can be paraded around in their dog and pony $how. We have no right to our identities and histories and birth records. Instead, they tell us to be thankful that they have saved babies (and by some freak of time travel, us) from some undefined and unnamed unpleasant future that they know about better than we do.
SHBB Inc founder and CEO Monica Kelsey and her crew of middle-class rose-prismed white do-gooders refuse to acknowledge the voice of The Adopted and the actual causes of illegal discard and “legal” abandonment via baby box: misogyny, economics, racism, domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse. The patriarchal enculturation of the baby box movement rejects reproductive rights and justice, while it appropriates Dobbs to drum up business. and pretend to care that women are denied abortion and can be forced to give birth, when in fact, the movement’s founders are abortion abolitionists. It crows that the ability for women to box their babies anonymously represents “female empowerment” via secret pregnancy, (unattended) birth, and uncounseled paper-free adoption relinquishment. They use images of frightened girls and women in hoodies lurking around in the dark sticking their babies in firehouse boxes while claiming that the baby box eliminates shame. It posts a manipulative how-to-hide-your- pregnancy-and- box your baby secretly video that could kill babies and mothers if followed through.
And then, they demand and pretend though their attempted silencing of us, that adopted people join their nostalgia for the imagined.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc posits itself as the guarantor of sealed and secret adoptions that go way beyond sealed and secret adoptions of the past. aka “closed adoptions” a practice Mrs. Kelsey has the nerve to equate with baby boxing. Draconian closed adoption, at least in theory, followed certain rules ; baby boxing, in reality, follows none.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc is not just not a crank corpo with whacked marginal support. It is one of the most dangerous enemies of adoptee rights, adopted people, and their families in the country today–hiding behind a facade of “saving babies” and fake religiosity. “I love Jesus, but like to cuss” The baby box company, spends 10s of thousands of dollars each month to rebuild secret adoption box-by-box–the very walls that we have torn down law- by-law over the past 25 years (and 70 if you look at the history of the overall movement). Since 2017 50 newborns have been caught in the box. By the end of 2024, SHBB Inc will probably have 200 boxes nationwide.
In the meantime, we are told to imagine the frustration of the poor “momma” forced to drive from state to state until she can dump her alleged inconvenient offspring into an anonymous corporate adoption box in order to be “safe” from the undefined and unnamed threat or problem or whatever it is SHBB Inc conjures up. She loved you so much she didn’t kill you.
Welcome to the asylum.
Baby boxes are the ultimate “Get Out of Jail Free Card”. It is the “no muss, no fuss” antidote to responsibibly making the best decision when there are no good decisions.
And why not?
We now live in an America where lies, lies, and more lies are beieved as truth even when told by a man who is a sociopathic narcissist convicted of 34 felonies, committed adultery on two wives, told us to drink bleach to cure COVID, and promised to be a dictator from day one if he is elected to the presidency, who is only concered with inflating his ego at the profound expense of others.
In this society, what human right does a baby have to be born in dignity and treated as such by a system of evil doers bent on making a profit by selling every baby they can find regardless of the cost to its mother or to itself.
Greed and eveil are still greed and evil by any other name and those involved in the baby selling business are not in any way heroes or saviors.
Instead, they are the bottom feeders who all too often wrap themselves in the Bible and Flag while not being worthy to hold either one; much less, a stolen baby.
Thanks, Jack. I agree totally. We are done here Playtime is over. Of course, our dear soA day of reckoning is coming one way or the other.on-to-be-returned-from-exile-clown-leader is just a figurehead for dark forces many whose names we don’t know. Well we know some, but the list is long and ugly. It still astounds me that so many people –including “important” people–have fallen into line. The ass-kissing, suck-uppery, venality is overwhelming. Not a shread of decency or integrity. I follow a lot of “christian” whackjobs on Twitter and they are some of the worse. Just wait until the get the dicatorship they want and see what comes down on them. That’s one of the few saving graces I can think of.
Baby Box leaders say they talk to God and walk with Jesus. He/they/it tells them to do what they are doing. Apparently God can’t tell the differene between genuine concealed pregnancy and birth and child abuse. They keep moving the deckchairs. In Indiana now, any baby that is safe havened can (not mandated, though) to go direct to an adoption agency bipassing the state all together. The “incident” doesn’t even have to be reported. In some states the age of eligible babies is now 1 year. New Hampshire is about to prohibit any evidence from a SH case from being used to prosecute a criminal case. For example if a husband killed hiw wife and SJ/SHBB their baby,any information gleaned from the SH “relinquishment” could not be used to prosecue the husband for murder. That’s the way I read it, and I’l be writing about it. See, if that happened, that could liscourage parents from using the “service.” Amoral behond belief–but the christian thing to do. The spionsor of this trash is adopted.
A day of reckoning is coming one way or the other.
The babies ( and the consequent adopted person!) are not part of their thinking. They see the baby maker only — and I bet she is white and nominally christian.
It is sad that we must work against these other foolish people when we, Bastard Nation, have not yet updated all the records laws important to us.
One of my big gripes is how Mrs Kelsey claims that sticking a baby in a box in the wall is no different than closed adoption. Excuse me! Worse, she objects to the media (and us, I guess) saying boxed babies are abandoned. They are, according to her not abandoned, but are placed “lovingly” and “safely” for adoption. Since feelings of abandonment in adoptees is universal, I suggest she have a little talk with us. Oh, that’s right! She is adopted. I usually find it cringy when someone uses the term “self-loathing” when discussing someone they don’t agree with–Jews African Americans, queers, for example, but I will make an exception in this case. Mrs. Kelsey is a self-loathing adoptee. Her personal slogan is “turning pain into purpose.” What purpose can advocating legal baby abandonment boxes have other than to drag a new generation of adopted people down to her misery level Creating a new population of abandonees makes her feel good about her own situation. And it would be nice if she actually read a few books and articles about neonaticide/discard.
Need to add, while Bastard Nation and other groups are workng OBC/records access bills in states, Mrs. Kelsey comes jn right behind some of them with her baby box bills. They show up in the same committees and send conflicting messages about adoption and adoptee rights. I was surprised recently when she said she was unaware of ICWA!