Current legislation related to safe haven baby boxes in the United States. Carry-over dates listed when applicable.
Bill descriptions and map are for 2025 state legislative sessions. Prior legislative bill analyses include the 2024 2023 and 2022 sessions. Analysis of traditional Safe Haven legislation (not baby boxes) is here.

US Legislation 2025
KEY: Active • Enacted • Dead/In Limbo
NOTE 1: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc prides itself in taking “no taxpayer funds” to pay for boxes. This simply is not true. As of January 13, 2025, four bills have been submitted for the establishment of grants to pay for baby boxes: Missouri ($10,000 each); Nebraska (15,000 for installation costs); North Dakota ($100,000); and Wyoming ($300,000 + but bill is now dead)). Grant and other public funding schemes are noted in individual bill summaries.
Note 2: It’s difficult to determine if individual states include an ICWA protection or their own Indian protection law written into their SH/SHBB statutes. If you see errors in the legislative information below, please let us know
Legislative Cross-over Schedule for All States
SB9 Summary: Amends the Alaska Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at hospitals, freestanding medical facilities, offices of private physicians, municipal police stations, rural health clinics, state trooper posts, fire stations or other facilities designated by commissioner as an appropriate location for a “device.” State Appropriations: No. Age Limit: 21 days or less. ICWA Protections: Yes . OBC Access: Yes. Senate Amendments: Summary here. Several including addition of tribal health partners as locations and requirements for box size and signage.
Sponsor: Sen Robert Myers (R)
Support: Anchorage Fire Department, Alaska Right to Life, Right to Life Interior Alaska
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents
- January 10. 2025: Prefiled
- January 22, 2025: Introduced; 1st Reading, Referred to Senate Health & Human Services Committee
- February 20, 2025: Hearing in Senate Health and Social Services Committee. Documents for hearing, submitted testimony/letters here. (Results unknown)
- February 25, 2025: Hearing in Health and Social Services Commitee; Bill held over for further discussion.
- March 13, 2024: Hearing in Health and Social Services Commitee
- March 14 2025: Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
SB 1310 Legislative Page (formerly PB SB1310 Summary: Proposal is now what the Connecticut Legislature calls a “Raised Bill.” Amends Connecticut Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes at hospital ERs. Box cannot be used if parent and baby. if birth took place in hospital and are not released yet. State Appropriations: No. Age Limit: 30 days or less. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Yes, without restrictions or conditions. Sponsor: Committee on Children. Proposal HB 6549 sponsor: Rep Ann Dauphinais (R) with 25 co-sponsors as of February 6, 2025 (See bill leg. page for complete list) For a long list of Support and Opposition go here Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Connecticut Catholic Conference Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics Actions: HB 791 Summary: Amends the Florida Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at hospitals, fire stations, EMS Stations staffed 25/7; includes requirements and specs for boxes. Also changes trad SH law to incude 911 pick-up and allow for hospital-birth surrenders. Age Limit: State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No. Restricted March 21, 2025 Amendment: include word “surrender” –(to clarify that parent is putting baby up for adoption) Sponsor: Rep Nan Cobb (R) Support: Safe Hafe Haven Baby Boxes Inc, Florida Voice for the Newborn, Florida Family Coalition, Marian County Republican Party Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents , A Safe Place for Newborns, Florida Adoption Council (Florida affiliate of the American Academy of Adoption and Assisted )Reproductive Attorneys), Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics Actions: Sponsor: Sen Stan McClain (R) Actions: HB2492 Summary: This might be the most bureaucratic baby abandonment box yet. We are posting the entire summary from bill legislative page to give you the full impact: Amends the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act. Provides that as soon as practicable, the Department of Children and Family Services, in consultation with the county board of each county, shall identify hospital emergency departments, fire stations, emergency medical facilities, and police stations to install, maintain, and provide outreach regarding newborn safety devices. Provides that each county having a population less than 500,000 shall identify one hospital emergency department, fire station, emergency medical facility, or police station to install a newborn safety device; and each county having a population greater than 500,000 shall identify a total of 4 hospital emergency departments, fire stations, emergency medical facilities, or police stations, or any combination of those facilities, to install a newborn safety device. Requires the Department to award grants to the designated facilities of each county to pay for the installation of a newborn safety device and any other costs associated with maintaining proper operation of the device. Provides that a designated facility’s acceptance of the grant award and any agreement to install and maintain a newborn safety device shall be strictly voluntary. Provides that a hospital emergency department, fire station, emergency medical facility, or police station that operates a newborn safety device is immune from civil liability for an act or omission relating to the operation of the newborn safety device unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Makes conforming changes throughout the Act. State Appropriations: Yes. Age Limit: 30days or less. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No. Sponsor: Rep Anne-Marie Stava-Murray Support: Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents. Chicago Bar, A Safe Place For Newborns Actions: HB1099 Summary: Indiana and SHBB Inc are at it again. This time to raise the age of babies eligible for safe haven “relinquishment” from 30 to 60 days. The bill also repeals the definition of “abandoned infant” and amends definition of “foster youth.” According to the Legislative Services Report, the bill could potentially affect the DCS family case manager workload to the extent the policy and procedures for an abandoned infant are different than a safe haven infant. State Appropriations: No. Age Limit: 60 days or less. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No/Restrictive. Identifying information taken from OBC available, but no guarantee of OBC release. Disclosure Veto. Sponsor: Rep Dale DeVon (R) Support: SHBB Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents Actions: ____________ HB1311 Summary: Provides that when the department of child services (department) or a licensed child placing agency takes custody of a child who is voluntarily left with an emergency services provider or in a newborn safety device, the department or licensed child placing agency shall: (1) not later than 72 hours after taking custody of the child, contact each licensed child placing agency in Indiana and request that the licensed child placing agency inform the department of any suitable prospective adoptive parent for the child known to the licensed child placing agency; and (2) collaborate with licensed child placing agencies to identify a prospective adoptive parent for the child. Requires the department to: (1) request that the Indiana department of health conduct one or more searches of the putative child registry on behalf of the child before a petition is filed to terminate parental rights with regard to the child, with at least one request being made not earlier than 30 days after the estimated date of birth of the child; and (2) notify an individual identified as a potential father by the registry search that the individual’s consent to termination of the parent-child relationship will be irrevocably implied if the individual does not file a paternity action with regard to the child. Provides that when considering an out-of-home placement for the child during child in need of services proceedings, if a court, the department, or the licensed child placing agency is unable to locate a suitable and willing relative (or de facto custodian, if applicable) with whom to place the child, the court or the department shall consider placing the child with a prospective adoptive parent before considering any other placement for the child. Requires that a child’s case plan include certain information. Sponsor: Rep Ryan Lauer (R) Support: Oppose: Actions: HB 4067 Summary: Same as previous Senate bill except this session introduced in the House. Amends Michigan safe haven law authorizes baby abandonment boxes; include box specs box site: requires sites to be open 24/7; Department of Health and Human Services required to post location of boxes on its website. Infants will be turned over to private child placing agencies for adoption placement. Information regarding the surrender shall be accessible to child placing agency: Age Limt: 3 days or less. State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No. Varied restrictions depending on DOB. No unrestricted access for any group. Sponsor: Rep Wiliam Bruck (R) (introduced) and numerous co-sponsors Support: Safe Haven baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents Actions: ____________ HB6069 Summary: Same as previous Senae bill except this session introduced in the House, This is a tie-bar bill linked to HB 4067. Under Michigan’s legislative process, both bills must pass in order for each to be enacted. Bill only adds baby boxes to current safe haven law. Sponsors: Rep. Jennifer Wortz (R ) (introduced with numerous co-sponsors Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents Actions: February 13, 2025: Introduced; Referred to House Families and Veterans Committee ____________ HB4068 Summary: Requires funeral director or agent that assumes custody of a “dead body” of an infant who “survived an attempted abortion” or was placed in a baby abandonment box and later died, to report the death as any other death is reported. Sponsor: Rep Mai Xiong (D) (introduced) and numerous co-sponsors Support: Oppose: Actions: HF1903 Legislative Page (Companion to SF2282) HF1903 Summary. Amends Minnesota’s Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes at hospitals, fire stations, and emergency service facilities; incudes requirements and specs for boxes. Requires FDA approval for box. FDA has ruled that the device is not a “medical device,” so we are not sure if that is an approval as defined by the general use of the term. The boxes are not UL listed. Similar bill failed to get a committee hearing in 2024. Rep. Novotny is chair of Health, Finance and Policy Commitee this session, though the Minnesota House is evenly split between the parties and its governance is subject to a power sharing agreement between the parties that will go into effect on March 17, where chair of committees will alternate for each hearing. Age limit: 7 days or less; State Appropriations: No; ICWA Protections: Yes; OBC Access: Yes Sponsors: Rep Paul Novotny (R) | Rep John Huot (D) | Rep John Burkel (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents Actions: Sponsor: Sen Eric Lucero Actions: HB101 Summary: Creates a Safe Place for Newborns Fund which will consist of funds appropriated by the Missouri legislature and gifts and bequests to be used solely for the installation of “newborn safety incubators.” Age Limit: 45 days or less. State Appropriations: State wil match up to $10,000 per baby., No cap found in bill. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Restrictive. Subject to “contract preference form” that acts as a disclosuie veto. Sponsor: Rep. Jim Murphy (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB 476 Legislative Page There is no summary of the bill on the leg. page; the bill is here. HB476 Summary: Establishes grant program of $160,00 to pay for installation and maintenance of baby abandonment boxes; no more than $20,000 can be granted per applicant. Montana passed a baby box laws in 2023, but there are no reported cases. Age Limit: 30 days or less. State Appropriations: Yes. $160,000. ICWA Protections: Yes. OBC Access: No. (conditional) Sponsor: Rep Randyn Gregg (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: LB 214 Summary: Re-hash of last’s year’s bill that passed but with baby abandonment boxes amended out. Amends the Nebraska Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at fire stations, hospitals staffed 24/7. Authorizes local government entities to fund boxes. Age Limit: 9o days or less. State Appropriations: $15.000 to funds grants for installation of boxes, but no for purchase. Authorizes local government entities to fund boxes. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Restricted; depending on date of birth, but birthparent consent is required. Adoptive parent consent required for those born before July 20, 2002. NOTE: Nebraska has unicameral legislature. Sponsor: Sen Rick Holdcroft Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Voices for Children in Nebraska, Nebraska Family Allialnce, Nebraska Right to Life, Susan B Anthony Pro-Life for America Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights, Village in Progress Nebraska Actions: New Jersey A1181 Legislative Page Carried Over A1181 Summary: This bill has been introduced the last few sessions of the legislature. Amends New Jersey safe haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes. Requires newly constructed police stations, fire stations, and hospitals to provide “newborn safety device.” Eliminates requirement that facility be staffed 24/7 in order to qualify for an affirmative defense so long as the infant is left with an adult employee or newborn safety device. Age Limit: 30 days or less. State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access. No. Those “surrendered” under the state Safe Have law are specifically barred from accessing their OBCs. Carol Murphy (D) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: SB 91 Summary: Amends the North Carolina Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at ERs, fire stations, and law enforcement facilities; specs for boxes, including annual state-inspection of the box. North Carolina is a Home Rule state and 2 boxes are installed there without state law. .Age Limit: 30 days or less. State Appropriations: No, but language seems open for possibility. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No. Sponsor: Sen Carl Ford (R), Sen Ted Alexander (R). Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB1044 Summary: Amends the North Dakota Safe Haven law to authorize the installation of baby abandonment boxes located at hospitals or other location as designated by administrative rule adopted by the department. Age Limit: 60 days or less. (Trad safe haven law 1 year or less.) State Appropriations: $50,000, or so much of the sum as may be necessary, to the department of health and human services for the purpose of purchasing, installing, and testing newborn safety devices, and implementing a public awareness campaign to provide information regarding newborn safety devices to the public, medical providers, law enforcement, and social service agencies, for the biennium beginning July 1, 2025, and ending June 30, 2027. ICWA Protections: Yes: When the baby has known tribal affiliation, the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) applies and the affiliated tribe will be notified and may have jurisdiction there are no suitable or willing relatives to adopt the baby, the social service agency will look for another permanent family. OBC Access: No/Restrictive. Available to adoptee by court ; order; release of identifying information through agencies by mutual consent HOUSE AMENDMENT: Increased appropriation from $50,000 to $100,000. HOUSE AMENDMENT: Strike all appropriations from bill. SENATE AMENDMENT: Added $50,000 funding to pay for 2 boxes as a “pilot project.” Sponsor: Rep Dawson Holle (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. Christian Adoption Services, North Dakota Family Alliance, North Dakota Righto Life, North Dakota Catholic Conference; Nestled in Postpartum, various SH baby adopters (go to ND State Page for links to their testimony) Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB2901 Summary: Amends the Oregon Safe Haven law to authorize installation of “newborn safety devices located at hospitals, doctor’s offices, birthing clinic, police stations, and fire station staffed 24/7 an agent, employee, physician, or other medical professional. Age Limit: 60 days or younger. State Appropriations: No. ICWA: Protections: unknown (checking on it. ) OBC Access: Yes, without restrictions or conditions. Also, most court files are available to adoptee upon request. Sponsor: Rep E. Werner Reschke,R) Rep Emily McIntire (R), Rep Bobby Levy (R), Rep Jami Cate (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc, National Safe Haven Action Coalition, Hospital Association of Oregon, Mercy Flights, Oregon Sheriff’s Association, Oregon State Fire Fighters Association Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB3113 Summary: Amends the South Carolina Safe Haven law to authorize installation of “newborn safety devices located at fire stations, hospitals, law enforcement agencies. Adds 911 option to call for anonymous pick-up. Age Limit: 60 days or less. State Appropriation: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Restricted. Court order only. Sponsor: Rep Chandra Dillard (D) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. South Dakota Right to Life (will pay for bill boards and other material) Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: SB331 Legislative Page: Companion to HB 3131 (above) Sponsor: Sen Brian Adams (R) Actions: HB368 Summary: Authorizes state education program for students 9-12 grades on Tennessee state haven. law. SHBB Inc and baby abandonment boxes not mentioned in bill but no doubt included. Senate seems to be tasking lead. Identical bill in Senate. Sponsor: Rep Tom Stinnett (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes (assumed) Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: _________ SB 319 Summary: Identical to HB 368 (above) Senate seems to taking lead. Sponsor: Sen Becky Massey (R) Support and Oppose: Same as above Actions: SB57 Summary: Permits certain facilities to utilize “newborn safety device to facilitate a safe haven “relinquishment;” modifies locations for SH drop-offs. ( 24/7 fire stations, hospitals, fire stations, law enforcement facilities, and medical service providers. Age Limit: 30 days or less. State Appropriations: No. . ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No/Restrictive. Sub Bill, February 7, 2025: Strikes out all baby abandonment box language and instead seeks appropriation of $104.000 for the general fund to support state advertising and educational costs. Fiscal note here. (Link remains for original bill on the page.) Utah Pro-Life reports that there is a move in the Senate to remove the baby box section from the bill. Sponsor: Sen David P Hinkins (R) Support: SHBB Inc, Utah Pro-Life Known support for Sub Bill: Utah Newborn Safe Haven Advisory Board Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB 2125 Summary: Amends West Virginia abandoned baby box law to allow boxes to be installed at 24/7 911 centers and ambulance stations. Age Limit: 30 days of age of less. State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No. Sponsor: Del Rick Hillenbrand (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions SB 8 Summary: Companion bill to HB 2125 (above). SENATE AMENDMENT: Added emergency medical service facilities, police stations, 911 call centers, and sheriff’s detachment to installation locations. Sponsor: Sen Darren Throne (R) Actions HB 1058 Summary: Amends Idaho’s SH/SHBB law to require the health and welfare department to transfer custody and care over to an approved adoption agency for placement with adoptive parents within 24 hours of the drop-off unless infant is required to stay in the hospital for treatment. Considered “emergency legislation.” (!) If there is a belief or knowledge that child is Indian, the agency must immediately send an ICWA notice to the tribe it belongs to, any tribe, or BIA. Age Limit: State Appropriations: No ICWA Protections: Yes. OBC Access. No. Sponsor: Senate Health and Welfare Committee Support: Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents Actions: HB1044 Summary: Amends South Dakota’s Safe Haven Law to authorize installation of “newborn safety devices” located at emergency services providers or a licensed child placement agencies staffed 24/7. Named the Baby Gabriel Act (after Baby Gabriel Jame Doe. )Age Limit: 60 days old of less. Government Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: Yes, “when applicable. OBC Access: Yes, with no restrictions or conditions. Sponsor: Bethany Soye (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. South Dakota Right to Life, Sioux City Right to Life, Millenium Recycling Center, Concerned Women for American, Family Voices Action, South Dakota Catholic Conference, Protect South Dakota Kids. Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: HB 1257 Summary: Amends the Colorado Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at hospitals, community clinics, and ERs requires yearly report of use of SH/SHBB be submitted to General Assembly. Does not require all school systems to provide sex education, but those that do must provide “comprehensive sexual education.” Raises age limit from 3 days to 60 days. Age Limit: 3 days or less. State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Sponsor: Rep Rebecca Keltie (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc, Colorado Safe Haven for Newborns, Oppose Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents. Parents’ Counsel, Adoptees Unfiltered, Coalition for Truth and Transparency in Adoption, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (*COLOR) Elephant Circle Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) – testimony Actions: HB 350 Amends Georgia Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes; incudes requirements and specs for boxes; authorizes ambulance services to accept physical custody of newborns Same bill failed to meet cross-over deadline last session. Age Limit: 30 days or less. State Appropriations: No. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: No (clean bill pending; March 6, 2025: passed Senate) Sponsor: Rep Mike Cameron (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Bringing Newborn Safety Devices to Georgia Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents. Actions: SB 360 Summary: 4th attempt. Amends the New Mexico Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at fire stations, hospitals and clinics. Cleans up language of current law. Age Limit: 90 days or less. State Appropriations: No, but, but grant money was previously set aside by governor to help fund 1 box in each county. ICWA Protections: Yes. OBC Access: No. February 27, 2025: Reportedly an amendment is afoot to write due diligence into the bill which means that if the identity of a parent is known, the appropriate agency will attempt to locate parent and family. SHBB Inc says on sociua media that it will oppose the bill if the amendment is added because nobody would ever use SH/SHBB. Sponsor: Sen Michael Padlla (D), Sen David M Gallegos (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc, New Mexico Family Movement Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bold Futures New Mexico, New Mexico ACLU, Coalition to Prevent Violene Against Native Women Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition, Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics Actions: ____________ SB499 Summary: Amends New Mexico safe haven law to authorize use of baby abandonment boxes; secures right to not answer any questions at drop-off-location; codifies “surrender procedures at locations; prohibits Youth U& Family Services, unless there is suspected infant abuse or neglect, from following due diligence in locating parent(s) or family members. Incudes this language: It shall be deemed to not be in the infant’s best interest to reunify the infant with the infant’s parents, grandparents or relatives unless the children, youth and families department is contacted within ninety days of relinquishing the infant to a safe haven site or in a safe haven baby box by the parent of the infant. Sponsor: Sen David M Gallegos (R) Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Bold Futures New Mexico, New Mexico ACLU, Coalition to Prevent Violene Against Native Women, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition, Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics Actions: HB78 Summary: The department of family services shall establish and administer a grant program of $300,000 for the purpose of providing grants for safe haven providers to purchase newborn safety devices. The safe haven providers that receive grants under this act shall manage the newborn safety devices. Each safe haven provider shall receive not more than one (1) grant and one (1) newborn safety device Appropriation shall be for the period beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026. Legislature adjourns March 8, 2025. Age Limit: 60 days or more. State Appropriation: $300m,000–possibly more. ICWA Protections: Yes. The safe haven providerhall, after informing the parent or the parent’s designee that no information is required to be given, ask the parent or the parent’s designee whether the child has any tribal affiliation or Native American ancestry, and request relevant information to determine the child’s tribe. The safe haven provider shall not require that any information be given or the person relinquishing express an intent for return of the child. OBC Access: Restricted. Court only order From the Fiscal Note: The DFS assumes the demand for these devices may exceed the appropriation, Sponsor: Rep.Rachel Rodriguez-Williams (R) Support: SHBB Inc, Wyoming Freedom Caucus Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition Actions: Updated: March 20, 2025
HB 6549 Legislative Page )
• Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
• Now in Health Care Facilities & Systems Subcommittee
Dead/Carried Over
estimating there are approximately 152 potential safe haven sites across Wyoming
and newborn safety devices cost an estimated $15,000 with up to $7,000 in additional
expenses, for initial costs of $22,000 per device. The DFS indicates an annual
upkeep cost of $500 per device. The DFS estimates the appropriation would fund
approximately 13 devices, if each device costs $22,000, totaling $286,000.