Legislation related to safe haven baby boxes in the United States, updated regularly. Bill descriptions and map are for prior 2022-2023 state legislative sessions. The current legislative map is here.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia have enacted Safe Haven laws. The bills below involve proposed amendments to those laws, typically to add baby boxes to existing law. Updated as of December 9, 2023.

US Legislation 2023
KEY: Active • Enacted • Dead/Limbo
Jump to: Alabama | Arkansas | Florida | Indiana | Iowa| Kansas | Maine | Mississippi | Montana | New Jersey | New Mexico | Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | Tennessee | Texas| Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin
HB473 Legislative Page (Link does not go directly to bill page. Must use bill search)
Summary: Amends state Safe Haven law to include use of “newborn safety devices”
Sponsor: Rep Donna Givens
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Kids to Love
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance.
- May 16, 2023: Introduced; 1st reading; Referred to House Children and Senior Advocacy Committee
- May 23, 2023: Reported favorably out of committee. 2nd reading in House
- May 25, 2023: Passed House 100-0-3; Forwarded to Senate, 1st and 2nd readings
- May 31, 2023: Third reading; Passed 31-0
- Week of June 11,2023: Signed by Governor
Summary of HB 1098: Clarifies current Arkansas Safe Haven/Safe Haven Box law. Permits an unstaffed volunteer fire station that has a dual alarm system that will dispatch the nearest first responder affiliated with the fire department to retrieve a child voluntarily delivered to the fire department in the event that all first responders affiliated with the fire department are dispatched for a separate emergency/
Sponsor: Rep. Julie Mayberry and others
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance
- January 9, 2023: Filed. Read 1st time; rules suspended, read 2nd time and referred to the House Judiciary Committee
- January 19, 2023: Hearing in House Judiciary Committee; Vote DO PASS
- January 24, 2023: House Vote: Passed 98-0-2 (no-vote); Sent to Senate; Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee; 1sat and 2nd reading; Referred to Senate Judiciary Cmmittee
- February 8, 2023: Senate Judiciary Committee votes Do Pass
- February 9, 2023: Senate Vote: Passed 34-0
- February 9, 2023: Transmitted to Governor
- February 14, 2023: Signed. Now Act 68
Summary: This is the tightest bill I have seen filed in any state and represents most of the gripes that SHBB, Inc .has about current laws. Amends the Florida Safe Haven law to allow newborn safety devices (baby boxes) to be installed at state-approved locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 30 days of age (increased from current 3 days). Allows 911 emergency pick-up for traditional SH plans. Allows parents to evoke “safe haven status” (even when their identity is known) after hospital births, (may already be common in practice but not in law), and their names will not appear on the birth certificate. Despite no such investigations occurring, prohibits criminal investigation of parents who use a traditional SH plan or a baby box except if abuse or neglect is suspected. Requires baby box fire stations to be staffed 24 hours a day, but if the entire station is out on a run and empty, a dual alarm must be in place to dispatch the nearest first responder to that location to retrieve baby. Since 2018 attempts to pass similar bills have failed, though they had much support. Go to our Florida page for an archive of legislation and news stories. This bill represents the moral panic SHBB, Inc. has created around infant abandonment.
Sponsor: Rep Jennifer Canady, Sen Colleen Burton
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance. A Safe Haven for Newborns
Actions: H899:
- February 16, 2023: Filed
- February 28, 2023: Referred to House Health Regulation Subcommittee (now); Health and Human Services Committee
- March 7, 2023 : 1st reading in House Health Regulation Subcommittee
- March 9, 2023: House Regulation Subcommittee votes out favorably; now in Health and Human Services Committee
- March 17, 2023: Voted favorable out of House Health and Human Services Committee
- March 20, 2023: 2st reading in House
- March 21 2023: 2nd reading; Referred to House Calendar
- March 23, 2023: Added to Special Order Calendar (March 30)
- March 30 2023: 2nd reading
- March 31, 2023: 3rd reading; Referred to House Rules Committee
- April 3, 2023: Received in Senate
- May 4, 2023: Dead. Sine Die. (Will probably be refiled next session)
Actions: S870:
- February 16, 2023: Filed
- February 23, 2023: Referred to Health Policy; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee; Rules Committee
- March 6, 2023: Senate Health Policy Committee hearing ; Voted out favorably 7-3
- March 7, 2023: Now in Senate Children, Families, and Elder Affairs Committee
- March 20, 2023: Voted out of Senate Children Families and Elder Affairs Committee 5-3
- March 23, 2023: Forwarded to Senate Rules Committee; Sen Book refuses to give bill a hearing
- May 4, 2023: Dead. SIne Die
Summary of SB 345: Defines “safe haven infant.” Allows the emergency medical services provider to notify either the department of child services (department) or a licensed child placing agency to take custody of a safe haven infant. Provides distinct procedures for termination of parent-child relationship involving a safe haven infant. Requires the department’s attorney or a licensed child placing agency to file a petition to terminate the parent-child relationship not later than 15 days after taking custody of the safe haven infant. Requires a licensed child placing agency to place the safe haven infant with a pre-approved foster care provider who intends to adopt. Provides that both parents’ consent to termination of the parent-child relationship is irrevocably implied without further court action if, after at least 28 days, neither parent petitioned the court for custody. Provides that notice is not required for safe haven infants. Prohibits the court from inquiring about the reason for the parents’ absence. Adds safe haven infants to the list of exceptions to required preservation and reunification efforts. February 16, 2023: Amendments added in Senate Judiciary Committee regarding notice and “cap” on adoption costs.
Sponsor: Sen. Travis Holdman
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 12, 2023: 1st reading; referred to Committee of the Judiciary
- February 1, 2023: Hearing in Committee of the Judiciary. Not heard due to too many problems with it. Needs to be re-worked.
- February 15, 2023: Senate Judiciary Committee votes Do Pass with amendments
- February 20. 2023: 2nd reading; minor amendment added.
- February 21, 2023: Senate vote: 46-0. Ordered engrossed
- February 22, 2023: Referred to the House
- February 27, 2023: Referred to House Judiciary Committee
- March 8, 2023: Hearing in House Judiciary March 15, 2023: Held over for next meeting
- March 15, 2023: Pass favorable out of House Judiciary Committee 11-0
- March 22, 2023: Voted out of House 81-14
- March 23 2023: Sent to Senate with amendments
- April 3, 2023: Motion to concur filed
- April 3, 2023: Senate concurred 48-0
- April 20, 20232: Signed by Governor
HF425 Legislative Page (Renumbered from HSB136)
Summary of HF425: Amends the Iowa Safe Haven law to allow a “newborn safety device” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved Safe Haven locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 90 days of age.
Sponsor: House Committee on Health and Human Services
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance
- February 7, 2023: Introduced, Referred to House Health and Human Services Committee
- February 8, 2023: House subcommittee votes Do Pass
- February 21, 2023: House Committee on Health and Human Services recommends Do Pass
- February 22, 2023: Committee report approves bill; renumbered to HF425
- March 9, 2023: Passed House, 96-0
- March 15, 2023: Senate subcommittee recommends passage
- March 30, 2023: Senate committee recommends passage
- April 6, 2023: Placed on calendar under unfinished business
- April 24, 2023: Passed Senate 47-2
- May 9, 2023: Sent to Governor
- June 1, 2023: Signed by Governor
HB 2024 Summary: Amends the Kansas Safe Haven law to allow an “infant refuge bassinet” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 90 days of age. February 17, 2023: Amendments passed: includes gag order on SHBB Inc prohibiting it (and others) from disclosing any information about drop-offs and cases. The way this reads it appears that the receiving facility would also be barred from contacting SHBB Inc .
Sponsor: Joint Committee on Child Welfare System Oversight
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance
- January 12, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care
- January 23, 2023: Hearing held in Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care. Testimony heard, but no vote taken. See Kansas Page for links to hearing.
- February 1, 2023: Committee on Child Welfare and Foster Care recommends favorably out of committee with amendments. (Minor language, and addition of ICWA protections)
- February 8, 2023: Re-referred to Commitee on Child Welfare and Foster care
- February 17, 2023: Committee on Child Welfare and Fostercare votes Do Pass with amendments.
- February 21, 2023: Committee of the Whole votes Do Pass with amendments
- February 23, 2023: Passed by House, 94-30
- March 1, 2023: Received in Senate; Referred to Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee
- March 13, 2023: Hearing scheduled in Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee
- March 14, 2023: Passed favorable out of Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee
- March 29. 2023: Passed as amended by Senate, 35-5
- April 3, 2023: Non-concurred with amendments; House conference committee appointed
- April 6, 2023: Senate conference committee appointed
- April 6, 2023: House adopts the Conference Committee Report; Yea: 116 Nay: 0
- April 6, 2023: Senate adopts the Conference Committee; Yea: 36 Nay: 1
- April 24, 2023: Signed by the Governor
LD530 Summary: Repeals the rule-making requirement for the provision of law regarding the safe design, installation and use of safe haven baby boxes. This is an attempt to rush the installation of SHBB without the rule-making provisions mandated to the state by current law. We will see more of this as state child and family service agencies do not write mandated rules fast enough to suit SHBB Inc. We just found this bill and were unable to submit testimony
Sponsor: Rep Bruce White
Support: Catholic Diocese of Portland
Oppose: Bastard Nation, SSHBBN, ACLU of MaineMaine . Office of Child and Family Services; Maine Family Planning remains neutral, but submitted pretty oppositional testimony. Go here to read all testimony.
- February 9, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Judiciary Committee
- March 2, 2023: Public hearing
- March 9, 2023: Vote; divided report ;not reported out
- March 30, 2023: Carried over, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 594.
- June 14, 2023: Tabled pending acceptance of either report
- June 15, 16, 2023: Unfinished business
- June 20, 2023: House voted Do Not Pass 73-72
- June 21, 2023: Senate voted Do Not Pass 22-12; Dead
SB 627 Summary: Amends state safe haven law to include use of “newborn safety devices. Box sites must be open 24/7; Dept. of Health and Human Service. required to post location of boxes on its website. Infants will be turned over to private child placing agencies for adoption placement, Information regarding the surrender shall be accessible to child placing agency:
(i) The known date and time of surrender of the newborn.
(ii) The address of the location of surrender of the newborn.
(iii) Name and contact information.
(iv) Family medical information.
(v) Whether or not the information provided may be shared with
the child and prospective adoptive parent.
SB 629 introduced at the same time only adds baby boxes to the current safe haven law.
Sponsor: Sen. Jon Bumstead, Sen Rick Outman, Sen John Damoose, Sen Mark, Huizenga,
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees.
- November 1, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety; ; Reassigned to Committee on Housing and Human Services
HB1318 Summary: Authorizes installation of “newborn safety devices” sponsored by emergency service providers; authorizes any city or county to sponsor a device as long as it meets state law requirements. Amends state law to provide that any church licensed with the Department of Child Protection Services to receive children under the law be considered an emergency service provider. Increases age that age a baby can be safe havened from 72 hours to 90 days. March 7 2023: Bill amended to include major notice protections.
Sponsor: Rep. Jill Ford
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, National Safe Haven Alliance, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 16, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Judiciary Committee A
- January 31, 2023: Reported as Do Pass from Committee
- February 2, 2023: Passed in Committee
- February 3, 2023; Motion to Reconsider entered
- February 7, 2023: Amended. House vote: 116-0. Changed age from 90 days to 45 days; added designated dumper language
- February 9, 2023: Transmitted to Senate
- February 13, 2023: Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee A
- February 28, 2023: Senate Judiciary Committee A voted Do Pass
- March 7, 2023: Amended . Passed 1.
- March 13, 2023: Sent for concurrence
- March 14, 2023: Declined concurrence
- March 31, 2023: Conference report adopted in both Houses.
- April 5, 2023: Enrolled and transmitted to Governor
- April 19, 2023: SIgned by Govenor
Summary of SB2377: Similar to SB 2386. Provides a clear path to permanency for children in custody of the Department of Child Protection Services. Adds new section to Mississippi Code 1972. Authorizes installation of baby boxes (“newborn safety devices” at emergency medical services provider locations. Increases the age babies can be safe havened from 72 hours to 60 days. Appears to clarify or tighten Safe Haven procedures. Defines “emergency services: “a” licensed hospital, as defined in Section 41-9-3, which operates an emergency department, an adoption agency duly licensed by the Department of Human Services, or fire station or mobile ambulance staffed with full-time firefighters, emergency medical technicians or paramedics. “Emergency medical services provider” does not include the offices, clinics, surgeries or treatment facilities of private physicians or dentists. “Emergency medical services provider” does not include any individual licensed healthcare provider, including physicians, dentists, nurses, physician assistants or other health professionals under this article unless such individual voluntarily assumes responsibility for the custody of the child.
Sponsor: Sen Nicole Boyd
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, National Safe Haven Alliance, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 16, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee A
- January 31, 2023: Reported as Do Pass from Committee
- February 8, 2023: Passed as amended
- February 14, 2023: Transmitted to House ;Referred to House Judiciary Committee A
- February 28, 2023: Died in committee
Summary of HB2386: Similar to SB 2386. Adds new section to Mississippi Code 1972. Authorizes installation of baby boxes (“newborn safety devices” at emergency medical services provider locations. Increases the age babies can be safe havened from 72 hours to 60 days. Appears to clarify or tighten Safe Haven procedures. Defines “emergency services: “a” licensed hospital, as defined in Section 41-9-3, which operates an emergency department, an adoption agency duly licensed by the Department of Human Services, or fire station or mobile ambulance staffed with full-time firefighters, emergency medical technicians or paramedics. “Emergency medical services provider” does not include the offices, clinics, surgeries or treatment facilities of private physicians or dentists. “Emergency medical services provider” does not include any individual licensed healthcare provider, including physicians, dentists, nurses, physician assistants or other health professionals under this article unless such individual voluntarily assumes responsibility for the custody of the child.
Sponsor: Sen Nicole Boyd
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, National Safe Haven Alliance, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 16, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Judiciary Committee A
- January 31, 2023: Failed to meet hearing deadline. Dead
HB 200 Summary: Revises the Montana Safe Haven Law to allow a “newborn safety device” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations for anonymous relinquishment by a parent. Also allows for a 911 emergency call pick-up by designated service providers.
Sponsor: Rep. Sherry, Essman
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, National Safe Haven Alliance, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 6, 2023: Introduced
- January 9, 2023: Referred to House Human Services Committee
- January 13, 2023: 1st hearing
- January 20, 2022: Committee Executive Action: Pass 19-2
- January 27, 2023: Passed House 77-23
- January 30, 2023: Referred to Senate Health, Welfare, and Safety Committee; 1st reading
- February 15, 2023: Senate Public Health, Welfare, and Safety Committee votes Do Pass, 9-0
- March 20, 2023: Bill concurred; 2nd reading
- March 21, 2023: 3rd reading; Passed 33-16
- March 22, 2023: Returned to House
- April 19, 2023: Signed by Governor
New Jersey
A 2671 Summary: Back again! Requires newly constructed police stations, fire stations, and hospitals to provide a “newborn safety device.” Allows affirmative defense to prosecution for abandonment if parents leave child in baby box. Carry-over from 2022
Sponsor(s): Assb. Gabriela Mosqauera
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes
- February 14, 2022: Introduced; Referred to Assembly Women and Children Committee
New Mexico
SB311 Legislative Page | HB327 Legislative Page
Summary of SB311: Authorizes installation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, with very specific requirements for installation, operation, monitoring, safety procedures, etc. Includes protections under the Indian Family Protection Act. Allows for first responders to pick up infants at an agreed-upon location that is not a SH site. Eliminates 90-day age limit for SH cases and replaces “age” “with “infant.” Allocates $70,000 for advertising of SH locations within each country. Last year the state allocated $333,000 in grant money to help counties finance a box for each county. One box has already been installed in the state and several more are pending. Companion: HB327
Sponsor: Sen David M. Gallegos, Rep. Stefani Lord
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Actions SB311
- February 1, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- February 20, 2023: Hearing in Senate Judiciary Committee; no action; bill will be reworked and perhaps baby boxes written out of it.
- March 18, 2023 Dead. Sine Die
Actions HB327
- February 6, 2023: Introduced; Referred to House Health Committee
- March 18, 2023 Dead. Sine Die
Summary of HB109: This is a Safe Haven Baby Boxes instituted bill, and a first step for turning Ohio into Indiana. It authorizes understaffed and unstaffed facilities to install baby boxes as long as a box triggers a 911 call. This is hard to find in the bill (page 22):
An alternate peace officer, peace officer support employee, hospital employee, or emergency medical service worker is dispatched by a secondary alarm that triggers a 9-1-1 call, in accordance with division (A)(1)(f) of section 2151.3532 of the Revised Code, when either of the following is the case: (followed by explanation)
Sponsor: Rep Jean Schmidt, Rep Adam Matthews
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
OpposeL Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes, National Safe Haven Alliance
- March 14, 29023: Introduced in House
- March 22, 2023: Referred to House Public Health Policy Committee
- At some point language from bill was moved to HB33 Operation Appropriations bill, passed, and signed by the governor on July 4, 2023.
Summary of HB 1047: Increases the age that an infant can be delivered to a safe haven location or placed in a “newborn safety device” (baby box) at a location from 30 days to 60 days.
Sponsor: Rep. Mark Lawson
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
- January 11, 2023: Introduced
- February 6, 2023: 1st and 2nd reading; Referred to House Rules Committee.
- March 23, 2023: Failed to meet committee deadline. Dead.
SB267 Summary: We just found this bill. Adds Urgent Care facilities to authorized traditional Safe Haven drop-off points; adds Urgent Care facilities to baby box locations as long as a 911 alarm system is in place.
Support: For some reason Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc is complaining about this bill even though it supports similar bills in other states.
Sponsor: Sen Michele Brooks et al
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance
- January 31, 2023: Introduced
- April 24, 2023: 3rd reading; Passed 50-0; Sent to House
- April 25, 2023: Referred to House Judiciary Committee
HB 164 Legislative Page | SB0534 Legislative Page
Summary of HB 164/SB534: Identical Bills. Requires the Department of Children’s Services to designate an authorized nonprofit licensed child-placing agency to assume physical care, custody, and control of an infant voluntarily left at certain facilities or in a newborn safety device; specifies that a court may waive the six-month waiting period after the filing of an adoption petition if the child was voluntarily left at certain facilities or in a newborn safety device and certain other circumstances have been met.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Butler, Sen Ferrell Haile
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
Actions HB164:
- January 13, 2023: Filed for introduction
- January 20, 2023: Introduced
- January 24, 2023: Assigned to Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee #2
- March 7, 2023: Hearing scheduled in Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
- March 14, 2023: Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
- April 3, 2023: Passed House 92-3
- April 6, 2023: Passed Senate 29-1
- April 18, 2023: Transmitted to the Governor
- April 28, 2023: Signed by Governor
Actions SB534
- January 26, 2023: FIled
- January 26, 2023: Introduced; Passed on 1st consideration
- January 31, 2023: Passed 2nd consideration; Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- March 13, 2023: Senate Judiciary calendar
- March 17, 2023: Senate Judiciary Committee recommends passage 6-0
HB2010 Legislative Page | SB780 Legislative Page
Summary of HB2010: Amends the Texas Baby Moses law to allow “newborn safety devices” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations Baby Moses/Safe Haven locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 60 days of age. SB780 is the companion bill. RERp Ramos offers amendment for SB 780 that deleted baby box language, but it’s defeated.
Sponsors: Rep. Cole Hefner, Sen. Bryan Hughes
Support: Texas Faith and Freedom Coalition
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now.
Actions: HB2010
- February 7, 2023: Filed
- March 8, 2023: Referred to House Human Services Committee
- April 4, 2023: Pubic hearing in House Human Services Committee (vote pending)
- March 20, 2023: Received SB870 from the Senate
- April 3, 2023: Referred to Human Services Committee
- April 4, 2023: Heard in House Human Services Committee and left pending
Actions: SB780:
- February 8, 2023: Filed, in Senate
- March 1, 2023: 1st reading; Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee
- March 8, 2023: Public hearing Senate Health and Human Services Committee; Pending
- March 13, 2023: Reported favorably
- March 16, 2023: Senate passes 30-0
- March 20, 2023: Received at House
- April 3, 2023: Referred to House Human Services Committee
- April 18, 2023: : Reported favorably out of Human Services Committee
- May 15, 2023: 2nd and 3rd readings; Ramos amendment failed; Bill passed 125-14-1
- May 22, 2023: Sent to Governor
- June 18, 2023: Signed by Governor. Effective September 1, 2023
HB 4533 Legislative Page |SB2343 Legislative Page
Summary of HB 4533: Amends the Texas Baby Moses law to allow “newborn safety devices” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations Baby Moses/Safe Haven locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 60 days of age. Similar to HB2010/SB780 but (requires SH locations “if possible” to add a webpage to their website with a form for parents to fill out regarding the baby’s history and medical facts, and (2) requires the state to publish an annual report that includes the number of children voluntarily left at designed care providers, the general locations of the designed care providers who took possession; and the method by which possession was taken. SB2343 is the companion bill.
Sponsors: Rep Trey Martinez Fischer; Sen Jose Menendez
Support: Texas Faith and Freedom Coalition (?)
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Actions: HB4533
- March 9, 2023: Filed
- March 22, 2023: 1st Reading; Referred to House Human Services Committee
Actions SB2343:
- March 23, 2023: Filed
- March 23, 2023: 1st reading; Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee
Summary of HB 2291: Establishes protocols for the placement of infants who are left in “newborn safety devices” or who are left with any personnel of a hospital or emergency medical services agency. Among protocols, the bill directs local boards of social services to contact licensed child-placing agencies from a rotating list maintained by the local board to take custody of the infant. The bill also describes the requirements for licensed child-placing agencies to be placed on the rotating list maintained by the local board of social services.
Sponsor: Delegate Emily Brewer
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees., Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
- January 15, 2023: Prefiled; referral pending
- January 11, 2023 : Referred to House Courts of Laws Committee
- January 20, 2023: Referred to Courts Subcommittee #2
- January 25, 2023: Hearing scheduled in Courts Subcommittee #2
- January 25, 2023: Subcommittee recommends being laid on the table
- February 7, 2023: Failed to meet deadline for crossover. Left in Courts of Justice.
- February 25, 2023: Sine die. Dead.
Summary of HB 1888: Amends Washington Safe Haven Law to (1) expand age limit from 72 hours to 31 days of age; (2) allow the use of baby boxeds; (3) requires annual public report on cases. Although SHBB brags that the boxes are not funded by opubuic money, the bill requires he following:
The department shall provide grant funding for at least three newborn transfer locations to install, maintain, and provide outreach regarding newborn safety devices. One of the newborn transfer locations provided funding under this subsection must be located in Indian country. The grant funding under this subsection must be provided to newborn transfer locations in populous areas in the following locations: (i) Central Washington; (ii) East of the crest of the Cascade mountain range; and (iii) West of the crest of the Cascade mountain range.
Sponsor: Rep Gina Mosbrucker, Rep Lauren Davis
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees., Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
December 6, 2023: Pre-filed for introduction
West Virginia
Summary of HB 3559: Poorly written, barebones bill that amends the West Virginia Safe Haven law to allow a “newborn safety device” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations for the anonymous relinquishment of infants up to 30 days of age.
Sponsor: Rep Steve Westfall
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees., Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
- February 24, 2023: Introduced by House Judiciary Committee in Committee; Votged Do Pass; Sent to House Floor
- February 25, 2023: Placed on House Special Calendar
- February 27, 2023: 2nd reading in House; amended
- February 28, 2023: Placed on Special Calendar; Passed House 90-5. Communicated to Senate
- March 1, 2023: Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- March 7, 2023: 1st reading
- March 8, 2023: 2nd reading; Voted Do Pass
- March 9, 2023: 3rd reading; Passed Senate with amendment; Asks House to concur
- March 11, 2023: Passed
- March 28, 2023: Approved by Governor
SB369 Legislative Page | SB369 Legislative Page
Summary of SB369: Expands the state’s current Safe Haven law to permit municipalities to install baby boxes at hospitals, fire stations, and law enforcement agency buildings. Companion to AB369.
Sponsor: Rep Ellen Schutt; Sen Joan Ballweg
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. Edgerton Fire/EMS, Edgerton Hospital and Health Services, Wisconsin Right to Life, Wisconsin Catholic Council, Wisconsin Family Action,
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees., Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, National Safe Haven Alliance
Other: Ho-Chunk Nation submitted an informational letter that raised serious concerns regarding SH/SHBB and ICWA; l urged bill be amended to include tribal protections (which it did not) but did not oppose bill.
Actions on SB369
- July 20, 2023: Introduced; 1st reading; Referred to House Mental Health, Substance Abuse Prevention and Children and Families Committee
- October 11, 2023: Committee vote: Passed 5-0;
- October 17, 2023: Senate vote: Passed; Received in House
- October 19, 2023: Referred to House Rules Committee
- November 14, 2023: Passed House
- December 6, 2023: Signed by Governor
Actions on AB369
- July 27, 2023: Introduced; 1st Reading; Referred to House Commitee on Children and Families
- October 11, 2023: Passed House Committee on Children and Families 5-0
- November 14, 2023: Passed Senate
- December 6, 2023: Signed by Governor
Last updated: December 8, 2023