Current legislation related to safe haven baby boxes in the United States. Carry-over dates listed when applicable.
Bill descriptions and map are for 2024 state legislative sessions. Prior legislative bill analyses include the 2023 and 2022 sessions. Analysis of traditional Safe Haven legislation (not baby boxes) is here.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia have enacted Safe Haven laws. The bills below involve
proposed amendments to those laws, typically to add baby boxes to existing law. Updated as of July 31, 2024.

US Legislation 2024
KEY: Active • Enacted • Dead/In Limbo
Active: Michigan | New Jersey | Pennsylvania
Dead/Carried Over: Colorado | Georgia | Indiana | Minnesota | Mississippi | Nebraska | New Mexico | South Carolina | Tennessee | Washington | Wyoming
Enacted: Idaho | Louisiana | Maryland | New Hampshire
SB 627 Summary: Carry-over from 2023. Amends Michigan’s safe haven law to include use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes/newborn safety devices. Box sites must be open 24/7; Department of Health and Human Services required to post location of boxes on its website. Infants will be turned over to private child placing agencies for adoption placement. Information regarding the surrender shall be accessible to child placing agency:
(i) The known date and time of surrender of the newborn.
(ii) The address of the location of surrender of the newborn.
(iii) Name and contact information.
(iv) Family medical information.
(v) Whether or not the information provided may be shared with
the child and prospective adoptive parent.
SB 629 is a tie-bar bill linked to SB627. Under Michigan’s legislative process, both bills must pass in order for each to be enacted. SB629 only adds baby boxes to current safe haven law.
Sponsors: Sen. Jon Bumstead, Sen Rick Outman, Sen John Damoose, Sen Mark Huizenga,
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Michigan Adoptee Rights Coalition, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents,
- November 1, 2023: Introduced; Referred to Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety; Reassigned to Committee on Housing and Human Services
HB5407 Summary: Amends Michigan’s safe haven law to authorize municipalities to install “baby drop boxes” in fire stations at their own expense.
Sponsor: Rep William Bruck
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
- January 23, 2024: Introduced
- January 24, 2024: Referred to House Families, Children, and Seniors Committee
New Jersey
A1181 Summary: This bill has been introduced the last few sessions of the legislature. Amends New Jersey safe haven law to authorize use of “newborn safety devices.” Requires newly constructed police stations, fire stations, and hospitals to provide “newborn safety device.” Eliminates requirement that facility be staffed 24/7 in order to qualify for an affirmative defense so long as the infant is left with with an adult employee or newborn safety device.
Sponsor: Rep Carol Murphy
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
- January 9, 2024: Introduced; Referred to Assembly Children, Family, and Food Security Committee
Dead/Carried Over
Summary of SB83: Authorizes a fire station, hospital, or community clinic emergency center (authorized facility) to install a newborn safety device on its premises for parents who voluntarily relinquish their child who is 72 hours old or younger. Facility that installs a newborn safety device is responsible for the cost of the installation and maintenance, shall ensure the dual alarm system is functioning, and shall make information available to the relinquishing parent. Fiscal Note: none. Held over to May 9, 2024. Dead.
Sponsor: Sen Jim Smallwood
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc., Colorado Catholic Conference, Colorado A Safe Haven for Newborns
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Soul 2 Soul Sisters, Elephant Circle, Coalition for Truth and Transparency in Adoption, Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)
- January 24, 2024: Introduced; Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee
- February 21, 2024: Referred to Senate Committee of the Whole
- February 23, 2024: 2nd reading; passed
- February 26, 2024: 3rd reading laid over
- February 27, 2024: motion to set aside 3rd passed voice vote. Dead
Summary of HB1030: Amend’s Georgia’ safe haven law to authorize the use of “newborn safety devices” and other changes in safe haven law.
Sponsor: Rep Clint Crowe, et al
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 24, 2024: Introduced
- January 25: 2024: 1st reading
- January 26, 2024: 2nd reading
- February 29, 2024: Failed to meet cross-over deadline, Dead.
Summary of SB60 is pending. We told them so! Walks back much of last year’s SB345, which authorized box providers to bypass the state and place babies directly with adoption agencies.
- requires the Indiana clearinghouse for information on missing children and missing endangered adults to cooperate with licensed child placing agencies for purposes of locating missing children.
- amends the definition of “safe haven infant” to provide that the term means any infant taken into custody by an emergency medical services provider under specified circumstances.
- Amends the definition of “abandoned infant” for purposes of juvenile law to provide that the term does not include a safe haven infant. Requires an emergency medical services provider who takes custody of a safe haven infant at a location other than a hospital to transport the safe haven infant to a hospital.
- Requires the department of child services (department) to do the following: (1) Create and maintain: (A) a means by which licensed child placing agencies may opt to receive notice of a safe haven infant having been taken into custody by an emergency medical services provider; and (B) a registry of licensed child placing agencies that have opted to receive notice. (2) Accurately track the number of safe haven infants taken into custody by emergency medical services providers. Requires a licensed child placing agency that assumes custody of a safe haven infant to immediately notify the department that the licensed child placing agency has assumed custody of the safe haven infant. Provides that if a licensed child placing agency assumes custody of a safe haven infant from an emergency medical services provider with which the licensed child placing agency, or an employee of the licensed child placing agency, has a financial relationship that could be construed as providing an incentive for the emergency medical services provider to give custody of the safe haven infant to the licensed child placing agency, the licensed child placing agency: (1) may not place the safe haven infant; and (2) shall, without unnecessary delay after taking custody of the safe haven infant, transfer custody of the safe haven infant to the department. Provides that if the department or a licensed child placing agency files a petition to terminate the parent-child relationship, the petition must be accompanied by an affidavit attesting to the existence of specified conditions. Specifies that notice to an unnamed or unknown putative parent regarding the surrender of a safe haven infant must be published only in Indiana counties. Makes technical corrections.
Sponsor: Sen Travis Holdman
Support: Conditional Support: (certain sections) Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes
- December 13, 2023: Pre-filed/Introduced
- January 8, 2024: 1st reading; Referred to Senate Family and Children’s Services Committee
- January 29, 2024: Hearing scheduled in Senate Family and Children’s Services Committee – Not heard
- February 7, 2024: Failed to meet legislative deadlines. Dead.
Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
HF3873 Legislative Page/SF4131 Legislative Page
HF3873/SF4131 Summary: Amends Minnesota Safe Haven laws to include use of “newborn safety devices” at hospitals, fire stations, and other locations with 24/7 staffing.
Sponsor: Rep PaulNovotny; Rep John Huot; Sen. John Hoffman
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
Actions on HF3873:
- February 15, 2024: Introduced; 1st reading’; referred to House Health Finance and Policy Committee
- March 22, 2024: Failed to receive a hearing in committee. Dead.
Actions on SF4131:
- February 22, 2024: Introduced and referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee
- March 22, 2024: Failed to receive a hearing in committee. Dead.
HB1678 Summary: Amends Mississippi’s current safe haven law—which already allows installation of baby boxes—to add an inspection and approval process for installation and use of the boxes, including random unannounced inspections throughout the year. The key provision mandates that baby boxes must be “[r]eported to, inspected by and approved by the State Department of Health before the baby safety device may be used by an emergency medical services provider. The location of any baby safety devices installed before July 1, 2024, must be reported to the department. The department shall make random unannounced inspections of baby safety devices throughout the year.” The bill also requires an information campaign to increase awareness of the safe haven law generally, thought it does not specifically mention baby boxes.
Sponsor: Rep. Missy McGee (R)
- February 19, 2024: Referred To House Public Health and Human Services
- February 29, 2024: Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
- March 8, 2024: Passed House Public Health and Human Services Committee
- March 11, 2024: Transmitted to Senate
- March 19, 2024: Referred to Senate Public Health and Welfare and Appropriations Committee
- March 27, 2024: DR – TSDP: PH To AP
- April 2, 2024: Died in Committee
LB876 Summary: Amends Nebraska’s safe haven law to include use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes/newborn safety devices by biological parent(s) or their authorized agent. Age of babies extended to 90 days. (1) Subject to available funding the state Department of Health and Human Services shall award grants to be used for the installation of a newborn safety device, but not for the purchase or ongoing operation of a box, unless the lack of funding jeopardizes the use of an installed box. The legislature will set aside $15,000 for this. (2) $50,000 will be appropriated for HHS for FY 2024-25 and $10,000 each year thereafter, to develop, implement, and maintain a public information program to inform the general public about the SH law. This includes an interactive website, distribution of educational literature including decals and placards, development of educational materials, training for EMTs, law enforcement, or any member of the public expressing an interest in such training. Fiscal Note: $65,000. ($15,00 grants to locations, 2023-24); $50,000 maintenance for 6 years.
NOTE: The Nebraska legislature is unicameral (only 1 house). All members are called Senators.
Sponsor: Sen. Rick Holdcroft
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc.; Voices for Children in Nebraska
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
Actions: Accidently nuked. Reconstruction pending
New Mexico
SB91 Summary: Allows persons to leave infants with first responders or in baby boxes (called First Responder Boxes) under certain conditions without criminal prosecution for abandonment or child abuse; allows installation of baby boxes. Bill brought in response to SHBB fear that people who SH/BB newborns could be prosecuted for child abandonment or abuse. If the governor calls a special session on”violent crime” later this year, Gallegos says he may introduce a bill then.
Sponsor: Sen David Gallegos
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 18, 2024: Introduced; Referred to SCC/SJC/SFC
- February 14, 2024: Dead. Sine Die
SB267 Summary: Carry-over from 2023. Adds Urgent Care facilities to authorized traditional Safe Haven drop-off points; adds Urgent Care facilities to baby box locations as long as a 911 alarm system is in place.
Sponsor: Sen. Michele Brooks et al.
Support: For some reason Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc is complaining about this bill even though it supports similar bills in other states.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- January 31, 2023: Introduced
- April 24, 2023: 3rd reading; Passed 50-0; Sent to House
- April 25, 2023: Referred to House Judiciary Committee
- After sitting around for 1 1/2 years bill was passed on October 23, 2024 and signed by governor on October 31, 2024
South Carolina
Summary of H4687 Amends South Carolina’s safe haven law to include the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes/newborn safety devices; adds 911 pick-up service to traditional SH laws. Contains no ICWA-type protections. (Carry-over Date: April 10, 2024)
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- December 14, 2023: Prefiled and Introduced; Referred to House Judiciary Committee
- January 9, 2024: 1st reading Referred to House Judiciary Committee
- April 10, 2024; Failed to secured hearing. Missed cross-over date. Carried over to 2025
SB1671 Legislative Page|HB2067 Legislative Page
Summary of SB1671/H2067: Requires each county to obtain and maintain a “newborn safety device.”
1) By December 31, 2024, DCS in consultation with local officials in each county, shall identify a location to install a newborn safety device in each county of this state. (2) By December 31, 2025, subject to specific appropriation of funds by the general assembly, the department shall issue funds to each county to pay for the installation of a newborn safety device. The funds issued to a county must only be used for installation and other costs associated with maintaining proper operation of the device. (3) No later than December 31, 2024, and no later than each December 31 thereafter of a year for which the general assembly makes a specific appropriation of funds, the department shall submit a report to the speaker of the senate, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the health and welfare committee of the senate, and the health committee of the House of Representatives, on the status of each county’s device. Fiscal note:
Sponsors: Sen Becky Massey; Rep Ed Butler
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
Actions for S1671
- January 10, 2024: Introduced; Passed on 1st consideration
- January 11, 2024: Passed on 2nd consideration
- February 21, 2024: Placed on Senate Judiciary Committee calendar for 2/27/2024
- February 27, 2024: Action deferred to March 5, 2024
- March 5, 2024: Senate Judiciary Committee recommends Do Pass, 9-‘0; Referred to Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee
- April 25, 2024. Dead Sine Die
Actions for HB2067
- January 24, 2024: Introduced
- January 30, 2024: Assigned to House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
- February 7, 2024: Placed on calendar of Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee for 2/13/2024
- February 14, 2024: Action deferred to hearing on 2/20/2024
- February 20, 2024: Recommended to full committee for passage (voice vote)
- February 21, 2024: Placed on calendar for Civil Justice Committee for February 28, 2024
- February 28, 2024: Civil Justice Committee recommends Do Pass; Referred to House Finance, Ways, and Means Committee
- March 6, 2024: House Finance, Ways and Means Committee calendar
- April 17. 2024: Taken off calendar
- April 25, 2024. Dead Sine Die
HB1888 Legislative Page | SB6224 Legislative Page
Summary of HB 1888/SB6224: Companion bills. Amends Washington Safe Haven Law to (1) expand age limit from 72 hours to 31 days of age; (2) allow the use of baby boxes; (3) requires annual public report on cases. Although SHBB brags that the boxes are not funded by public money, the bill requires the following:
The department shall provide grant funding for at least three newborn transfer locations to install, maintain, and provide outreach regarding newborn safety devices. One of the newborn transfer locations provided funding under this subsection must be located in Indian country. The grant funding under this subsection must be provided to newborn transfer locations in populous areas in the following locations: (i) Central Washington; (ii) East of the crest of the Cascade mountain range; and (iii) West of the crest of the Cascade mountain range.
Sponsor: Rep Gina Mosbrucker, Rep Lauren Davis. Sen Phil Fortunato
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees., Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now,
Actions: HB 1888
- December 6, 2023: Pre-filed for introduction
- January 8, 2024: 1st reading; referred to House Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning Committee
- February 6, 2024: Died without further action
Actions: SB6224
- January 15, 2024: 1st reading; Referred to Senate Human Services Committee
- February 6, 2024: Failed to meet legislative deadlines. Dead.
Summary of HB155: Wyoming has no SHBB law, but this bill authorizes the state to create a temporary grant program of $300,000 in taxpayer money for safe haven locations to “purchase” and mange a SHBB. Only one grant will be available for each location. Sponsors of the bill don’t seem to know that baby boxes are leased for 5 years, not purchased. The bill contains no standards for box construction, safety, or operation. Wyoming is a Dillon’s Law state and we will look in to how this impacts the bill. Fiscal note: $300,000 (location grants)
Sponsor: Rep Rachel Rodriguez-Wiliams
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- February 12, 2024: Introduced
- February 16, 2024: Failed to be accepted for introduction in the House. Dead
Summary of S1272: Amends Idaho’s safe haven law to authorize the use of “newborn safety devices” at hospitals, fire stations, law enforcement agencies,and medical service providers that are open 24/7. Facilities required to cover all costs. Fiscal note: none
Sponsor: Senate Health and Welfare Committee
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
- February 2, 2024: Introduced; 1st reading
- February 5, 2024: Referred to Senate Health and Welfare Committee
- February 9, 2024: Reported out of Senate Health and Welfare Committee with Do Pass recommendation; Filed for 2nd reading.
- February 12, 2024: 2nd second time; filed for 3rd reading
- February 21, 2024: 3rd reading; passed 34-0-1
- February 22, 2024: Filed in House; 1st reading; Referred to House Health and Welfare Committee
- February 29, 2024: Reported out of Committee with Do Pass Recommendation, Filed for 2nd reading
- March 13, 2024: 3rd reading, Passed House 68-0-2
- March 14, 2024: Delivered to Governor
- March 21, 2024: Signed by Governor. Effective July 1, 2024
Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Save Our Sisters, Nationa Association of Adoptees and Parents
HB891 Legislative Page | SB414 Legislative Page
SB414 Summary: Authorizes the installation of a baby box in any designated emergency care facility that is staffed continuously on a 24/7 basis 365 days a year. Current law limits box location to designated emergency care facilities that are physically located inside of a licensed hospital and has an emergency department that is open 24/7. Fiscal Note. Amendment: On page 1, at the end of line 17, insert “The employee who mans the newborn safety device shall be an emergency response provider, as defined in 6 U.S.C. 101, who is certified in neonatal resuscitation and pediatric advanced life support.”
Sponsor: Sen. Adam Bass
Suppprt: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now. Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
Actions on SB414
- March 26, 2024: Introduced
- March 27, 2024: 2nd reading; Referred to Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
- April 17, 2024: Reported with amendments.
- April 23, 2024: Amenments read and adopted Passed Senate 36-3.
- April 24, 2024: Received in House. Referred to House Health and Welfare Committee
- May 7, 2024: Passed favorable 13-0. Referred to Legislative Bureau
- May 8, 2024: Reported out without amendments
- May 9, 2024: Passed 3rd reading
- May 21, 2024: Passed Senate 91-0; Sent to House
- May 22, 2024: Passed House 35-0
- May 28, 2024:L Signed by Governor. Effective Date: August 1, 2024
HB891 Summary: Companion bill to SB414. Amendments in committee have also added requirements that a facility with a baby box must employ an individual at all times who is “certified in neonatal resuscitation”
Sponsor: Rep. Emily Chenevert
Support: Safe Have Baby Boxes Inc
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now
Actions on HB891
- April 2, 2024: Introduced
- April 3, 2024: Referred to Committee on Health and Welfare
- April 16, 2024: Reported from Committee with amendments (11-0)
- April 17, 2024: Passed to third reading
- April 18, 2024: Scheduled for floor debate on April 23, 2024
- Apri l 23,2024: Passed House vote 101-0. Sent to Senate. Received in Senate; 1st reading
- April 29, 2024: 2d reading. Referred to Senate Health and Welfare Committee
SB912 Legislative Page | SB873 Legislative Page |HB1323 Legislative Page
SB912 /SB873/HB1323Summary: Companion bills that amend Maryland’s safe haven law to authorize the use of “newborn safety devices;” increases age of eligible infants to 60 days; requires Secretary of Human Services to issue an annual report on the cost of the program and the number of infants surrendered under the SH law. (Carry-over Date: March 18, 2024)
Sponsor: Sen Mike McCay; Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. Rep Wiliam Wivell
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc., Maryland Family Institute, Maryland Right to Life, Unitarian-Universalist Environmental Justice Ministry.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now. Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
Actions SB912 & SB873
- February 2, 2024: Introduced; 1st reading; Referred to Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee
- February 7, 2024: Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee schedules hearing for February 29, 2024
- February 29, 2024: Hearing in Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee; no action taken
- March 11, 2024: SB912 withdrawn by sponsor;
- March 12,2024: SB873: 2nd reading;
- March 12, 2024: 2nd reading, reported favorable out of committee
- March 14, 2024: 3rd reading; Passed 45-0
- March 14, 2024: Transmitted to House Judiciary Committee; Referred to House Judiciary Committee
- April 8, 2024: Voted favorable in House Judiciary Committee; 2nd & 3rd reading, Passed: 135-0′ Sent to Governor
- April 25, 2024: Signed by Governor
Actions HB1323
- February 9, 2024: Introduced; 1st reading in House Judiciary Committee
- February 10, 2024: House Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for February 28, 2024
- February 28, 2024: Hearing in House Judiciary Committee; no action taken
- April 8, 2024: Favorably reported SB873 from Committee
- April 8, 2024: Passed Second and Third Reading, 135-0
- April 8, 2024: Returned to Senate
New Hampshire
HB1607 Summary: Short, poorly written bill amends New Hampshire’s safe haven law to include the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes/newborn safety devices by parents; extends age of infants to 61 days.
Sponsor: Rep Glenn Cordelli
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc.
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptees United, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now, Saving Our Sisters, National Association of Adoptees, and Parents, Michigan Adoption Rights Coalition
- January 3, 2023: Introduced; Referred to House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs (must be out of committee by March 21, 2024–all bills in NH receive hearings and a recommendation on passage by committees)
- February 7, 2024: Hearing scheduled in House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee. Testimony taken. No action taken.
- March 32, 2024: Introduced in Senate. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- March 28, 2024: Passed House with amendments, transmitted to Senate. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
- April 30, 2024: Hearing in Senate Judiciary Committee
- May 22, 2024: Senate Judiciary Committee vote “out to pass (3-2) with Amendment 2024S: Notwithstanding any rule of evidence or law to the contrary, evidence of a parent’s crime or wrongdoing obtained as a proximate result of the parent acting in accordance with this chapter shall be inadmissible in a criminal or civil trial against the parent.
- May 30, 2024: Senate and House concurred; Passed House Passed 185-174;
- July 26, 2024. Signed by the Governor, effective September 24, 2024
Updated: July 31, 2024