Legislation related to safe haven baby boxes in the United States, updated regularly. Bill descriptions and map are for prior 2021-2022 state legislative sessions. The current legislative map is here.

US Legislation
Jump to: Indiana | Kentucky | Michigan | New Jersey | New Mexico | Tennessee | Virginia
SB 185 Legislative Page | Legiscan
SB 185 Summary: Modifies the newborn safety device requirements that apply to a fire department. Makes conforming changes to the immunity provisions applicable to the places at which a newborn safety device may be located.
Lead Sponsor(s): Sen. Travis Holdman
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation. Adoptee Rights Law Center, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Missouri Open, New York Adoptee Rights Coalition, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Equal Access Oklahoma. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
January 6, 2022: 1st reading; referred to Senate Committee on Family and Children Services
January 11, 2022: Recommended Do Pass; adopted
January 31, 2022: Referred to House Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
February 22, 2022: 2nd reading in House Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety; vote Do Pass
February 24, 2022: House votes Do Pass;
March 3, 2022: Senate concurred with House amendments. Passed 46-0
March 14, 2022: Signed by Governor
HB 442 Legislative Page | Legiscan
HB 442 Summary: Amends state Safe Haven law to add Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV ground ambulance providers to the approved list of entities allowed to install and operate a newborn safety device.
Lead Sponsor(s): Rep Nancy Tate
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions
February 2, 2022: Introduced; referred to House Committee on Committees
February 11, 2022: Referred to House Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection Committee
February 15, 2022: 1st reading; reported favorably
February 16, 2022: 2nd reading; referred to House Rules Committee
February 24, 29022: House votes Do Pass (93-0)
February 25, 2022: Sent to Senate; referred to Committee on Committees
March 7, 2022: Referred to Senate Veterans, Military& Public Protection Committee
March 10, 2022: 1st reading, reported favorable
March 11, 2022: 2nd reading, referred to Senate Rules Committee
March 23, 2022: 3rd reading; Passed 33-0
March 29, 2022: Signed by Governor
SB 0708 Legislative Page | Legiscan
In 2018 the Michigan Legislature passed a bill to authorize the use of newborn safety devices, aka Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Governor Rick Snyder vetoed the bill. Here is his veto letter.
Summary SB 0708: Carry-over from 2021 session. Authorizes use of ‘newborn safety devices” to be used in Safe Haven surrenders.
Lead Sponsor: Sen. Paul Wonjo
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee,
Bill History and Actions
October 28, 2021: Introduced; Referred to Senate Committee on Families, Seniors, and Veterans
SB 0709 Legislative Page | Legiscan
Summary SB 0709: Carry-over from 2021 session. Extends state law regarding reporting deaths to include the death of an infant born alive and surrendered under safety device law. The deceased infant shall be listed as “Baby Doe” and no information that would directly identify the deceased infant or the deceased infant’s parents shall be reported,
Lead Sponsor: Sen. Curt VanderWall
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions
October 28, 2021: Introduced; referred to Senate Committee on Families, Seniors, and Veterans
SB 0710 Legislative Page | Legiscan
Summary SB 0710: Carry-over from 2021 session. Modifies definition of newborn and allows surrender to a newborn safety device.
Lead Sponsor: Sen. Curt VandnerWall
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptee, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions:
October 28, 2021: Introduced; referred to Senate Committee on Families, Seniors, and Veterans
SB 0711 Legislative Page | Legiscan
SB 0711 Summary: Carry-over from 2021 session. Authorizes use of ‘newborn safety devices” to be used in Safe Haven surrenders; extends age of legal “surrender from 72 hours to 10 days
Lead Sponsor(s): Sen. Paul Wonjo
Support: Safe Have Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions:
October 28, 2021: Introduced; referred to Senate Committee on Families, Seniors, and Veterans
New Jersey
A 2671 Legislative Page | Legiscan
A 2671 Summary: Back again! Requires newly constructed police stations, fire stations, and hospitals to provide “newborn safe device.” Allows affirmative defense to prosecution for abandonment if parents leave child in baby box.
Lead (Sponsor(s): Assb. Gabriela Mosqauera
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, National Safe Haven Alliance
Bill History and Actions
February 14, 2022: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Women and Children Committee
New Mexico
SB 168 Legislative Page | Legiscan
SB 168 Summary: Authorizes installation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes at Baby Safe Haven locations through the state; $330,00 appropriation from the General Fund to the local government division of the Department of Finance and Administration for expenditure in fiscal years 2022 through 2025 to install “surrender safety devices” at state-owned safe haven sites; (The Associated Press reported an appropriation of $1 million.) $70,000 allocated for BSH education in schools.
Lead Sponsor(s): Sen. David Gallegos, Sen Leo Jaramillo
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Espanola Firefighters Union (IAFF 4339)
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions
January 26, 2022: Introduced; referred to Senate Judiciary Committee; Senate Finance Committee, and SCC (not sure what that is)
HB 157 Legislative Page | Legiscan
HB 157 Summary: Companion to SB 158
Lead Sponsor(s): Rep. Ambrose Castellano
Bill History and Actions
January 27, 2022: Introduced; referred to House Health and Human Services Committee
February 2, 2022: HHHC: Reported by committee with Do Pass (7-3) recommendation with (minor) amendment(s); referred to House Appropriations and Finance Committee
February 9, 2022: HFAC reported out of committee with Do Pass
February 10, 2022: Tabled temporarily by motion House/ (New Mexico legislature adjourned, but politicians say money has been allocated. This bill will probably be heard in a Special Session later in the year.)
SB 1146 Legislative Page | Legiscan
SB 1146 Summary: Expands the procedure for surrendering a newborn infant without criminal liability to include placement in a newborn safety device located at a continuously staffed police station, fire station, or hospital; extends age limit from 2 weeks to 30 days. Requires that an infant delivered to a facility authorized to accept an infant as described in this amendment be issued a birth certificate by the office of vital records which supersedes and invalidates any previously issued birth certificate.
Lead Sponsor(s): Sen. Richard Briggs
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, A Secret Safe Place for Newborns
Bill History and Actions
February 10, 2021: Filed, pass on 1st consideration
March 22, 2022: Senate Judiciary Committee: Do Pass 7-1-1
March 31, 2022: Passed Senate, 29-3
April 20, 2022: Passed Senate with Amendment 2 , 28-0-4
April 9, 2022: Signed by Governor
May 11, 2022: Effective Date
HB1301 Legislative Page | Legiscan
HB 1932 Summary: Companion to SB 1146
Lead Sponsor(s): Rep. Jason Zachary
Bill History and Actions
February 11, 2021: Filed and introduced
March 2, 2022: Assigned to House Civil Justice Committee and House Children & Family Affairs Subcommittee
April 6, 2022: House Civil Justice Committee: Do Pass
SB 50 Legislative Page | Legiscan
HB 50 Summary: It’s back! Nearly identical to last year’s bill that was “passed-by” indefinitely” in Senate. Safe haven protections; newborn safety device. Provides an affirmative defense in certain criminal prosecutions and civil proceedings regarding child abuse or neglect to a parent who safely delivers his child within the first 30 days of the child’s life to a newborn safety device located at a hospital that provides 24-hour emergency services or at an attended emergency medical services agency that employs emergency medical services personnel. The bill also provides civil and criminal immunity to such hospitals and emergency medical services agencies for injuries to children received through such newborn safety devices, provided that (i) the injuries are not the result of gross negligence or willful misconduct and (ii) the hospital or emergency medical services agency meets certain requirements regarding the establishment, functioning, and testing of the device. Current law requires the child to be delivered within the first 14 days of the child’s life at such hospital or emergency medical services agency.
Lead Sponsor: Del. Matt Farris
Support: Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Virginia Society for Human Life
Oppose: Bastard Nation, Adoptee Rights Law Center, Missouri Open, New Adoptee Rights Coalition, Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition, Equal Access Oklahoma, Oklahoma Original Birth Certificates for All Adult Adoptees. Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
Bill History and Actions
December 31, 2021: Prefiled; Committee pending
February 1, 2022: Amended to include the establishment of state-operated SH Hotline; referred to House Committee on Appropriations
February 2, 2022: Assigned to House Health and Human Resources Committee
February 7, 2022: House Subcommjitte recommends 8-0; House Appropriations recommends 22-0
February 9, 2022: 1st reading
February 10, 2022: 2d reading; House Subilstitute agreed; (state-run hotline) engrossed
February 11, 2022: 3rd reading; passed House 98-1
February 14, 2022: In Senate; referred to Senate Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee
February 15, 2022: Passed Senate Rehabilitation and Social Service Committee (15-0)
February 18, 2022: Referred to Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee
March 3, 2022: 3rd reading. Passed Senate 39-0.
March 7, 2022: House rejects Senate amendment to delay funding for hotline until appropriations bill lis passed
March 8, 2022: Senate insists on amendment; conference requested
March 10, 2022: Conference appointed
March 11, 2022: Both houses agreed
April 7, 2022: Signed by Governor
SB 175 Legislative Page | Legiscan
SB 175 Summary: Companion to HB50.
Lead Sponsor(s) Sen. Mark Peake
Bill History and Actions:
January 10, 2022: Prefiled
January 22, 2022: Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
January 24, 2022: SB 16 into bill incorporated by Senate Judiciary Committee