What kind of person orchestrates and celebrates the destruction of a family and the stripping away of a soon- to-be-adopted newborn of her identity, history, family, and civil rights?
The Safe Haven Baby Box Factory Explained: Use It!
There is no doubt, however, that the baby box company owns the newborn abandonment industry: from concept to baby box legislation to box blessing to baby dropping–and beyond. Note Mrs. Kelsey’s porn wall-of-fame pictures of herself and “her” so-called “saved babes” she uses to pimp her program except in Kansas where she is barred by law from even being informed if a drop takes place… A couple of years ago the company ditched the kitchen table, acquired an office/small factory space, and took over production of its baby boxes, making its control of the movement complete.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Gets its First Dead Mother
Monica Kelsey, founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc went on TikTok to announce that the anonymous biological mother of one of her boxed babies has died of an overdose.
This mother needed real help.
Not a baby box.
Our New Video: Pot Meet Kettle (Baby Box Legislation in Nebraska)
The bill seemed to be speedballing its way to passage until Senator Carol Blood raised her hand in objection. We don’t have a record of what went down, when, or where, except for Mrs Kelsey’s public hissy fit: Senator Blood, clearly, is just plain stupid.
A Documentary Collection: Safe Haven Baby Boxes v A Safe Place for Newborns. A Scorched Earth Lawsuit
n January 16, 2024. the baby box company filed suit in Federal Court against the Miami-based traditional safe haven advocacy organization A Safe Haven for Newborns/Gloria Silverio Foundation, its founder and director Nick Silverio, the South Trail Fire Rescue District, and Amy Bollen, its public relations director, accursing them of slander, defamation, and “tortuous interference with contract or business.”…We are therefore dedicating a page to lawsuit coverage. It will include documents, news articles, commentary, and other material related to the case
Contract Reportedly Demands Officials to be Silent on a Baby Catch Until Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Issues a Press Release
Fire Chief Charles Cox and Mayor Robert Noblin could not release more information due to a contractual obligation to the baby box corporation that everything remain hush-hush until Mrs. Kelsey officially announces the catch.
Update: Safe Haven Baby Box Legislation, February 10, 2024
t’s only 7 weeks into 2024, and we’ve been deluged with baby box bills…Safe Haven Baby Box legislation and use are a direct attack on adoptee rights. Please join us to stop this travesty of adoptee justice and organized baby abandonment.
Joint Action Alert: New Hampshire HB1607 – Baby Boxes – OPPOSE
Action Alert: Keep Safe Haven Baby Boxes out of New Hampshire!
On February 7, (Wednesday) the New Hampshire House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee will hold a hearing HB16o7, a bill to legalize the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes aka newborn safety devices in the state.
The Safe Haven Baby Box Game is On: SHBB Inc Sues Traditional Safe Haven Organization
On January 16, Mrs. Kelsey/SHBB Inc filed suit in the US District Court, Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division against Mr. Silverio, his organization, Amy Bollen, and the South Trail Fire & Rescue District where Ms Bollen is Director of Public Relations.
Sorry, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Box-Dumping Your Baby is Not a Family Affair!
Even the most cursory observer of the SH movement, especially the box movement, knows that abandonment boxes are marketed to and used by single mothers “in crisis,” who for whatever reason–and often manipulated– believe that they have no other choice than to anona-dump their newborns. Baby boxes are baby-hiding machines. Most often the father is out of the decision-making process, ignored or ignorant of the pregnancy and birth. Their rights, along with the rights of the baby, are tossed in the dumpster, to compose a fairytale ending to a family tragedy.