Several times a month I read Safe Haven Baby Box proponents declare in the news that boxes and anonymous legal abandonment are needed by “the homeless.” What the hell? Is baby abandonment –and yes, that is exactly what safe haven baby boxes promote despite the nicey-nice claim that it’s not abandonment since boxed babies are “placed into ‘loving hands'” or some such drivel–a boostrap for the homeless? I think not. It’s a boot in the head.
Alabama ad Absurdum: Now that abortion is illegal in Alabama, Safe Haven Baby Boxes to roll in to the rescue
Lack of actual facts, of course, won’t dissuade Rep Givens from enriching her moral panic and her campaign to invent an absurd solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. She has lined up anonymous (what else!) funding from a constituent in Baldwin County to fund Safe Haven Baby Boxes in what she calls “the 10 largest cities near universities.
Overview of Alabama law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes.