Safe Haven Baby Box cases in Arkansas, drawn from news reports, social media, and other resources.
Gary, Indiana: Stupid Things People Say about Safe Haven Baby Boxes or a Brief Discourse on Cognitive Dissonance
On December 4, 2020, Gary, Indiana Fire Station # 5 became the 48th location in the state to open a Safe Haven Baby Box where mothers can legally abandon their secret newborns by depositing them in a box-in-a-wall to prevent personal inconvenience, embarrassment, and shame.
Florida Baby Box Update: Ocala Marks the Spot!!
Florida’s first Safe Haven Baby Box will open soon in Ocala.
Baby Boxes Coming to Florida Soon
Monica Kelsey, founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, announced that her organization will soon open its first Baby Box in Florida.
Eliminating Illegal Adoptions the Baby Box Way or Today’s WTF Moment in AdoptionLand
Unfortunately, just when I think “they” have reached the bottom of the barrel, the bottom drops another foot.
Another Cloying Adoption Story: Safe Haven Baby Box Girl Gets Adopted, and New Father says Weird Stuff
Ordinarily, I’d just dismiss this particular adoption story, but there’s a catch.
Attention Women! COVID-19ed up? The Justice Foundation Wants You to Safe Haven Your Baby
Christian zealots have weaponized Safe Haven—and now Baby Boxes—to push their forced-birth agenda during COVID-19 hysteria.
Bentonville, Arkansas: First Baby Box Dump. Not a Time to Celebrate
The Bentonville Box was the first Baby Box in the state, funded in large part by the local Knights of Columbus. The city is agog with joy.
More Conflation and Co-option: Abortion, Adoption, Foster Care, and Wendy’s. Make it Stop!
Abortion abolitionists continue their fantasies about abortion and adoption, and abortees and adoptees.
Ohio Alert: Baby Drop Boxes on the Way?
Last week the Village Council of Pioneer, Ohio—population 1,300—unanimously approved installation of a baby box at the village fire station.