Announcing the launch of Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!, an internet activist project dedicated to the abolition of adoptee and adoption anonymity.
Thoughts and Prayers and Shut Up! Safe Haven Baby Box Pushers Dismiss Adoptee Voices and Undermine the Adoptee Rights Movement
We object to Safe Haven Baby Boxes because they undermine the Adoptee Rights Movement. Can it be any more clear?
Get Out of the Way! It’s a Birthday Party!
When Linda Znachko speaks at baby box blessings, she refers to the day a baby is boxed up and left behind, as “a birthday party waiting to happen.”
Safe Haven Baby Boxes are Coming to Your State. And Yours . . . and Yours . . . and Yours
The Safe Haven Baby Box Blitzkrieg continues to rip through Indiana—and other states.
Michigan: Baby Bopping and Boxing with Bethany Christian Services
State-facilitated anonymous “safe deliveries” and baby boxes are permanent identity erasure, not closed adoption.
Maine: Who Knew? Safe Haven Baby Boxes Honor Adoptees and their Stories!
Maine has a near-zilch history of discarded baby cases. The state doesn’t need another backstop.
The Shame’s in Maine. Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now Law. And it Got Weird.
A compilation of some of the most weird-ass pro and con baby box testimony I’ve ever heard, all on Maine’s LD560.
How to Box Your Inconvenient Baby
This year, 12 states are debating bills to legalize (or expand) the use of Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
More Thoughts, Prayers, and Shut Up!
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. continues to dismiss adoptees and undermine the adoptee rights movement. Just be glad you’re alive and adopted.
Arkansas Bill Mandates Abortion Seekers to Call State-run Hotline before Procedure to Discuss Alternatives. You Know What that Means
This bill fits right in with Arkansas’ other “prolife” mandates such as informing abortion seekers they can rely on bogus “abortion reversals” to halt medicated abortions if they change their minds halfway through the process.