In the past few months three scandals–or if one wants to be polite–problems –have arisen with Safe Haven Baby Boxes in Ohio None have received more than cursory attention, if that, in the media.
All three “problems” have been uncovered by Chris Hicks, a political watchdog in Clermont County, just east of Cincinnati. Hicks, a most unlikely baby box critic, fits the SHBB fanbase: conservative, Republican, Christian, and opposed to abortion. Unfortunately for SHBB Inc, he is also a strong advocate of fiscal responsibility and transparency in government no matter who is in charge or how good an idea sounds. What began as an investigation of what Hicks saw were financial shenanigans by the Union Township Trustees and Fire Station #50 has turned into his long-term documented (public records, video) investigation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc’s propaganda, practice, ethics, and financing schemes in the state. His work led him to “comment” at the mandated 5-year review hearing of the SHBB law by the Ohio Pubic Heath Review Board. Further investigation led him to file a complaint with the state regarding SHBB Inc’s failure to adhere to Ohio law and its own protocols at the Troy location. An official ODOH investigation of fire station boxes throughout Ohio is now underway.I t is unclear if hospitals are included,
In case you’re wondering, since 20 18 Ohio has installed seven boxes–five at fire stations (one is now closed) and two at hospitals. None have been used. The prototypical “desperate mom” demanding box service. and anonymity seems to have evaporated while mostly rural Ohio communities have ponied up about $112,000 in box costs alone to serve the non-existent market they were tear-dropped into serving.
For his trouble, Hicks has been threatened with legal action by SHBB Inc and deemed”insane” by SHBB Inc founder and CEO Monia Kelsey–much like adoptee opponents are deemed “mentally challenged” by baby box hotline runner, Pam Stenzel.
I have mentioned Hicks’ findings in two of my blogs (here and here) and have been working on more extensive pieces. Unfortunately, real life got in the way and they aren’t finished. Now, however, it’s time to bust this bag of bullshit wide open. The problems incurred in Ohio and Mrs Kelsey’s refusal to address them in a responsible and reasonable manner puts the entire project in serious question, The investigation could lead to major changes in baby box implementation and procedures that could affect not only Ohio but current and future box states, and possibly greatly diminish or even abolish the commanding role SHBB Inc plays in the grift,
Each scandal deserves a piece of its own. I intend to put my other work aside. if possible, get those out ASAP. Think of this post as the charcuterie.
Disclaimer: SHBBN and Chris Hicks are not associated. I found Hick’s by accident on Facebook and contacted him. We read each other’s work. We talk. We even disagree sometimes. But without Hick’s deep documented dive into, the muck, the Ohio Safe Haven Baby Box machinate wouldn’t be foundering in its own sludge.
Here is a brief outline of what’s going on:
- #1: Union Township Fire Station #50, Clermont County: Failure to properly staff the fire station as mandated by Ohio law and SHBB Inc protocols; failure to apply timely for the construction permit; failure to maintain proper safety and sanitation logs. The box was funded totally with taxpayer money (now running into tens of thousands of dollars due to legal problems and dubious fixes, including the hiring of extra staff needed to keep the box, by township politicians), when every other box in Ohio and other states is funded locally by donations from individuals, churches, civic and fraternal organizations, and businesses.
- #2 Troy Fire Station, Miami County Failure to install the box in the exterior wall of a building as well as outside access mandated by Ohio law and SHBB Inc protocols. The box is located in the lobby. A security camera monitors the walkway to the box. I am also looking into a report that the box was partially funded b public money.
- #3 Sunbury, BST&G Fire District Buiding, Delaware County: (scroll to October 5, 2022) Failure to remove the box, closed for months- due to reported alarm or electrical problems; failure to place signage to indicate that the box is not in service; althugh Asst Fire Chief Rogb Stgambaugh informs me that a sign is now in place.
It also appears that some or all of Ohio locations do not offer state-mandated inclusion of literature about the traditional Ohio Safe Haven law, {pdf} and here [pdf}, local baby-and-mother services, and importantly, a detailed medical history form {pdf} designed by the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services( ODJFS) that parents can anonymously submit voluntarily at the time of the “surrender” or later. In their place were found SHBB Inc promotional materials. Included was a “Safe Haven Registration form [pdf] a short inadequate “medical questionnaire.” (one line for each parent!) that could be voluntarily submitted to SHBB Inc. It is not turned over to the state and remains the property of the company. The anonymous parent can include on the form their name and address and authorization for SHBB Inc to release that information to their boxed child at the age of 18, upon request. SHBB Inc does not indicate on that form or anywhere on its website a retention procedure, an identification verification process for either party or how contact would be made.

The response from SHBB Inc and Mrs. Kelsey to the investigations has been less than professional, and pretty much limited publicly to numerous TikToks, probably because the account has 517k(!) followers. who churn out donations:
- The false claim that Ohio intends to close down all baby boxes. ODOH denies the accusation.
- Demeaning, insulting, and threatening TikToks aimed at Chris Hicks and the Ohio Department of Heath. Example: Mrs. Kelsey to ODOH: “I’ll get your ass.”
- Verbal ridicule by Mrs. Kelsey of an ODOH staffer she calls “Johnny”
- Phone bombing the Ohio Department of Health, Governor Mike DeWine, and possibly Attorney General Dave Yost demanding they “save the boxes.”As of today, Mrs. Kelsey says she has called ODOH 45 times. For the record, ODOH has responded a couple of times, which she admits.
- Videos of Ms. Kelsey calling the above-listed offices and making sarcastic remarks when she reaches voicemail.
- Requests to TikTok followers to call or visit those offices The SHBB website contains a contact directory of legislators and ODH officials, as well as a talking points cheat sheet
- A social media smear campaign against Mr. Hicks and threats to take legal action against him.
- All-around name-calling
- Self-invented victimhood aka: the State of Ohio is bullying us, failing to mention that the state just wants the organization to play by the rules.
Mrs Kelsey says that she wants to work with ODOH to settle the issue, but she hasn’t taken responsibility for any violations of Ohio law and her own protocols. Her failure to catch these problems or just plain ignore them, reeks of careless management and an obsession to cook the books with baby boxes that don’t meet standards. “The law doesn’t mean what it says.” is the battle cry. AG Yost, in a letter to Union Township Trustees regarding one of their issues, responded, “yes it does.”
We can argue that the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services could have been more diligent, BUT under Ohio law, they have little control over the boxes. The state is limited to setting technical standards of construction, location installation, health, and safety, but has no real control over the privately owned and location-leased boxes or the authority to investigate them unless a complaint is filed. The only requirement for state “approval” is a small payment and the submission of an Attestation of Compliance [pdf] to ODOH by an authorized representative of a location, The attestation serves as a sort of registration form, ensuring –without a state inspection–that the location has followed the rules.

What could possibly go wrong?
Stay tuned…More to come
Soon I will have a separate Ohio page with documents procured through records requests and online sources regarding Ohio Safe Haven Baby Box controversies. I have procured a SHBB Inc fire station training video featuring Mrs. Kelsey, which will get a separate blog.
- OPHRB meeting links: comments and presentation | video.
- Go to Hicks Watchdog for a lot more information and SHBB postings
Good article
Thanks, John I have 3 more Ohio stories to come, but I may have to write them out of the order I planned since I’m waiting for some public record requests. Who knows what will happen with those. In the meantime, I have some more not related to Ohio coming up. It’s hard to keep up with some of the day-to-day weirdness. Thanks for your support.