Ohio: the battleground for Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc survival. Or so it seems to Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Founder and CEO Monica Kelsey. I’ve followed her antics for more than six years, and this is the first time I’ve seen her devolve into public meltdown. All because the Ohio Department of Health wants her to do what Ohio law and SHBB Inc’s own protocols demand she does. (Here and here)
The other day this TikTok arrived on our screens courtesy of Mrs. Kelsey. I am unable to locate the provenance of the quote or speaker that she’s rockin’ to but the theonomic and theocratic implication is clear. Mrs.Kelsey believes she is doing God’s will…and the rest of us…
When God has purposed you to do something significant, expect the enemy to send out his Special Forces. That might be why your life has been so hard. Not because God is not with you, but maybe God is distinctively with you. Maybe his plan for your life is so intimidating and threatening to the Devil that there is no way he’s gonna let you ascend to your purpose without an attack.
So let’s get this straight. Anyone who opposes Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc and its movement and its Dear Leader is weaving the Devil’s handiwork. God has appointed her to break the loom and build the box.
Organizations and individuals as diverse as Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now! Bastard Nation, the American Adoption Congress, Adoptees United, the Adoptee Rights Laws Center, various state adoptee rights and the adoption reform organizations, the Florida Adoption Council, the National Safe Haven Alliance and its various member organizations and allies, conservative Christian pro-lifer Chris Hicks, liberal Florida State Senator Lauren Book, the Chicago Bar Association, child welfare professionals, the Ohio Public Health Review Board, the Indiana and Ohio Departments of Health, former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams, the Louisiana Partnership for Children, and Families, the National Center for Adoption Permanency, and Angelika, the Personal Assistant Cat are all members of Satan’s Cartel tasked to bring down baby boxes and Mrs. Kelsey in particular.
How can this be considered serious political and child welfare discourse? This is bad theater. This is almost embarrassing.
Now, I need of pitcher of martinis and a good book.

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