Adopted people have been subjected to this kind of exploitation, objectification, and third-party self-aggrandizement for decades.
Email from Monica Kelsey to Dr. Jerome M. Adams, June 24, 2016
Text of an email from Monica Kelsey, CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc., to Dr. Jerome Adams, then the Indiana state health commissioner (he later became the US Surgeon General).
An overview of Indiana law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
Get Out of the Way! It’s a Birthday Party!
When Linda Znachko speaks at baby box blessings, she refers to the day a baby is boxed up and left behind, as “a birthday party waiting to happen.”
Indiana News: Local Coverage of SHBB Proposals and Installations
A comprehensive set of news stories related to Indiana and the Safe Haven Baby Box movement in the state
Indiana Safe Haven Baby Box Cases
Information on Safe Haven Baby Box cases in Indiana.
Gary, Indiana: Stupid Things People Say about Safe Haven Baby Boxes or a Brief Discourse on Cognitive Dissonance
On December 4, 2020, Gary, Indiana Fire Station # 5 became the 48th location in the state to open a Safe Haven Baby Box where mothers can legally abandon their secret newborns by depositing them in a box-in-a-wall to prevent personal inconvenience, embarrassment, and shame.
Another Cloying Adoption Story: Safe Haven Baby Box Girl Gets Adopted, and New Father says Weird Stuff
Ordinarily, I’d just dismiss this particular adoption story, but there’s a catch.
Baby Drop Boxes: A Short Intro and a Big KABOOM!
I’ve been getting my ducks lined up for a series of blogs and articles, but then something too good comes along that cannot be ignored timely. Like today.