To make it worse, the article fails to mention normal adoption practices, as if safe haven abandonment is the only way adoptions can be done.
Sorry, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Box-Dumping Your Baby is Not a Family Affair!
Even the most cursory observer of the SH movement, especially the box movement, knows that abandonment boxes are marketed to and used by single mothers “in crisis,” who for whatever reason–and often manipulated– believe that they have no other choice than to anona-dump their newborns. Baby boxes are baby-hiding machines. Most often the father is out of the decision-making process, ignored or ignorant of the pregnancy and birth. Their rights, along with the rights of the baby, are tossed in the dumpster, to compose a fairytale ending to a family tragedy.
Alabama ad Absurdum: Now that abortion is illegal in Alabama, Safe Haven Baby Boxes to roll in to the rescue
Lack of actual facts, of course, won’t dissuade Rep Givens from enriching her moral panic and her campaign to invent an absurd solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. She has lined up anonymous (what else!) funding from a constituent in Baldwin County to fund Safe Haven Baby Boxes in what she calls “the 10 largest cities near universities.
Things to Think About. “Adoption and Culture” Pre-Publication Articles on Adoption, Abortion, Reproductive Justice, Dobbs
Dobbs certainly impacts the restoration of adoptee rights to records, history, family, and identity. It establishes a state-backed pattern of purposeful creation and growth of an adopted class without normal identity rights and maintains the spurious ethics of adoption secrecy. It promotes the commercialization of child adoptee bodies and attempts to invent adult adoptee gratitude and adherence to adoption and its institutions. Should we expect a big boom in therapy in 20 years? These are things we need to think about:
Abortion, Adoption, Safe Havens, and Reproductive Justice
It’s all theater. For baby box pushers, adoptees and “desperate mothers” are nothing more than dehumanized props used to create a utopian abortion-free world.
Attention Women! COVID-19ed up? The Justice Foundation Wants You to Safe Haven Your Baby
Christian zealots have weaponized Safe Haven—and now Baby Boxes—to push their forced-birth agenda during COVID-19 hysteria.
More Conflation and Co-option: Abortion, Adoption, Foster Care, and Wendy’s. Make it Stop!
Abortion abolitionists continue their fantasies about abortion and adoption, and abortees and adoptees.