Mrs Kelsey, CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc is in high dudgeon over Nebraska LB876, a bill to legalize baby boxes in the state. The bill is pretty traditional and adds a nifty $65,000 in state (taxpayer) grants to pay for them, even though Mrs Kelsey insists she takes no taxpayer funds. (She does!)
The bill seemed to be speedballing its way to passage until Senator Carol Blood raised her hand in objection. We don’t have a record of what went down, when, or where, except for Mrs Kelsey’s public hissy fit: Senator Blood, clearly, is just plain stupid.
Hence our SSHBB video:
If you want to watch the entire meltdown try this.
We have no idea what will happen to LB876. An amendment? A pull? A new bill? Death by sine die?
How to Win Friends and Influence People is clearly not on Mrs. Kelsey reading list. I don’t think calling a legislator an “ass” will get what Mrs Kelsey thinks it will.
Thank you, Senator Blood!
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Nebraska will be amending the baby boxes out of the bill between general and select file while keeping the expansion of locations where infants may be brought should the mother need to abandon her child in person. Babies aren’t bank deposits and don’t belong in boxes that have not had any national safety inspections. However, we need to educate the public and embrace these mothers by providing resources to prevent these incidents from happening.