Joint Action Alert: Connecticut and Alaska Baby Abandonment Box Hearings, February 20, 2025
Connecticut and Alaska have Safe Haven Baby Box bill hearings scheduled for February 20, 2025. We need your help now…Safe Haven Baby Boxes are a direct attack on the adoptee rights movement and bastards who speak their own truth. This year, as you will see by the 2025 Legislation page, the country is being blitzkrieged with baby box bills. Currently there are 316 boxes in the US. 55 newborns have been caught and erased from their own histories and birth records. The adoptee voice has been virtually ignored by baby abandonment box promotors who say that adopted people who oppose are “mentally unstable.” Let your voice be heard now and show them who is really unstable.
Oregon: Joint Bastard Nation/Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Testimony/ Letter in Opposition to HB2901–Safe Haven Baby Box Bill
Oregon is by far, the gold standard for adoptee equal rights in US. The Oregon adopted automatically expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
It is with great alarm then that legislators are proposing—and apparently making it a priority– to take a backward step and promote the secretization of adoptees, their records and histories with the introduction HB2901. This bill authorizes the use of “newborn safety device,” popularly known as “Safe Haven Baby Boxes” that allow parents—that is, overwhelmingly “mothers in crisis”– to anonymously stick their infant up to 60 days of age, in a box in a wall and walk away
What’s the San Antonio Safe Haven Baby Box Installation Holdup? We Can Tell You.
In the Fall of 2023 SA jumped on the baby box bandwagon. City Council not only passed an ordinance to legalize box use in the city–but to appropriate $438,000 to pay for lease, installation, “education” and promotion. After year and a half, no boxes have been installed, though they were promised by the end of 2024…
Continue Reading What’s the San Antonio Safe Haven Baby Box Installation Holdup? We Can Tell You.
Taxpayers Increasingly Paying for “Free” Baby Abandonment Boxes. SHBB Inc Continues to Lie about Funding
If the Missouri and Wyoming bills pass this means that a possible $2,211,000 in taxpayer money has been allocated–ie made available– to pay for baby abandonment boxes that are marketed nationwide to lawmakers and the public as “free.”
Missouri Taxpayers Slated to Become Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc’s Newest Cash Cow
On December 2, 2024, State Representative Jim Murphy, the Godfather of the Missouri baby box law, pre-filed HB 101 (bill page here) to create a Safe Place for Newborns Fund consisting of money appropriated by the state legislature solely to pay for the installation of baby boxes-
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What is Iowa HHS Talking About? HHS Safe Haven Stats Don’t Match HSS Stat Claim
What Ms .Garcia talking about? The number of this year’s cases is smaller than last year, and a baby box wasn’t used in any of those “relinquishments” All cases were trad not via baby box. Please explain how the presence of baby boxes in the state has boosted the number of cases when they weren’t used.
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Monica Kelsey Receives Awards for Implementing Humanitarian Baby Abandonment
Within the last 6 weeks, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Founder/CEO Monica Kelsey received awards for what these days passes for humanitarian service. That is, encouraging girls and women to conceal pregnancies, forego pre and post-natal care and safe delivery, and the dump and run anonymous “legalized” newborn-abandonment-by box-in-the-firehouse-wall schemes she is attempting to sweep across the country.
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Here We Go Again! Why is a Safe Haven Baby Box Considered an “Act of Love”
How is erasing your child’s identity, history, family, and community from the world, sticking them in an origininless, histsoryless black hole that they cannot climb out of an act of “great love?
Continue Reading Here We Go Again! Why is a Safe Haven Baby Box Considered an “Act of Love”
Nebraska: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Playing with Numbers
November is National Adoption Awareness Month , and I am posting every day on my main blog Daily Bastardette., then re-posting appropriate blogs to here or Bastard Nation. This blog was posted originally on DB on November 13, 2024. Earlier this week, the Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Facebook page posted this chart with the comment: The graph speaks for itself. It’s time for Nebraska to implement Baby Boxes. See the data for yourself on the Nebraska DCS website. Mrs. Kelsey is correct. It does speak for itself, but not in the way that she thinks it does. This chart comes from the Nebraska DCS website and there is no quibble with that. But, note that it indicates the number of abandoned babies up to 1 year of age. The Nebraska Safe Haven law, passed in 2008 limits the age an infant can be safe havend to 30 days. (It…
Continue Reading Nebraska: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Playing with Numbers
Kentucky Lawmakers Force Public Schools to Advertise Safe Haven Baby Box Hotline
The state, however, has no business posting and encouraging minors to contact a privately operated million-dollar corporation/Christian ministry that manufactures and leases Safe Haven BabyBoxes to discuss their teen callers’ pregnancies and “alternatives” to safe standard pregnancy care, delivery, and aftercare–standards that reject concealment of pregnancy and birth and how to legally and anonymously dispose of their newborns via their Safe Haven Baby Box program
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Tennessee Safe Haven Baby Box Advocates Offer Dumbest Reasons Yet for Boxes
I’ve read some pretty obtuse discussions on Safe Haven Baby Box need and efficacy, but Sullivan County, Tennessee, wins the Blue Ribbon. A place where alleged mean girl gossip and unresolved personal issues of smalltown politicians force the passage of absurd and harmful public policy decisions.
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No, I Wasn’t in Jail: My Unplanned SSHBBN Vacation
I planned originally to call this blog “Commies Gave Me Covid” since through the entire march no matter where I was situated in the mob there was a communist drum corps non-stop beating their drums and chanting, something like, “We want Revolution. Communism is the Solution.” I’m sure Gazans appreciated the sentiment. Not! I
Continue Reading No, I Wasn’t in Jail: My Unplanned SSHBBN Vacation
Review. Baby Boxes: the Reality Show, Episode 1: An Evening of Narcissism and Bathroom “Humor” But Where’s the Babies?
The piece de resistance was reserved for JJ Steinmetz whose bathroom habits (as I predicted), were discussed at length ending in an “argument” about who clogged the office toilet more–JJ or Mrs Kelsey–and the number of flushes required to get it all down the drain.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc YouTube Series Debuts August 6. Making Baby Abandonment Entertaining for Fun and Profit
Just when we think that Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc’s exploitation, commodification, and commercialization of boxed and abandoned newborns and the so-called dangerous plight of “desperate mothers” can’t get any worse, along comes “Baby Boxes” Season 1. The YouTube streaming 7-episode “reality series” stars peripatetic SHBB Inc founder/ CEO Monica Kelsey and her band of merry baby boxers. Guest appearances of “saved” infants and their new forever families bearing witness to the success of Mrs. Kelsey’s self-esteem-raising project aka “Purpose through Pain,” are included. And think of the monetization possibilities!
Our Friend Sarah Takes Down Safe Haven Baby Boxes: Boxes Turn Murders into Heroes?
Her TikTok stitch “Back on shbb bullshit” ” is a glorious succinct takedown of the abandonment box company’s spurious but core claim that women in “crisis pregnancies” default to abusing or murdering their newborns unless they can anonymously dump them in a nearby box so generously furnished by SHBB Inc. and then walk away cleansed of their homicidal tendencies; converted and valorized as a “good mothers.”
Continue Reading Our Friend Sarah Takes Down Safe Haven Baby Boxes: Boxes Turn Murders into Heroes?
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!: Press Inquiries and Citations Page
Our “official” Press Inquiries/Citations page is up (under the Home tab). It includes an explanation of why adoptee voices must be heard to stop this miscarriage of justice and rights, as well as a list/links/excerpts of our media citations. These include The Daily Beast, Stateline, The New Republic, and The New Yorker. Even the John Birch Society gave us a plug in The New American Magazine. Boy, that was weird!
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The Safe Haven Baby Box Factory Explained: Use It!
There is no doubt, however, that the baby box company owns the newborn abandonment industry: from concept to baby box legislation to box blessing to baby dropping–and beyond. Note Mrs. Kelsey’s porn wall-of-fame pictures of herself and “her” so-called “saved babes” she uses to pimp her program except in Kansas where she is barred by law from even being informed if a drop takes place… A couple of years ago the company ditched the kitchen table, acquired an office/small factory space, and took over production of its baby boxes, making its control of the movement complete.
Continue Reading The Safe Haven Baby Box Factory Explained: Use It!
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Gets its First Dead Mother
Monica Kelsey, founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc went on TikTok to announce that the anonymous biological mother of one of her boxed babies has died of an overdose.
This mother needed real help.
Not a baby box.
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Action Alert: No Baby Boxes in Maryland
Ask Maryland state senators to VOTE NO on SB873 when it comes before them.
Our New Video: Pot Meet Kettle (Baby Box Legislation in Nebraska)
The bill seemed to be speedballing its way to passage until Senator Carol Blood raised her hand in objection. We don’t have a record of what went down, when, or where, except for Mrs Kelsey’s public hissy fit: Senator Blood, clearly, is just plain stupid.
Continue Reading Our New Video: Pot Meet Kettle (Baby Box Legislation in Nebraska)
A Documentary Collection: Safe Haven Baby Boxes v A Safe Place for Newborns. A Scorched Earth Lawsuit
n January 16, 2024. the baby box company filed suit in Federal Court against the Miami-based traditional safe haven advocacy organization A Safe Haven for Newborns/Gloria Silverio Foundation, its founder and director Nick Silverio, the South Trail Fire Rescue District, and Amy Bollen, its public relations director, accursing them of slander, defamation, and “tortuous interference with contract or business.”…We are therefore dedicating a page to lawsuit coverage. It will include documents, news articles, commentary, and other material related to the case
Boxes at Any Cost
A look at the scorched earth litigation strategy of Monica Kelsey and her Safe Haven Baby Box corporation.
Contract Reportedly Demands Officials to be Silent on a Baby Catch Until Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Issues a Press Release
Fire Chief Charles Cox and Mayor Robert Noblin could not release more information due to a contractual obligation to the baby box corporation that everything remain hush-hush until Mrs. Kelsey officially announces the catch.
Update: Safe Haven Baby Box Legislation, February 10, 2024
t’s only 7 weeks into 2024, and we’ve been deluged with baby box bills…Safe Haven Baby Box legislation and use are a direct attack on adoptee rights. Please join us to stop this travesty of adoptee justice and organized baby abandonment.
Continue Reading Update: Safe Haven Baby Box Legislation, February 10, 2024
The Safe Haven Baby Box Game is On: SHBB Inc Sues Traditional Safe Haven Organization
On January 16, Mrs. Kelsey/SHBB Inc filed suit in the US District Court, Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division against Mr. Silverio, his organization, Amy Bollen, and the South Trail Fire & Rescue District where Ms Bollen is Director of Public Relations.
Sorry, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Box-Dumping Your Baby is Not a Family Affair!
Even the most cursory observer of the SH movement, especially the box movement, knows that abandonment boxes are marketed to and used by single mothers “in crisis,” who for whatever reason–and often manipulated– believe that they have no other choice than to anona-dump their newborns. Baby boxes are baby-hiding machines. Most often the father is out of the decision-making process, ignored or ignorant of the pregnancy and birth. Their rights, along with the rights of the baby, are tossed in the dumpster, to compose a fairytale ending to a family tragedy.
Continue Reading Sorry, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: Box-Dumping Your Baby is Not a Family Affair!
Wheeling Needs 2 Safe Haven Baby Boxes Because….
(Photo by Shelley Hanson) Safe Haven Baby Box Ohio Valley co-project manager Cassandra Elliott and project manager Ciarra Beaver hold the check donated to the effort by WVU Medicine Wheeling Hospital on Tuesday.
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Washington State Lawmakers Take the First Step on the Road to Hell. Safe Haven Baby Box Bill Pre-filed
Just in time for Krampus, Washington State lawmakers Rep Gina Mosbrucker, and Rep Lauren Davis pre-filed HB1888, a bill to amend the state’s safe haven law to include Safe Haven Baby Boxes as an “option” for desperate parents–what they mean is mothers–to dump an inconvenient newborn in a box in the wall at state-approved facilities, with no legal or moral consequences. Bye-Bye Baby Bumble!
Crazy Claim: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Lower Infant Mortality Rates. Stats Show Differently
According to this report, Znachko made the most astounding claim during the ceremony: I ” believe that it is the number one initiative that we have to battle infant mortality in the state of Indiana and across our country.”
West Virginia University Funds Safe Haven Baby Boxes; Cuts 28 Programs from the Curriculum
West Virginia University, has agreed to donate $16,000 to cover the partial cost of two Safe Haven Baby Boxes in Wheeling. That the state’s flagship institution of higher education–a public land-grant research university– is throwing money at such an ugly discriminatory misogynistic adopteephobic social experiment ( whew!) is so disgusting that I hardly know how to respond except with a big Barf You. Words fail. Perhaps you can give me some.
Guess Who Loves Safe Haven Baby Boxes
This crew runs a bigger soap opera than Days of Our Lives could ever dream up. They never miss a photo op. Neither does the baby abandonment company
National Adoption (Awareness) Month: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Juggernaut Continues
Nothing says National Adoption (Awareness) Month more than the current SHBB national juggernaut. We are just about halfway through this dreadful month, and seven new boxes have been opened–excuse me, blessed–so far. Another is scheduled to open this week. Who knows what’s in store for us for the rest of the month? Adoption is beautiful! Especially with no pesky parental strings, best practice, and ethics attached.
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Hutchinson, Kansas Gets 2 Baby Boxes–from Canada. What’s Up With That?
The City of Hutchinson, Kansas issued a media release he other day to announce that 2 “Safe Haven Baby Boxes” will be coming to Hutchinson as soon as $50,000 can be raised. Only, they aren’t “Safe Haven Baby Boxes.” They are “Hope’s Cradles” from Gems for Gems, a Canadian non-profit that has installed a couple of their own boxes in Alberta and Manitoba and has a few more locations lined up in Ontario. (See the SSHBBN Canada, Promotors, and Targets pages for more information.
Continue Reading Hutchinson, Kansas Gets 2 Baby Boxes–from Canada. What’s Up With That?
How to Say Nobody Cares About Adoptee Rights Without Saying They Don’t
Yesterday I did a few legislative updates, and it really struck me while doing them–as if I didn’t already know this–that hardly anyone cares about adult adoptees or adoptee civil rights–especially those who have the “authority” to fix things legally such as policy and lawmakers. When compared to the speed which Safe Haven Baby Box legislation passes, records access for adults, even with the successes of the last couple of years, runs a very poor second.
Continue Reading How to Say Nobody Cares About Adoptee Rights Without Saying They Don’t
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Connection to Florida Community Pregnancy Clinics
For some time now critics of Safe Haven Baby Boxes have discussed amongst ourselves the possibility that some of these perfectly healthy babies who anonymously arrive pristine and “much loved” in a local box-in-a-wall might be run through the box system via Crisis Pregnancy Centers now nicely known as Pregnancy Resource Centers. CPCs are huge supporters and funders of boxes, under the belief that their availability can decrease abortion (where it’s still allowed),give a “safe option” to women whom they speculate will otherwise dump their babies in a ditch or dumpster if they can’t get an abortion or find themselves in some other undefined crisis.
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Murray, Kentucky Safe Haven Baby Box Talk: Oh Those College Girls….
“As you know, they’re a college town like we are, and so I feel that this city would greatly have a need for this…I can’t help but think of how many we have missed by not having one of these boxes. “I
Continue Reading Murray, Kentucky Safe Haven Baby Box Talk: Oh Those College Girls….
Indiana: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc “Reforms Abandonment”
It’s especially weird since the baby box movement advocates for and encourages what the rest of the world sees as abandonment– newborn legal anonymous box dumping,– while insisting that anonymous “safe” boxing isn’t abandonment at all but a mechanistic, though happy transfer of Baby Bumble from a “vulnerable and dangerous mother” into the loving arms of stranger adopters. –with no human contact required. In other words, abandonment is abandonment only if it is illegal and unsafe, while legal abandonment is nothing more than the seamless safe, loving, and secret transfer of parental rights, and not abandonment. Newborn abandonment is thus presented as a semantical game that when “legal,” is cleansed of negative connotations and impact.
Continue Reading Indiana: Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc “Reforms Abandonment”
New Mexico: Safe Haven Baby Box Cases
Safe Haven Baby Box cases in New Mexico drawn from news reports, social media, and other resources.
No One Can Sanitize a Safe Haven Baby Box Transaction like Missouri Rep. Jim Murphy
Why not hang a pair of rubber gloves on a hook next to the box? How about developing a technology where a robotic arm reaches out and removes the baby from the pre-murder clutches of its “desperate mother” (assumption: it’s always her, not a pissed-off father or grandparent.) That could make the separation of mother and child as mechanized and inhumane and cartoonish as it “should be” if you listen to the propaganda of the pushers, and Mrs Kelsey’s handy-dandy YouTube/TikTok that teaches women how to do a 30-second dump and run with no regrets, shame, or bloody underwear.
Continue Reading No One Can Sanitize a Safe Haven Baby Box Transaction like Missouri Rep. Jim Murphy
The Interview: Chris Hicks Deconstructs Safe Haven Baby Boxes. It’s Polite, but it’s Not Pretty
Ohio Safe Haven Baby Box critic Chis Hicks has done it again. Listen to the audio recording below where he (please, excuse the vulgarity) tore SHBB Inc and its founder and CEO, Monica Kelsey three new ones in an “informational” phone Q&A with Indiana filmmaker Trent Eilason, hired by SHBB Inc to make a full-length documentary to promote itself…After listening to Hicks’ total deconstruction of SHBB Inc, the baby box movement, and Mrs. Kelsey, and overall owning the baby box scheme and schemers I wondered if the documentary would go forward, at least with Eliason, who says no money has crossed hands yet. He admitted he thought that baby boxes are a good idea,
Safe Haven Baby Box Legislative Roundup, June 2023
The 2023 legislative season has been busy and brutal/ Twenty Safe Haven Baby Box bills were introduced. (+in many cases companion bills). Some were brand new bills to authorize baby box installation in their respective states and some were amendments to expand or clarify procedures for in-place safe haven and baby box laws
Continue Reading Safe Haven Baby Box Legislative Roundup, June 2023
Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next
Today campaigns to install new Safe Haven Baby Boxes operate in 60 towns throughout United States! There are probably more that we don’t know about… To challenge this “goal” we have added a new page to the SSHBBN site: Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next.
Continue Reading Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next
Alabama ad Absurdum: Now that abortion is illegal in Alabama, Safe Haven Baby Boxes to roll in to the rescue
Lack of actual facts, of course, won’t dissuade Rep Givens from enriching her moral panic and her campaign to invent an absurd solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. She has lined up anonymous (what else!) funding from a constituent in Baldwin County to fund Safe Haven Baby Boxes in what she calls “the 10 largest cities near universities.
Arkansas Times Drags Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc
In under 400 words Bailey eviscerated baby boxes and those who love them. I can’t tell you how exciting it is to find a journo who actually finds the boxes absurd and doesn’t regurgitate the party line on their keyboard.
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Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation’s Last letter of Opposition–In Hopeless Hope
Absolutely no adoptee rights or adoption reform organization in the United States today supports this unhealthy and unethical scheme that abrogates the rights of “legally abandoned” newborns, adoptees, and their biological parents and reeks of private industry privilege and profit. Yet our concerns go unanswered, and in fact ignored.
Continue Reading Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation’s Last letter of Opposition–In Hopeless Hope
Adoptees: You are better off without a family medical history! The Whitest, Most Privileged Thing I’ve Heard Yet from Safe Haven Baby Boxes
It’s the white lies, the prevarication, the embroidery, the arrogance and contempt—Mrs.Kelsey’s attitude towards the family medical question–that is the problem. Her response to the relatively soft medical history concern exemplifies her prediculous contempt and adopteephobic attitude toward us. Our horribly complex and varied adoptive experiences, rooted in class, race, economics, misogny, religion and culture, are too complicated and unpopular to be contained in her ego-driven babybox narrative. They and we best be marginalized and avoided.
Texas SB780: Bastard Nation/SHBBN Letter of Opposition, Senate Health and Human Services Committee, March 7,2023
Safe Haven Baby Box proponents have played-down and ignored individual adoptee and adoptee rights opposition to them except to claim that we “hate adoption” which is simply not true…What we hate are deceptive relinquishment practices, rooted in shame and secrecy, that lead to drastic permanent solutions to temporary problems and a population of adoptees with no birth records, identity, or history
Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation Letter of Opposition– House Judiciary Committee, March 7, 2023. Legalizes child traffking for adoption
Moreover, the bill contains no requirement that the emergency provider even inform DCS of any type of Safe Haven event, hindering the state’s ability to regulate abandonment care procedures, oversee cases, and track abandonments and numbers. Lack of DCS involvement, in fact, reeks of black and gray market adoption outcomes and trafficking.
West Virginia HB3559 Baby Box Bill Keeps that Train Rollin’ All Night Long
The bill originated in AND passed the House Judiciary Committee on February 24,(Friday) and was placed on the House of Delegates’ “Special Calendar” immediately where it received a first reading. A second reading is scheduled for today, February 27. (Monday). I’ve never seen a bill speed through so fast–and apparently with no hearings.
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Indiana Senate Creates an Adoption-in-a-Box Pipeline
An Indiana bill will build a pipeline of abandoned babies, all boxed up and ready for adoption.
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9 Safe Haven Baby Box Bills Hit Statehouses Around the Country. More to Come
It’s only January 16, but already a record-breaking eight states have Safe Haven Baby Box bills in the hopper, and at least one more state is scheduled to drop a bill soon. We can expect more since not all states are in session yet…Check it out!
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Overview of Montana law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Law HB200 (may not yet be codified into current Montana law) Montana StatisticsBaby Boxes: 0Cases: 0Although authorized by a new state law, no baby boxes have been installed to date in Montana. The law is effective July 1, 2023. Legislation See appropriate Legislative Year page for details on each bill.) 2025 is here; links to other years on that page. 2025 HB476 : Establishes grant program of $160,00 to pay for installation and maintenance of baby abandonment boxes; no more than $20,000 can be granted per applicant. 2023 HB 200 Revises the Montana Safe Haven Law to allow a “newborn safety device” (baby box) to be installed at state-approved locations for anonymous relinquishment by a parent. Also allows for a 911 emergency call pick-up by designated service providers. Passed. Effective Date: July 1, 2023 Hearings/Testimony/Letters Montana H200.…