Overview of Mississippi law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
Message to Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc: No, We Don’t Want to Force a Parent to Parent
Adopted people across the adoptee and political spectrum –from very pro-adoption to virulent adoption haters oppose Safe Haven Baby Boxes. If Mrs. Kelsey were plugged into AdoptionLand and AdopteeSocialMedia, instead of hanging out in her echo chamber, she would know that and maybe even figure out why. Instead, she prefers to dismiss us as “haters” who enjoy stories of discarded and dead babies because…
What the Hell? Indiana to Pour $1 Million in Taxpayer Money into Safe Haven Baby Box Installations
This is a surprising development—but maybe it isn’t when you consider the baby box chicken-in-every pot vision of a future America.
You Said You Want How Many Safe Haven Baby Boxes? The Hunger Never Ceases
Safe Haven and Baby Box laws were never intended to be an after-the-fact legal workaround for abusive or neglectful or lazy parents “at the end of their rope,” as the professional baby box propaganda team wants us to believe.
In a “God Moment,” Kentucky Church Raises $60,000 to Fund Local Unethical Safe Haven Baby Box Social Experiment
A Louisville church decides to throw money at an unproven, unethical, dangerous, archaic social experiment that can’t even be defined as a band-aid.
Arlene Bridges Samuels’ Adoptopia: A Preface to Post-Roe Adoption
For Samuels, adoptees are projections—imaginary grateful beneficiaries of her imaginary Adoptopia, or what she calls “the wonder of adoption.”
Safe Haven Baby Box Inc Theater and the Return of Baby 19: Adoptee Stories are Our Own, Not for Public Perusal
Adopted people have been subjected to this kind of exploitation, objectification, and third-party self-aggrandizement for decades.
New South Wales Government Response to Safe Haven and Baby Box Proposal
Text of a letter from Jillian Skinner, New South Wales Minister of Health, to Senator Helen Polley, in response to a request to consider introducing baby boxes and safe haven laws in New South Wales, Australia.
Email from Monica Kelsey to Dr. Jerome M. Adams, June 24, 2016
Text of an email from Monica Kelsey, CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc., to Dr. Jerome Adams, then the Indiana state health commissioner (he later became the US Surgeon General).
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now! Website Launched
Announcing the launch of Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!, an internet activist project dedicated to the abolition of adoptee and adoption anonymity.