Dobbs certainly impacts the restoration of adoptee rights to records, history, family, and identity. It establishes a state-backed pattern of purposeful creation and growth of an adopted class without normal identity rights and maintains the spurious ethics of adoption secrecy. It promotes the commercialization of child adoptee bodies and attempts to invent adult adoptee gratitude and adherence to adoption and its institutions. Should we expect a big boom in therapy in 20 years? These are things we need to think about:
Safe Haven Baby Boxes Coming to Oklahoma!
Under Oklahoma’s traditional safe haven law, babies up to 30 days of age can be dropped off. Mrs. Kelsey, seems to imply in the article, though, that that age restriction isn’t adequate. Does she mean that parents need more than 30 days to decide if parenting is “right” for them? That safe haven laws pressure parents to decide early? I dunno. I’m old, and I remember when drive-by parenting was discouraged. Unthinkable. Condemned.
Playing the Name Game: Current Safe Haven Baby Box Etymology
People just don’t like the idea of sticking a baby in a box. So it’s being rebranded.
Would You Box Your Baby with this Person?
Is this professional? Is this normal? Does this exude confidence? Would we donate to this organization? Would we leave our baby with her? Hmmmm. No! No ! No!Nol! and No.!
Why is Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc So Afraid of Adoptees?
Class Bastard—the Adopted—to the minds of the baby box tycoonery poses some kind of existential threat to their evangelical stampede through America to normalize baby-abandonment-by-box-in-the-wall.
The Devil Made Us Do It! Safe Haven Baby Box Opposition Explained!
So let’s get this straight. Anyone who opposes Safe Haven Baby Boxes, Inc and its movement and its Dear Leader is weaving the Devil’s handiwork. God has appointed her to break the loom and build the box.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes is All about Anonymity, Privacy, and Confidentiality—Except When They’re Not!
In the parlance of adoptee experience, this is adoption mindfuck at its dirtiest. A neat linguistic and psychological trick that forces adoptees to internalize the adoption lie and never to question adoption–and in the baby box case, the acquisition process. Issues of abandonment, shame, self-worth, depression, suicidal ideation, and self-loathing are the throughline of the adoptee experience. The baby box narrative with its contradictory mother-child message and celebration of abandonment and anonymity moves the bar even lower if that is possible.
Introduction: Ohio Safe Haven Baby Boxes A Tale of Three Scandals
Ohio Safe Haven Baby Boxes are in trouble and under investigation by the. state… Mrs Kelsey says that she wants to work with ODOH to settle the issue, but she hasn’t taken responsibility for any violations of Ohio law and her own protocols. Her failure to catch these problems or just plain ignore them, reeks of careless management and an obsession to cook the books with baby boxes that don’t meet standards. “The law doesn’t mean what it says.” is the battle cry. AG Yost, in a letter to Union Township Trustees regarding one of their issues, responded, “yes it does.”
Listen: Finally! A Critical Media Discussion on Safe Haven Baby Boxes without Baby Boxer Agitprop
And Best! Notably absent–finally–were SHBB Inc founder and CEO Monica Kelsey and her sometime minions who hog the media like they’re the Kardashians. That alone is reason to rejoice! An actual sane discussion without yappy agitprop, paranoia, cooked stats, and thoughts and prayers. I haven’t seen any public grousing from their side, but they like to keep the slightest criticism on the down-low. Adoptee criticism especially is black-holed.
Sex Outside of Marriage? You’re a Piece of Chewed Up Gum that Nobody Wants. A Message from Pam Stenzel, Safe Haven Baby Box Hotline Coordinator/Counselor
Her bottom line preached for three decades: if you have sex outside of marriage you will pay for it for the rest of your life, physically mentally, and emotionally…he compared teen girls who had had sex to a nasty piece of chewed-up gum and an old shoe. Who would want them? Twenty years later it’s still her message.