You might be aware that Texas has had a spike in newborn discard over the last few months. The last occurred in San Antonio a few days ago when a newborn was found in below freezing temperatures wrapped in a towel, lying in a basket on the sidewalk, He remains in critical condition. This is the 3d recent case in SA. Of course this is terrible.
We have no idea why increased discards are happening in the state. Some are probably tied to Dobbs and Texas’ draconian anti-abortion laws. The Lone Star State, however, has had spikes in the past with no explanation. A big spike in the Houston/Harris County area 25 years ago was the impetus for the state becoming an early adopter of the (now traditional) Safe Haven law campaign.
In the Fall of 2023 SA jumped on the baby box bandwagon. City Council not only passed an ordinance to legalize box use in the city–but to appropriate $438,000 to pay for lease, installation, “education” and promotion. After year and a half, no boxes have been installed, though they were promised by the end of 2024. For a full rundown of the SA campaign see the San Antonio 2023-2052 Big $$$$$ Campaign section on our Texas State page.
The 3 SA discards are fully publicized in SHBB Inc social media. Its fanbase, some of whom seem clueless that Texas even has a SHBB law on the books, demand that devices be installed in San Antonio– again clueless, that the funds have been appropriated, set aside, and await deposit in SHBB Inc’s hefty bank account–courtesy of SA taxpayers.
We’ve wondered ourselves.
There could be any number of reasons.
Now we know.
San Antonio City Attorney’s office doesn’t like boxes or at least the demands SHBB Inc wants to make on the city.
Pam Allen, director of Eagle’s Flight Advocacy and Outreach, a long time baby box supporter who shepherded the baby box law through the Texas legislature complained to KENS-TV:
It’s a contract that our city attorneys are just not very comfortable with at this time
No details. We would love to know what makes the City Attorney itch.
Allen is hopeful that things will work out soon and the boxes can be placed in “strategic” places like downtown. (We suggest the Alamo might be a good place to start.)
We’re not sure how someone would not notice a baby being deposited in a box in the wall in downtown SA, but have at it, Pam!
Curiously, the big dogs at SHBB Inc have not bothered to ARF! when their fanbase ask questions. (We at SHBBN, however, are happy to set the record straight! Thank you).
We are struck that a reasonable response to the uproar is not forthcoming. Here’s what should be said: (1) the city has approved and set aside funds to install a whopping dozen of our boxes; (2) we are negotiating the contract with the City Attorney’s Office. (3) We will keep you informed.
Of course, maintaining silence SHBB Inc meets 2 goals (1) keeping up the lie that virtually all of their abandonment devices are funded through voluntary contributions not through dunning the taxpayer (which results in ginning -up the corporation’s direct fund-raising cry poor campaign and their mostly well-intentioned support base) and (2) stimulating their corporate moral panic that fuels and feeds its mission that implies that hundreds of newborns will be dumped or die at the hands of monster mothers who will pivot angelic if they go to the box.
There are no federal or state agencies or offices that collect the reported number of newborns discarded each year. The National Safe Haven Alliance and I both track newborn discard–a task much more difficult than it sounds–since aside the lack of report mechanisms, no definitions or protocols exist. Our stats are nearly the same, as opposed to Mrs. Kelsey’s wing-a-ding numbers, with well under 40 reported cases a year.
Just think about how the $438,000 SHBB Inc is hijacking out of SA, could be used for programs to protect and nurture at-risk families–especially babies. We know. A sterile band-aid is easier to apply than getting your hands dirty in the real muck of life.
Go here to see how much public money is going to what is marketed as “free” baby boxes. We have some major additions that will be published soon, but this gives you an idea. SHBB Inc does not experience a funding drought.
Thank you to Bastard Nation and Marley for writing this post.
I wish the rest of the world would read this article. I post every article you write on TT or one of the adoptee’s will.
The situation Florida recently has me fired up. Mostly the way Monica responded to the great grandmother’s message. Monica is a rude B****. The family loss a baby to the useless box but she also never told Dad. This is not right and we should all be fighting against these useless boxes before more damage is done.
Thanks so much for this post. And thanks for re-posting stuff from here. I need to get back on TikTokm but for some reason I have a lot of problems with it and I’ve no patience about it. I’ve been following the Florida situation but haven’t had any time to do much on it since I decided to re-write our usual testimony for this week’s hearings. I won’t post the re-write here until it’s actually presented at the hearings. Itg will be a real corker! Ocala and the re-write are both shitshows. The grandmother shows so much civility and class, especially next to the hostility and rudeness exhibited by Mrs. Kelsey. And let’s not forget the same hostility to the reporter in Cleveland (my home away from home), which I need to get up here as soon I’m done with the re-write. Self-sabotage is fun to watch.