Just when we think that Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc’s exploitation, commodification, and commercialization of boxed and abandoned newborns and the so-called dangerous plight of “desperate mothers” can’t get any worse, along comes “Baby Boxes” Season 1. The YouTube streaming 7-episode “reality series” stars peripatetic SHBB Inc founder/ CEO Monica Kelsey and her band of merry baby boxers. Guest appearances of “saved” infants and their new forever families bearing witness to the success of Mrs. Kelsey’s self-esteem-raising project aka “Purpose through Pain,” are included. And think of the monetization possibilities!
According to a July 15, 2024 press release, the series
..follows the team as they install these temperature-controlled and electronically monitored Baby Boxes at fire stations nationwide, providing an anonymous way for parents to surrender their newborns. Get a behind-the-scenes look at life at their facilities, where Kelsey and her team get candid about what it’s going to take for them to grow their mission and give abandoned babies nationwide a chance to be found.
Tensions are bound to rise as Safe Haven staff tirelessly work to stay afoot with their life-saving work. Kelsey and the team feel the heat as they face unintelligible political roadblocks, build their brand, and install more baby boxes than ever—all while balancing the pressures of their own lives off the clock.
This is the latest trailer. If you look quickly, you can catch a shot of the bare ass of Mrs. Kelsey’s adult son, which explains a lot how the company works.
@safehavenbabyboxes World premiere launch party August 6th! Join us right here on TikTok! #babyboxes #safehavenbabyboxes #safehaven #babyboxladyofamerica #changingthenarrative #babyboxlady #changethenarrative ♬ original sound – Monica Kelsey
I know some readers are already holding their noses, tempers, and pitchforks. I, however, can’t wait for this public display of the Kelsey Corporation’s weird self-aggrandizing white savior obsession with adoption, adoptees, and the expropriation and perpetuation for fun and profit and now entertainment of Class Bastard and our 2nd class legal status and social dislocation; that is “adoption issues.” Better”issues” than the dumpster.
Mrs. Kelsey, in her bio, Blessed to Have Been Abandoned, admits she has plenty of adoption issues herself. Now she seeks to spread those issues to a new generation of complicated babies and their mothers by creating an unneeded culture of secret relinquishment and adoption tighter than the disintegrating closed adoption/sealed records system, which she compares favorably to boxes. (undated Beyond the Box) Mrs. Kelsey, of course, had her own successful search and reunion. before she decided others should not. The saga of Safe Haven Baby Boxes is a casebook study of the ” “cycle of oppression,” where the oppressed become the oppressor. Because? Adoption is beautiful and Jesus supports Mrs. Kelsey’s work. He told her so! It takes more than my dime-store psychology meanderings to figure that one out, so I won’t try.

Where some might see this series as garbage, I see red meat–an unintentional expose of this juggernaut of bad adoption practice operated by adoption and child welfare know-nothings with a supercilious mentality and a total lack of knowledge about the causes of newborn discard and its real solutions. Mrs. Kelsey, you see, just can’t keep her mouth shut. She calls it “raw and real.” I am not kidding. The “show” looks pedestrian and cheap–just like the corporation’. And that’s to our advantage.
Will we :
- Join Mrs. Kelsey at her local Applebee’s as she tanks down so many Margaritas that her husband has to drive over to pick her up? (Facebook: Beyond the Box, January 19, 2021, February 9, 2021, March 2, 2021, June 24, 2021.)*
- Watch Mrs. Kelsey drop 10,000 F-bombs?
- Join the hilarity of fundraising on Tumbler Tuesday (Facebook)- -a regular QVC sell-a-thon for lovingly hand-crafted overpriced gendered tumblers (ex: pink and glitter for women; camo for men) produced by SHBB Inc staff and volunteers?
- Ridicule her adult son’s bathroom habits? (Facebook: Tumbler Tuesday November 22, 2023)?#
- Laugh as SHBB Inc staff mug the camera, screech and shove, and occasionally refer to each other as “ho” as they show off to save babies? Just about any T Tues).
- Pour crocodile tears for the heroic yet potentially murdering mothers and the babies SHBB Inc moves into the adoption mill? (also at any baby box blessing or press conference.)
- Sit in on SHBB Inc “phone counseling” sessions with hotline counselor and professional purity educator Pam Senzel, where she might refer to a potential baby boxer in need of genuine professional assistance as a”chewed piece of gum” or inform her that her genitals drip STDs– claims Mrs. Stenzel tosses around in her other life?
About a year ago an Indiana videomaker contacted SSHBBN. He was making a documentary about the abandonment box company and wanted to talk to us about our objections to baby boxes. The press release and trailers don’t mention the name of the Baby Boxes director but I assume this is the same guy. I’ve worked in politics longer than Mrs. Kelsey has been living , and had the feeling that this project was financed by SHBB Inc. I wasn’t going to play at self-sabatoge.
I appreciated the contact but refused to take part. Here is my response to him. I have excised some extraneous comments which do not change the message:
I apologize for my late reply to you. I’ve been thinking about it–as well as writing about it. Under ordinary conditions, I would be happy to talk to you, but since this docu is being funded by SHBB Inc and Monica, I really can’t. I don’t want to be on her platform that invalidates adoptee civil rights and lived experience, and name-calls adopted people who disagree with her. And I don’t want my words twisted. Unlike some critics, I don’t consider her a grifter, but she is a huge danger to the adoptee rights movement. Her sloganeering and actions oppose everything we do and stand for, and can make it difficult for us to pass our bills. She trivializes adoptee rights. Pam Stenzel, her so-called “hotline coordinator” has stated publicly that adoptees who oppose BBs suffer from mental disabilities. I don’t see that there is any guarantee that we will come off any different in a vanity documentary. Also, look into Stenzel. I saw her in action 20 years ago at a Teen Mania event. There is no way she should be “counseling” anyone in a crisis pregnancy or birth… any i[personal} nteraction we have must be recorded and I would retain a raw copy of it. That said, you should look at my SSHBBN website which explains it all. You seem like a nice guy, and I hope you do look further into the baby box company’s activities and personal narratives before you accept this project. It could suck you into a very dark mire. Thanks for contacting me.
Baby Boxes–Series 1 Debuts on August 6, 2024 at 7 est on YouTube, Facebook, (and other platforms?)
I know that this series is painful and triggering for some but I urge you to watch and and expose it and then build on top the propaganda and lies.
Talking Points
Circulate information about the Baby Boxes series on your social media accounts and to adoptee rights organizations, friendly social service organizations, and your local adoptee and birthmother support groups. Discuss it. Act on it. Post comments on platforms that show the series. Don’t let a box come to your town.
Send out the message: current and future adoptees will not be trivialized, fetishized, propagandized, and monetized. We are not a joke. We are not your circus pony. We are not your entertainment. No one wants newborns to be discarded but stripping babies and their mothers of rights and identity is not the way to work on the problem. Serious programs funded with real money, need to be developed–not a band-aid that doesn’t even cover the wound. SHBB Inc does not speak for us. and Baby Boxes is a travesty.
*Recorded, archived and transcribed by Otter
#I forgot to archive this Tumbler Tuesday, but it should be available on the SHBB Facebook page and long scroll.
I watched it and it was unbelievably unprofessional but also an excellent example of how self-absorbed Monica is with herself and her lame organization. So yes, I hope people watch it and get disgusted with what they see.
Thanks for posting your thoughts. I agree. Absolutely! I had a bad back situation and haven’t written up my review yet, and hope to finish it today. The launch party is probably the most unprofessionaland crude “event” I have ever watched. Just when I thought nothing could surprise me! How could they ever ben taken seriousy after that? Oh, never mind!
BTW, I have a small Monica TT I will post a short TT separately of her reaction to the launch. This shitshow got her over 1 million followers on TT.