“If you believe that,l I have a bridge to sell you.”
We’ve all heard and used that old saw when we hear an absurd claim, especially if that claim is too good to be true.

For instance, my former “house guest” (and I use the term advisedly) believed that Jesus was the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar; therefore, a pharaoh. I was just a kitten then, but even at 4 months of age, I told him I had a bridge to sell him. He spouted so many fake facts that if he’d actually had a job I could have sold him the Golden Gate, Brooklyn, London Tower, Sydney Harbour, and Mozambique Island Bridges, and the Ponte Vecchio. I’d be lounging in my aforementioned luxury Catalonian catio now, instead of working my fluffy tail off as a personal assistant cat.
Recently that proverbial bridge appeared in a short YouTube convo featuring SHBB CEO Monica Kelsey. She informed us several times that her baby boxing “option” is a bridge between…well watch it yourself. (1:32)
And so this is keeping babies out of dumpsters ,and we’ve all seen the stories across America. A baby left here a baby left there. These boxes bridge that gap. It’s bridging the gap between a mother doing an adoption plan or walking into a facility and handing your child to a person and allowing the same parent to have anonymity that, you know so she doesn’t have to face anyone. She doesn’t have to talk to anyone. And so, Safe Haven Baby Boxes was invented to change the narrative and bridge the gap.
MEOW! This is just dollar store kitty litter!
Baby Boxes are a bridge to nowhere!
- Secret pregnancy. Secret birth. Secret “surrender.”
- Unethical and perhaps illegal procurement of newborns into the adoption mill; trafficking. Some states outsource Safe Haven cases to private money-bilking adoption agencies
- Family breakage
- Incomplete and fake birth certificates; sealed records. Disappeared origins and history
- Adoptee existential crisis, displacement, guilt, lousy self-esteem and self-worth, tears, stigma, depression, self-harm, dysfunctional relationships, DNA tests, “be grateful” lectures, mythification, political, cultural, and social exploitation, crazy church ladies, therapy with therapists who have no idea what you are talking about
- Biological parent existential crisis, displacement, guilt, lousy self-esteem and self-worth, tears, stigma, depression, self-harm, dysfunctional relationships, DNA tests, “be grateful” lectures, mythification, political, cultural, and social exploitation, crazy church ladies, therapy with therapists who have no idea what you are talking about
- Dog and pony publicity stunts. Can we soon expect a Safe Baby Box fundraising calendar featuring cute images of The Boxed advertising and promoting, without their consent, law, and policy that abrogate their own civil rights?
And, don’t get me started on this convoluted message:
This mother “saved her baby’ by putting it in our box
Saved from what? The uncontrollable murderous impulses of their mothers (or occasionally fathers) who in a moment of clarity morph courageous deciding to “lovingly surrender’” their baby to a box in the wall? Who morph thoughtful taking the time to write and enclose handwritten love notes? Who morph concerned and later call the SHBB hotline to check on the baby’s welfare, and develop a personal relationship with caring Baby Box corpos?
But wait! There’s more!
“Your mother loved you so much she didn’t murder you”! –a contemporary ramp-up of AdoptionLand’s favorite tale of maternal courage: “She loved you so much she gave you away.” There’s that bridge again!
Below is the latest example of the conflicted but common language that frames Baby Box messaging and throws a spanner in their works and words if you take the time to read carefully. They just know that without a loving box, the baby would be dead;
And what we want to do is–we want to give women options because when you give women options, they will make the best choice for themselves, whether it’s a safe haven surrender and open adoption or a parenting plan. And so allowing her to make a decision that she feels good about and us walking alongside her with no judgment is truly going to be bring peace to her in the end and she’s going to save the life of her child. It’s not that this child isn’t going to end up in a dumpster or trash can when she feels that she’s got someone in her corner.
The cognitive dissonance of their message makes my fluffy tail puff up. HHHHIIIISSSSSS!!!!!!!
I personally suspect that SHBB Inc doesn’t have a high opinion of women.
My tummy is upset, so I’ll close with this.
Baby Boxes do not fill some child welfare (or whatever) gap. Baby Boxes widen the gap between mother, family, and child; between statutorily-created identity and the authentic self. They lengthen the road home.
Don’t buy that bridge. It’s the bridge to nowhere.

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