Here’s a head spinner.
The Athens-Limestone Hospital located in Athens, Alabama opened its Safe Haven Baby Box to the public today.
Yesterday, News 19 in Huntsville broadcast the usual news-story -cum- PSA about the upcoming event. Nothing special. Except for the weird statement by Kourtney Ennis, MSN, RN, Director of the hospital’s Emergency Department.
By offering a safe, anonymous way to surrender their babies, we aim to prevent abandonment and ensure that every child has the chance for a strong and loving start. This initiative aligns with our mission, ‘Be the Difference’ and vision, ‘Excellence Always’ to provide supportive, excellent care to families in crisis and reinforces our commitment to prosperity.
How in the world does a baby abandonment box “reinforce community prosperity,” unless one is crass enough to suggest that local Poors donate their newborns to local Privilegeds in order to create a higher economic lifestyle for themselves? (It’s not like we haven’t heard that one before! Harvard’s doleful neolib law professor Elizabeth Bartholet says that parents in “developing countries” in order to raise their own standard of living, owe it to themselves and countries to permanently send exile their children to the West via adoption vacuum tube (The Harvard Human Rights Journal published an 2-part interview with her on this bizarre idea (Part 1; Part 2.)
Or maybe it’s a suggestion that a safely secured baby box infant will be one less mouth for Limestone County to feed.
We’d like to believe that Ms. Ennis simply made a PR gaff, an unfortunate word choice, but prosperity via baby box, except in the case of the Kelsey Family, (p 7; free registration required) is not something we expected to show up on our bingo card.
The asylum is under perpetual construction.
Is the baby box
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