Meow! I am not making this up! Seriously!
Some time back, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc began to manufacture its boxes, no longer jobbing them out to Fabcore. Maybe it’s cheaper to build their own. I dunno, but the cost keeps going up. Right now the box leasing fee is $11,000 with an additional average of $5,000 for construction, installation, permits, landscaping, etc. for a total of $16,000. The company regularly requests its supporters to sponsor bassinets, medical bags, blankets, and tumbler-making supplies. (Expensive HBB Inc tumblers are a side gig.) I don’t know if those costs are extra. beyond the $16,000. Whatever is going on, the company wants YOU to finance the boxes (until they can convince towns and cities to foot the bill–and that is indeed happening.)
A few days ago, SHBB Inc founder and CEO Monica Kelsey went online to ask her fan club to donate (via Amazon) light packs at $25.00 each to install in their baby boxes. Apparently, they came through, but..,

..something was missing. Mrs Kelsey forgot to add that AAA batteries are needed to operate the light packs. Always one to turn someone else’s buck into her own, she came back and asked for battery donations. Order them from Amazon, wrap up your extras, and drop them in the mail.
The Putative Boss (PB) once sat on the board of the Stark County (Ohio) Welfare Rights Organization that operated on fried chicken dinners (prepared and served by board members), a few church donations, and a small federal grant, so we get it. But, according to its latest posted IRS 990 (2022), SHBB Inc pulled in over $1 million and paid Mrs. Kelsey ($96,178. And she shills for batteries? (Go to GuideStar;free registration required)
Can’t she just run over to her nearby Dollar General and pick up a few packages to tide her over? The other day, we got a 4-pack for the TV remote. It’s’ not that difficult.

Cry me a river. In love and solidarity, Angelika, the Personal Assistant Cat
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