An overview of Indiana law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
- 31-34-2-5-1(includes amendments)
Number of Boxes 145 (141 in operation; 4 deactivated)
Cases: We have documented 29 cases with 1 additional “probably” case. As of March 6, 2025,SHBB Inc reports 33 cases in the state.
Indiana Baby Box Map
Facilities and locations where Safe Haven Baby Boxes have been installed in Indiana, plus where infants have been abandoned. Note: to date three infants have been abandoned at undisclosed baby box locations in the state. See the Indiana Cases page for more information.

Indiana Baby Box Locations
Jump to: Legislation | Hearings and Testimony | The Story | Documents | Selected News Stories and Chronology
See appropriate Legislative Year page for details on each bill.) 2025 is here; links to other years on that page.
- HB1099: Raise the age of babies eligible for safe haven “relinquishment” from 30 to 60 days.
- HB 1311 Requires coordination between state and private adoption agencies regarding SH babies and adopter matching; rights of potential bio fathers.
- SB60. Walks back much of last year’s SB345, which passed See Legislation 2024 webpage for details. Dead.
- SB 345 Defines “safe haven infant”. Allows the emergency medical services provider to notify either the department of child services (department) or a licensed child placing agency to take custody of a safe haven infant. Provides distinct procedures for termination of parent-child relationship involving a safe haven infant. Requires the department’s attorney or a licensed child placing agency to file a petition to terminate the parent-child relationship not later than 15 days after taking custody of the safe haven infant. Requires a licensed child placing agency to place the safe haven infant with a preapproved foster care provider. Provides that both parents’ consent to termination of the parent-child relationship is irrevocably implied without further court action if, after at least 28 days, neither parent petitioned the court for custody. Provides that notice is not required for safe haven infants. Prohibits the court from inquiring about the reason for the parents’ absence. Adds safe haven infants to the list of exceptions to required preservation and reunification efforts. Passed. Effective Date: July 1, 2023
- SB185. Modifies SHBB requirements that apply to a fire department. Makes conforming changes to the immunity provisions applicable to the places at which a box may be located. Passed. Signed by Governor: March 14, 2022. Effective date: immediately
- HB1032. Expands SHBB law. (1) Provides for placement of a newborn safety device at any facility that is staffed by an emergency medical services provider on a 24 /7 basis; (2) at any fire department, including a volunteer fire department that: (1) meets the minimum response time established by the county, not to exceed four minutes; (2) is located within one mile of a hospital, police station, or emergency medical services station that meets certain requirements; (3) is equipped with an alert system that, when the newborn safety device is opened, automatically connects to the 911 system and transmits a request for immediate dispatch of an emergency medical services provider to the location of the newborn safety device and is tested at least one time per month to ensure the alert system is in working order; and (4) is equipped with an independent video surveillance system that allows at least two members of a fire department to monitor inside the newborn safety device at all times. Passed. Signed by Governor: April 20, 2021. Effective date: immediately.
Hearings and Testimony
- Indiana SB60–Comments on Amendments to Safe Haven Baby Box Law. Bastard Nation and SSHBBN Letter, January 25, 2024
Adoptee Rights Law Center Flow Chart: A Recipe for Corruption, January 31, 1223
- Bastard Nation, written testimony in opposition to SB345, dated January 31, 2023
- Adoptee Rights Law Center, written testimony in opposition to SB345, dated January 31, 2023.
- Hearing, SB345, Senate Judiciary Committee: Video, February 1, 2023
- Hearing, SB 445, Senate Judiciary Committee: Video, February 14, 2023 (20:30 marker)\
- Bastard Nation Letter to House Judiciary Committee, March 7, 2023. Legalizes child trafficking for adoption
- VIDEO: House Judiciary Committee Hearing on SB345, March 7, 2023 (marker 16:33–use drop-down menu for date)
- Indiana SB345: Bastard Nation’s Last Letter of Opposition–In Hopeless Hope, March 14, 2023
- VIDEO: House Judiciary Committee Hearing on SB345, March 15 2023 (marker 39:39—use drop-down menu for date)
The Story
The establishment of Safe Haven Baby Boxes in Indiana was rife with controversy that led to a dispute between the Commission on Improving the Status of Children, which by law (scroll through) was required to approve baby box implementation, and the Indiana State Department of Child Services on one side and the state legislature and Safe Haven Baby Boxes on the other.
Child welfare professionals lost the fight when lawmakers devised a work-around to “legalize” baby boxes. Boxes have been in place for six years now, but the Indiana Department of Child Services mentions them only at the bare minimum on its webpage.
Since the passage of the original law, amendments have been added to expand SHBB utilization making it easier for parents to dump-by-baby-box.
Numerous documents and news stories were generated by the dispute. Unfortunately, many of the official documents are no longer online. Some have been saved or retrieved and you will find them below. (Additional documents will be posted pending response to records requests.)
The Documents
From the Indiana Commission on Improving the Status of Children:
After considering all the factors outlined in the law, ISDH found that there were no specifications or function requirements that could be created that would ensure the safety and security of children placed in such a device. There are currently no standards–either internationally or here in the United States–for the design, manufacturing, and maintenance of material housing for abandoned children. If such a device were to be used it would be imperative that industry professionals provide recommendations on how to best conform to the local standards that hospital systems and other Safe Haven sites across the country would be able to support. Additionally, as a medical device, any device designed to house an abandoned baby should undergo certification and testing to standards set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the International Electrotechnical Commission, or other agencies as appropriate Consequently, our recommendation is that this avenue be pursued by the Vendor . . . .
Even if the ISDH were given regulatory authority and performed routine inspections of newborn safety incubators, we could not ensure an infant’s safety There are no standards or protocols that could ensure a device would not malfunction, which could potentially result in the harm of an infant. Indiana’s babies are too precious to take this risk
- Presentation of Recommendations on Safe Haven Baby Boxes to the Indiana Commission on Improving the Status of Children by Dr. Jennifer Walthall, Deputy Health Commissioner, Director of Health Outcomes for the Indiana Department of Health and co-chair of the Infant mortality and Child Health Task Force, December 2016 (pubic records request pending)
- HEA 1016 Report: Indiana Task Force on Infant Mortality and Child Health
Commission on Improving the Status of Children December 2015 - Memo to Indiana General Assembly from Indiana State Department of Health: Newborn Safety Incubator Report IC 16-35-9-6), December 30, 2015
- Letter from HEA 1016 sponsor Casey Cox to Dr. Jerome M Adams, Indiana State Health Commissioner, January 16, 2016 (public records request pending)
- Dr. Jerome Adams response to Cox letter, February 17, 2016 (public records request pending)
- Letter from James Bopp, Jr. attorney for Safe Haven Baby Boxes to Dr. Jerome M Adams, May 2, 2016 (public records request pending)
- Letter from Mary Beth Bonaventura, director, Indiana Department of Child Services to James Bopp, Jr, June 3, 2016. (public records request pending)
- Letter from James Bopp, Jr, to Danielle McGrath, Deputy Chief of Staff, office Gov Mike Pence, regarding Bonaventura letter, June 9, 2016.
- Letter from Monica Kelsey, founder of SHBB to Dr. Jerome M Adams, June 17, 2016 (public records request pending)
- Letter to Monica Kelsey, from Dr. Jerome Adams, June 17, 2016 (public records request pending)
- Email from Monica Kelsey, founder SHBB Inc to Dr. Jerome M Adams, re: HEA 1016 Inquiry, June 24, 2016
Selected News Stories: Chronology of Legislation, Disputes, and Actions, 2015-current
See Indiana SHBB Cases for links to stories on babies abandoned in SHBB | See also local news coverage in Indiana on SHBB and installations in the state

What SHBB Inc doesn’t want you to know:
I’m also excited that lawmakers approved $1 million to help communities install and promote Safe Haven Baby Boxes. The state’s Safe Haven Law allows parents in crisis to safely and unanimously surrender an infant less than 30 days old without prosecution. A last resort option for a mom to surrender their newborn and maintain anonymity is to use a Safe Haven Baby Box…Rep. Randy Frye, Press Release, August 12, 2022
- Behind the Boxes: The small passionate team manufacturing SafeHaven Baby Boxes in rural Indiana, WRTV-TV, April 18, 2024
- Parents can safely surrender babies up to 30 days due to Indiana’s safe haven law, Indianapolis Star/Yahoo News, Jul 26, 2024
- How often do the baby boxes of the Tri-State get used? Yahoo, September 11, 2024
- Monica Kelsey, founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, receives Sagamore of the Wabash Wednesday, WPTA-TV, October 9, 202
- No! Hundreds of Babies Have Not Been “Saved” By Safe Haven Baby Boxes, in Indiana, SSHBBN, October 15, 2024
- Stories of Hope Shine Bright: Royal Neighbors of America Awards $100,000 in Grants to Empower 11 Inspiring Women Leaders Across the Nation,, November 16, 2024
- Monica Kelsey Receives Awards for Implementing Humanitarian Baby Abandonment, SSHBBN, November 24, 2024
- Indiana SB345: A Boxed Up Adoption Pipeline by Greg Luce, Adoptee Rights Law Center, February 23, 2023
- Proposal could get surrendered infants to “”forever families” sooner, Indiana Capital Chronicle, April 3, 2023
- Editorial: Rushing “safe haven infant’ adoptions is step down an unclear path. Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, April 11, 2023
- Right to Life Southwest Indiana to Host Annual Banquet, The Message, June 8, 2023
- More infants are left in this Indiana baby box than anywhere else in the country, Indianapolis Star, October 11,2023
- Report: Indiana’s infant death rate 14% higher than nationwide-average, lawmakers working to reduce that, WHAS-TV, January 31, 2022
- Giving our most vulnerable a chance at life, Greensburg Daily News, February 26, 2022
- Protecting the unborn, supporting Hoosier mothers and families, Rep. Randy Frye press release, August 19, 2022
- Lauer’s Safe Haven law modification bill approved by committees, The Republic, January 27, 2021
- Mendoza, Carolina Puga. Bills expanding Safe Haven law make their way to Senate, Washington Times Herald, February 8, 2021
- Gutwein: Bill to expand use of baby boxes advances to Senate, Indiana House of Representatives Republican Caucus, February 12, 2021
- Mendoza, Carolina Puga. Extention may come for Safe Haven Baby Law, Washington Times Herald, March 8, 2021
- Mendoza, Carolina Puga.Indiana tasks national lead on Safe Haven Law, Washington Times Herald, March 15, 2021
- Safe haven Baby Box bill passes next step, WRBI-FM, April 12, 2021
- Gov. Eric Holcomb signs ‘Safe Haven 911’ into law, WEHT-TV, April 24, 2021
- Indiana Law allows parents in crisis to surrender baby to 911 services, Fox59, April 30, 2021
- Green, Kevin, Frye’s bill to save more newborns now in law, Greensburg Daily News, May 19, 2021State Senator Fry’s Bill to Save More Newborns Ceremonially Signed into Law, Eagle Country online, July 28, 2021
- State Senator Fry’s Bill to Save More Newborns Ceremonially Signed into Law, Eagle Country online, July 28, 2021
- Chapman, Sandra. Indiana has one of the worst rates for child-birth related death, WTHR-TV, June 20, 2019
- Despite concerns of child health experts, baby box bill clears Indiana legislature, South Bend Tribune, April 14, 2017
- Editorial. Our Opinion: Baby Boxes are not the Answer. South Bend Tribune/Pharos Tribune, April 21, 2017
- Baby-Boxes: pro-life campaigners ring the “abortion alternative to America, The Guardian, May 5, 2016
- Baby drop-off boxes renew debate over instant surrender, TakePart, May 18, 2016
- Editorial: State advocates Safe Haven as best way to surrender unwanted infants, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, May 31, 2016
- Indiana: Stop using baby boxes, Associated Press, June 10, 2016
- Baby boxes” ruled bad idea for Indiana, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, June 10, 2016. (hard copy on file)
- Are “Baby Boxes” legal in Indiana? That question up for debate. WSBT-TV, June 10, 2016
- DCS director questioning “Baby Box” safety, WANE-TV, June 10, 2016
- Senator plans to work on law to allow baby boxes in Indiana, Associated Press, June 11, 2016
- State tells local group to remove baby boxes, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, June 11, 2016
- Founder of ‘Safe Haven Baby Boxes’ plans to expand despite warning, WDRB-TV, June 16, 2016
- Defense fund” set up for women who use baby boxes, WANE-TV, June 16, 2016
- Baby boxes save lives. So why are they running into trouble in Indiana? Slate, June 29, 2016
- DCS director: Baby box lawsuit a possibility, WANE-TV, July 15, 2016
- Indiana “baby box” bill sparks backlash from some groups, Associated Press, March 6, 2015
- Editorial: Baby boxes don’t improve Safe Haven law, Indiana Economic Digest, March 22, 2015 (reprinted from Anderson Herald Bulletin – a former supporter of baby boxes (hardcopy on file)
- Indiana agency votes against “baby boxes,” Indianapolis Star, November 8, 2015
Updated: February 13, 2025