Just when you think Safe Haven Baby Boxes has scraped the bottom of the cat box, we find another level of you-know-what in the kitty litter.
You can be a sponsor to an adoptive family who will be joining us at our Gala in November. You can purchase a sponsorship, and receive special mention in our program by going to the event link below:
This couldn’t possibly mean what I thought it meant. That SHBB Inc is shilling the public to pay for “Safe Haven adoptive families” Safe Haven Box Babies–one of their chief publicity and fundraising tools– to attend their fundraiser in November, so those families can generate more publicity and money. for SHBB Inc. I went to the link for further explanation and found affirmation. Sure enough:
Sponsor a Safe Haven Baby and their Family ( $800.00 ) We will be inviting our Safe Haven Babies and their adopted families to the Gala. Please consider sponsoring a family. Each sponsorship will receive mention on our website, event program and social media platforms
The Higgs Family is the first Safe Haven adoptive family I’ve seen plastered over Facebook for this specific event, and I’m sure more “Safe Haven families” Safe Haven Box Babies will be photo-opted soon since SHBB Inc encourages baby box evangelism (as well as the more common Christian form). Several SHBB adoptive families show up regularly in the media for SHBB photo shoots, and other box events or on their own to spread their personal “God’s gift” gospel to the press. See, the public likes nothing more than a soppy-sappy adoption story to prop up the social myth that “adoption is beautiful,” especially now that actual adopted people with actual voices and actual lived experiences say loud and clear that it’s not. Boxed babies are the last bastion of happy-dappy adoption mythology. Saved from the dumpster! Saved by adoption saviors. Saved by Jesus workers. Churned out in God’s heavenly workshop. elven.
Interestingly, little Nola Higgs is not a boxed baby, but a standard Safe Haven kid. But it’s not for trying. In 2020 Nola was scheduled for a box. Mom was dead set against a trad personal drop, but no boxes were nearby. After some hectic phone counseling, Nola was turned over like a can of paint or a pork loin, to a firefighter in a Columbia City, Indiana, Walmart parking lot. (Source: Monica Kelsey, Beyond the Box, recorded January 21, 2020). I feel bad for Nola. Very bad. As well as for the other little ones who get paraded around like pimped poodles. They will rise someday, and we will be with them.
I’m baffled that the “invited “box families seem to be expected to pay for their own room and board for the banquet–unless $800 for each is raised to pay for the trip. Will they be barred at the door if they or somebody else can’t pay their way? Or if they show up at the last minute? Shouldn’t they be the guests of honor? The least SHBB Inc could take that $800 and put it into a special account for therapy because these babies will grow up needing it. This weirdness reminds me of the time that the American Adoption Congress refused to foot the bill for Jean Paton, the Founding Mother of the American Adoptee Rights and Adoption Reform movements, and founder of their own organization, to attend one of their conferences, She was elderly and living on an extremely limited retirement income. Years later the Putative Boss (PB) asked one of the AAC officers at the time why they did that. The answer: “Well, Jean was a bitch.” MEOW!
But, back to the money point.

- SHBB Inc is paying keynote speaker Kirk Cameron $30,000-$50,000 to speak at the fundraiser. That’s the cost of 2-4 baby boxes! Maybe he’s cut a deal since this appearance is surely tied to his new Adoption-is-Beautiful film Lifemark Anyone donating $5,000-$20,000 gets a pre-gala meet-and-greet.
- SHBB Inc generated close to $1 million in revenue in 2020 according to its latest IRS 990 filing
- SHBB Inc was allocated $1 million by the Indiana legislature recently, toward baby box installation in Indiana communities. The bill doesn’t give details so several weeks ago, we asked Rep Randy Frye to clarify if the money will go directly to the organization or be distributed in another way. We have received no response. The company has not mentioned this windfall on its webpage, Facebook, or Tik Tock since obviously that reveal could rot its grassroots authority.
- SHBB Inc has offered to pay for extra staff at Fire Station #50 in Union Township, Clermont County, Ohio because the station wasn’t fully staffed as required by Ohio law. The amount came to a whopping $221/day. There is no indication that it has been divvied up so far.
Why pay for something if you can get somebody else to pay for it–especially if you already have the money.
Just think what organizations working in family preservation and keeping babies out of the adoption mill could do with that kind of money. Or adoptee rights activists. Together we could knock this monster right out of the water.

PB says I’m overly sensitive, but sometimes after I write my blog I just have to crawl into my safe space, zone out, and chew my tail. Treats help! In love and solidarity, Angelika, the Personal Assistant Cat
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