For years, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc has attacked traditional safe haven supporters and organizations in print and social media for their general refusal to support its baby abandonment boxes and baby box agenda.
On January 16, 2024. the baby box company filed suit in Federal Court against the Miami-based traditional safe haven advocacy organization A Safe Haven for Newborns/Gloria Silverio Foundation, its founder and director Nick Silverio, the South Trail Fire Rescue District, and Amy Bollen, its public relations director, accursing them of slander, defamation, and “tortuous interference with contract or business.” Silverio & Company’s crime: opposing baby boxes and saying bad things about them; thus limiting the number of boxes that are installed in the state (2 at the moment via Home Rule)) and putting the skids on bills over the years that would have legalized boxes on the state level. The defendants have done nothing unethical or illegal. They’ve simply spoken out and lobbied against them. Like we do here. This lawsuit is an clumsy and ultimately self-sabotaging attempt to intimidate opponents and critics into silence.
Surprise! SHBB Inc has just bought itself a big can of whomp, since now, through that amazing legal instrument–DISCOVERY–their business will be an open book for the public to read. The defendants can ask for any information they want and get it. We cant wait!
We believe that this lawsuit is important not only on it’s own merits, but how it can impact the adoptee rights movement. Next to OBC and records access, the baby box movement–with it’s shreiky demands for birth and parental anonymity –is one of the most dangerous enemies Class Bastard faces today.
We are therefore dedicating a page to lawsuit coverage. It will include documents, news articles, commentary, and other material related to the case. We are especially proud to publish A Box at Any Cost a legal analysis of the suit by Gregory Luce, founder and director of the Adoptee Rights Law Center and Executive Director of Adoptees United.
So far we have only a few items but we expect the page to grow as the suit wends its way through the court. We have already been contacted by the media to comment.
Legal Documents
- Complaint for Damages. Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc v Safe Haven for Newborns, Gloria Silverio Foundation, Nick Silverio, South Trail Fire Rescue District, Amy Bollen, Case 2:26-CV-00051-JLB-KOD, Filed in US District Court, Middle Division of Florida, Fort Myers Division. Filed January 16, 2024
- Defendants Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Plaintiff’s Complaint. Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc v Safe Haven for Newborns, Gloria Silverio Foundation, Nick Silverio, South Trail Fire Rescue District, Amy Bollen, Case 2:26-CV-00051-JLB-KOD, Filed in US District Court, Middle Division of Florida, Fort Myers Division, Filed February 14, 2024
Legal Analysis
- Boxes at Any Cost. Gregory Luce, Esq. Founder and attorney, Adoptee Rights Law Center; Executive Director Adoptees United, SSHBBN, February 18. 2024
- Print Version [PDF]: Boxes at Any Cost: Please distribute
Media, News, Commentary
- The Safe Haven Baby Box Game is On: SHBB Inc Sues Traditional Safe Haven Organization. Marley Greiner, Executive Chair Bastard Nation, SSHBBN, February 4, 2024
- Anti-Abortion Activists Launch Civi War over Floridas “Baby Boxes.” Justin Rorhlich, The Daily Beast, February 25, 2024
Welcome to Politics 101! Beyond the Box: June 10, 2021.
SHBB Inc CEO Monica Kelsey and Purity Educator/Board President/HotLine Operator/Counselor Pam Stenzel joined by Andrew Shirvell, JD, founder and Executive Director of Florida Voice for the Unborn (and see this wowzer, too! Yikes!) in a gabfest of complaints about how they are mistreated and disrespected by Nick Silverio, Sen Dennis Baxley, (the sponsor of the bill who dumped them), Sen Lauren Book, and other influential members of the Florida legislature. (Marker: 1-18:33).
Joined later by Cathie Humbarger. SHBB In lobbyist/retired Executive Director at Indiana Right to Life NE/ retired Vice President of Policy Enforcement at Indiana Right to Life (and a lot more) who carries on the Florida vetch and then dumps on the National Safe Haven Alliance for not jumping on their baby box bandwagon. (27:00-end.)
For a deeper dive into this 2021 Florida debacle, go to our Florida State page and read some news stories and commentary.
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