Meet SHBB Inc, Dear Leader, Mrs Kelsey. The first time we watched this TikTok we just sorta went WHAT??????? Is this professional? Is this normal? Does this exude confidence? Would we donate to this organization? Would we leave our baby with her? Hmmmm. No! No ! No!Nol! and No.!If one of us had posted something like this under SSHBBN! creds we’d have been marched into the corner, dunce cap in hand, for a long time-out .
Are you on DRUGS…..? I guess you want these babies in a dumpster, then. Or behind a Walmart. Or in a literal cardboard box.
As adopted adults we know the grift. We are quite sober, then, since we cannot afford the luxury of taking an evening off to imbibe it up, because we are in a constant fight to maintain what few rights we have and fighting to restore what others we have lost. These are our talking points, which make more sednsed than the mythic cardboard box.