Stop Safe Haven Boxes Now! Media Inquiries and Citations
- 614-795-6819
- 361-452-1391 (landline)
- stopbabyboxesnow@gmail.com
- bastardnation3@gmail.com
While the baby box and its proponents are marketed in a positive light, adoptee civil rights activists and adoption reform organizations, the forefront of baby box opposition for years, are virtually excluded from media discourse–erased from the public and SHBB Inc landscape.
We have received next to no attention from local media, which publishes near-daily reports on the doings of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc and its founder/CEO she-who-can-do-no-wrong Monica Kelsey. It’s easier for under-staffed, over-worked local media to hang out for an hour at a fire station to report a box blessing or write a puff piece rather than dig into baby box shenanigans. After all, who, especially in Smalltown, Indiana, finds reward investigating, much less criticizing, a self-appointed saint- in-the-works led by God
Or what local wants t0 crack open adoption and adoptee mythology and risk ending up without of a job and bolted in the local stocks–metaphorically or otherwise?
SIDENOTE: Of course the rapid demise of the local press is a horror story in itself. Since 2005, the US has lost nearly 2900 newspapers. In 2023 alone 130 newspapers either folded or were merged–2.5 per week.
That said, Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now! has had a limited amount of media coverage, and what we’ve had has been positive. I’ve been remiss in publicizing this coverage. Although the articles have been posted on Favcrbook and Twitter, and some articles have been linked in individual blogs, not much has been posted here about the articles themselves. Oooofffff on me!
That’s over now.
Our “official” Press Inquiries/Citations page is up (under the Home tab). It includes an explanation of why adoptee voices must be heard to stop this miscarriage of justice and rights, as well as a list/links/excerpts of our media citations. These include The Daily Beast, Stateline, The New Republic, and The New Yorker. Even the John Birch Society gave us a plug in The New American Magazine. Boy, that was weird! Supposedly, an article from a major online outlet is on the way. We’ll see. It’s been a while.
If you are a journo, ,blogger, vlogger, podcaster, or researcher or know someone who is, we would love to talk to you (or them.) Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now! is the largest source in opposition to baby abandonment boxes in the world (seriously!) And we won’t give up! We are media experienced, respond quickly, give good interviews, and can refer you to additional sources.
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