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The following very short news story covers the December 16 glory halleluiah blessing of the Safe Haven Baby Box in Madisonville, Kentucky. I am publishing the link to the it since there might be a copyright issue posting a stand-alone video, the topic of the blog. The video is only a few seconds long. You can’t miss the mind messing, so watch it first.
I have no idea who the little blond girl is, but you will see her standing on her tippy-toes dropping a doll, that looks like her, in the box. I am pretty non-pulsed by the antics of this company, but this one just set me off. It’s sickening.
As far as I’m concerned this stunt is emotional child abuse. Some of us, as adopted children, were publicly exploited– dog-and ponyed around to the press, or churches or for a general whirl around AdoptionLand. I wasn’t, but I have friends who were and it’s had a lifelong impact on them. There’s a reason why abandonment issues top the list of personal adoptee problems, and stuff like this doesn’t help. And while I’m thinking of it, how about the ever popular, “I’ll send you back to where you came from.”
Since the little girl is at the event and seems to be attached to a baby box activist-parent at the dais,, there is a good chance that she is adopted or even a trad safe haven baby, though she is way too young to intellectualize the impact adoption–especially if tied to anonymous legal abandonment– has on her life. I am sure there is a better term for this Madisonville shenanigan, but it’s embedding the idea that baby dumping by box is OK. It’s fun. Watch the dolly go away in the machine. Just like the 55 babies whose parents did and walked away. It could happen to you: you are expendable
If you don’t think even toddler adoptees don’t catch on you shouldn’t adopt.
See, kids think like that even if the message is unintentional. Just ask an adopted person.
What is so galling about this is that Mrs. Kelsey and several members of her organization are adopted and should know this.
But remember: baby boxing is a courageous act of love. Adoption is beautiful!
BTW, 15 babies have not been dropped in Kentucky baby boxes.The number is 3. I think 15 means the number of newborns boxed this year nationwide, although we only have 11 cases documented by news stories, press releases, press conferences or by SHBB Inc. We’re working figuring that out.
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