Resources for advocates and others interested in learning more about Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
Friends and Allies
Organizations that have indicated they oppose Safe Haven Baby Boxes, either through their policy papers, public statements in the media, or through private verification with SSHBBN.
Baby Box Promoters
Major activist, financial, and material supporters of the Safe Haven Baby Box Movement, posted by state, county, and/or city. The list focuses on activist, political, and civic organizations; churches and ministries; and charitable organizations and foundations. Individuals also support local initiatives, but unless their support is substantial, they are not listed.
Targeted Communities in the US & Canada
Is your city next? A comprehensive list of proposed locations taken from the public record.
Critical Readings
A curated collection of books, academic and other online writing, commentary, news articles, and reports and research and quotes.
Images of Baby Boxes in art, architecture and history as well as pictures of Baby Boxes in the US and around the world.
Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bio Ethics–Infant Abandonment
Yale University Interdisciplinary Center for Bio-Ethics recently published a website dedicated to infant abandonment and the use of ” infant abandonment devices” (IADs) aka Safe Haven Baby Boxes. So far the page includes it’s policy report on their use and statistics on abandonment and increased rates.
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now! YouTube Channel
Adoptee-centered non-partisan advocacy to de-propagandize and deconstruct the Safe Haven Baby Box myth and movement.