November is National Adoption Awareness Month , and I am posting every day on my main blog Daily Bastardette, then re-posting appropriate blogs to here or Bastard Nation. This blog was posted originally on DB on November 23, 2024.
Within the last 6 weeks, Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc Founder/CEO Monica Kelsey received awards for what these days passes for humanitarian service. That is, encouraging girls and women to conceal pregnancies, forego pre and post-natal care and safe delivery, and the dump and run anonymous “legalized” newborn-abandonment-by box-in-the-firehouse-wall schemes she is attempting to sweep across the country.
In October, Mrs. Kelsey received the Sagamore of the Wabash established by Indiana Governor George F Gates in the 1940s to honor those who have distinguished themselves in service for Indiana. It is the highest honor the Governor can confer. “Sagamore” is an Algonquin word designating a lower chief or a leader among the tribe to whom the true chief would look for advice and wisdom. convince 53 moms to stick their babies in a box and walk away, then surely she can advise Gov. Holcomb on child welfare.
Past recipients include (get this!) Ohio Senator Robert Taft, the Vice President of Ford, and astronaut Gus Grissom. Bay Buchanan, Barbara Bush, George W Bush, Maureen Reagan JGarafield (the cartoon cat) Willie Nelson, Ginger Rogers, David Letterman, Ryan White the teenage boy who became the “poster child for AIDS” in the 1980s, and a passel of lower-level politicians, athletes, academics, celebrities, business developers and leaders. Sadly James Dean has been ignored posthumously
Mrs. Kelsey is on the same level as now George W Bush, the VP of Ford, and Willie Nelson>?We are clearly out of the loop. Hand me that Jack Daniels.
The Royal Neighbors of America a non-profit life insurance organization, with over 275,000 members, chapters, employees, and appointed agents across the country, named Mrs. Kelsey one of 11 “outstanding women leaders of the year” for making a difference in their communities. Mrs. Kelsey’s reward for her good deeds was facilitated through the organization’s Our Nation of Neighbors program, whose goal is to “uplift women who are passionate about building stronger, more resilient communities.” She received a grant of $10,000 to be used to “raise awareness and expand safe surrender locations.” News of the award and grant has not been announced by SHBB Inc as far as I can tell. At least not on Facebook.
The list of the 10 other recipients suggests they are indeed worthy recipients for building local programs regarding food insecurity, domestic violence, mental health, women’s physical fitness, life skills for youth, self-esteem for girls, workshops to empower girls with interests in construction, STEM, real estate, and entrepreneurship, access to period products, and confidence building. Where do baby boxes come into this? They don’t.
I am floored.
Crossposted from Daily Bastardette
(No, it will never be X!)
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Now!
Good work, Marley. Yes, you are correct (both morally and technically) about the inherently fraudulent nature of the ‘Safe Haven Baby Box’ trend.
I would even say that the issue (intentionally nastily divisive and shamelessly purposefully politically leveraged issue) is an extremely obvious issue. Any reasonably intelligent and well informed individual may logically infer what the underlying purpose of such a form of effectively “legalized” _illegally anonymous_ baby abandonment (yes, you betcha, anonymous baby abandonment involving a VERY STRONG POTENTIAL FOR EGREGIOUS FRAUD…with a thoroughly unjustifiable and blatantly illegally FORCED anonymity upon all concerned parties) actually represents. The purpose is to effectively disrupt and delegitimize the well, already healthy (that is to say already healthy when not intentionally broken), long-established legal processes (even involving basic torts) used by a society (any society…although, not coincidentally, primarily ‘Western societies’) in which such a “legal” (slyly and, in the case of the USA, thoroughly illegal/unconstitutional) fake, politicized fake-solution is aggressively but very revealingly QUIETLY pushed.
In fact, this is a particularly revealing issue strictly in terms of _specifically who and what_ “opposes or encourages” it…and how they go about doing so. So just ask yourself: Exactly who benefits from such dubiously slyly pushed legally and sociatally disruptive illegal (unconstituonal) legislative intentional-cans-of-worms? Who benefits from unleashing a flood of thoroughly illogical and emotion-based lies (allegedly ever so er-um sophisticated arguments) that will (as one may clearly observe) thoroughly disruptively flummox any existing legal system. Oh yes, the purpose is also to effectively CAUSE HARM and DAMAGE to a variety of selectively targeted individuals, groups and organizations…yes, including babies.
This approach is nothing new. The flood of intentionally illogically impossible-to-actually-define “hate laws” represent precisely the same legalistically “anti-legal” approach.
Also note that the “media” (msm) continually goes out of its way to portray all individuals and organizations who are sensibly against what ‘baby boxes’ represent (again, they literally represent _the “legalized” anonymous abandonment of babies_) as being of a conservative nature – as if the envocation of Parental Rights (as well as the individual rights of both adopters and adoptees) were merely nothing more than something a “conservative” or “conservative extremist” would employ.
Nope, sorry, Parental Rights are for everybody, not just painfully obviously naively biased ‘political activists.’
To wit: No doubt bolstered by well-meaning but sadly naive and poorly informed individuals, the point of such a boldly illegal (yet trying very hard to appear to be legal) fake-solution to “unwanted babies” (not coincidentally involving a BIG and no doubt highly profitable_ baby-box-business that is pretending very hard to appear not to be a business) is to thoroughly RUIN any existing, well established laws and torts.
Positive suggestion: Thus, among the possible solutions, one way or anther, one will need to do whatever one can to roll back (de-morph) said dubiously contrived and contra-indicated examples of (politically weaponized) legislature. And, in the USA, yes, you are probably going to need to find attorney representation that appreciates the USA’s Constitution. In other words, if (regarding this one issue) your legal representation would “prefer not to cite (and imply)” Constitutional issues and ramifications, then there is a very good chance that your legal representation is as worthless as the fake laws (anything that effectively “legalizes” anonymous baby-abandonment) that you are justly attempting to educate the public about.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
H-Dave–Thanks for sending your fantastic comments. I will comment later, but it’s late tonight.