Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization
PO Box 4607
New Windsor, New York 2553-7845
bastardnation3 @gmail.com bastardnation@ bsky.social
Action Alert
Baby Abandonment Boxes
Connecticut HB1310
Alaska SB9
Hearings on February 20, 2025
***Distribute Freely and Quickly***
We will make this fast and dirty.
Connecticut and Alaska have Safe Haven Baby Box bill hearings scheduled for February 20, 2025. We need your help now.
BN and SHBBN have submitted joint written testimony to both committees. Alaksa testimony is not yet posted on the Alaska bill page. Connecticut’s is posted on its bill page. Our testimonies are posted also on the BN page with links to each below.
The bills are the usual generic SHBB bills–to authorize the use of boxes in those states. Your letters/testimony need not be long. A few sentences are sufficient. If you have a connection to either state, include that information. It is not necessary to write to each committee member. Connecticut has a portal where you can either download your document (pdf preferred) or manually submit if it’s not too long. Alaska has one email address for the committee. Members will get it, and it will be posted to the bill page.
Connecticut and Alaska are FREE STATES with no restrictions or conditions for OBC access.
Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes 2025 Legislative page
Talking Points: Why We Oppose Safe Haven Baby Boxes
SB1310 (Formerly Proposed Bill 6449 ) – Amends Connecticut Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes at hospital ERs. Boxes cannot be used if birth takes place in hospital and baby and mother are not released yet. State Appropriations: No. Age Limit: 30 days or less. ICWA Protections: No. OBC Access: Yes, without restrictions or conditions since 2021.
Hearing schedule: Joint Commitee on Children. February 20, 2025, 3L00 PM est (drop down menu for committee page)
Testimony/Letter Portal: Choose hearing date and time, fill out form, and submit testimony
- SB 9 – Amends the Alaska Safe Haven law to authorize installation of baby abandonment boxes located at hospitals, freestanding medical facilities, offices of private physicians, municipal police stations, rural health clinics, state trooper posts, fire stations or other facilities designated by commissioner as an appropriate location for a “device.” State Appropriations: No. Age Limit: 21 days or less. ICWA Protections: unknown (checking probably, but there are also various laws in place regarding Native Alaskans). OBC Access: Yes, without restrictions or conditions. NEVER SEALED.
Hearing Schedule: Senate Health and Social Services Commitee, February 20, 2025, 3:30 pm (standard Alaska time zone). The in-person meeting has been cancelled and will be teleconferenced.
- Joint Bastard Nation/SSHBBN Testimony
- Posted Online Documents/Testimony/Letters
- Email address: Senate.Health.And.Social.Services@akleg.gov
Safe Haven Baby Boxes are a direct attack on the adoptee rights movement and bastards who speak their own truth. This year, as you will see by the 2025 Legislation page, the country is being blitzkrieged with baby box bills. Currently there are 316 boxes in the US. 55 newborns have been caught and erased from their own histories and birth records. The adoptee voice has been virtually ignored by baby abandonment box promotors who say that adopted people who oppose are “mentally unstable.” Let your voice be heard now and show them who is really unstable.
Thank you!
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