An overview of Illinois law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes in the state.
Illinois does not have a specific law authorizing installation of safe haven baby boxes.
Illinois Statistics
No baby boxes have been installed in Illinois.
See appropriate Legislative Year page for details on each bill. 2025 is here; links to other years on that page.
HB2492 -This might be the most bureaucratic baby box yet. We are posting the entire summary from bill legislative page to give you the full impact:
Amends the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act. Provides that as soon as practicable, the Department of Children and Family Services, in consultation with the county board of each county, shall identify hospital emergency departments, fire stations, emergency medical facilities, and police stations to install, maintain, and provide outreach regarding newborn safety devices. Provides that each county having a population less than 500,000 shall identify one hospital emergency department, fire station, emergency medical facility, or police station to install a newborn safety device; and each county having a population greater than 500,000 shall identify a total of 4 hospital emergency departments, fire stations, emergency medical facilities, or police stations, or any combination of those facilities, to install a newborn safety device. Requires the Department to award grants to the designated facilities of each county to pay for the installation of a newborn safety device and any other costs associated with maintaining proper operation of the device. Provides that a designated facility’s acceptance of the grant award and any agreement to install and maintain a newborn safety device shall be strictly voluntary. Provides that a hospital emergency department, fire station, emergency medical facility, or police station that operates a newborn safety device is immune from civil liability for an act or omission relating to the operation of the newborn safety device unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Makes conforming changes throughout the Act.
- HB3753 – Amends the state’s Safe Haven Law (Abandoned Newborn Protection Act) to authorize the use of newborn safety devices in 24/7 staffed hospitals, emergency medical facilities, fire stations, and police stations. Sine die
- SB3306 – Amends the state’s Safe Haven Law (Abandoned Newborn Protection Act) to authorize the use of newborn safety devices in 224/7 staffed hospitals, medical facilities, fire stations, and police stations. Sine Die
- SB3271 – Safe Haven Law Study bill; includes the use of newborn safety devices. Sine Die.
News & Commentary
- City of Marion City Council met Feb. 28. Carbondale Reporter, April 28, 2023
- Chicago Bar Association (CBA) opposes HB3753, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation, 2021
- Would Safe Haven Baby Boxes Encourage Illinois Women Not To Abandon Their Babies? CBS-2 Chicago, May 10, 2019
Updated January 5, 2025