Currently, 19 Safe Haven Baby Boxes are operating in Kentucky, but that is about to change BIG TIME! Safe Haven Baby Boxes are on the march!
WRTB-TV reports, that by the end of the year, that number will reach a crackin’ 34.
According to Monica Kelsey, Founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes:
Kentuckians have just wrapped their arms around this program,”Babies are being saved. Women are being helped and I couldn’t be more proud to be standing with a lot of your communities in Kentucky giving this resource to parents.
What kitty litter! I realize that things in the US are getting worse for mothers and children by the day, but concealed pregnancy and birth; then secretly dropping that baby in a ditch (illegal) or secretly stuffing it in a SHBB in the wall in the middle of the night (legal) and skipping town aren’t the only options for a mother or a larger family unit with some kind of crisis going on, even if the boxers act like it is. (That’s a blog for another day). What’s wrong with this country? People used to complain about the throw-away society. Now, they encourage and celebrate it.
Kentucky reports 3 box drop-offs since the device was introduced in the state two years ago. All happened this year: 2 at the Lovers Lane Fire Station in Bowling Green and 1 in Okolona. Remember, these are Top Secret Babies. You can imagine my surprise, then, when this comment showed up (1st comment) yesterday on the SHBB Inc Facebook page:
I started to follow your cause due to a friend that actually her daughter was a mom that chose to use a baby box in Bowling Green KY. And I can say it was painful for her and still is. But the comfort she had by what was provided for her gave her peace.I honestly want to support a box in TX.
No concealed pregnancy and birth there. I wonder how many other people know about this? The nextdoor neighbor? The hairdresser? The plumber? The card club?
These are the locations scheduled for boxes in the state by the end of the year. This makes a total of 33 of the 34 established or proposed locations. Note that Owensboro, population 60,000, is getting its second box, but hasn’t had a bit of action in the first.

- Ashland/Boyd
- Danville/Boyle
- Edgewood/Kenton
- Gallatin County
- Hodgenville/LaRue
- Hopkinsville/Christian
- London/Laurel
- Ludlow/Kenton
- McLean County
- Middlesboro/Bell
- Nicholasville/ Jessamine
- Owensboro/Shelby
- Paducah/McCracken
- Pendleton County
Go to our Targeted Communities Page to see where else boxes are scheduled to open in the US.

Why can’t we all just crawl into a comfy shelf and contemplate why the US is so messed up? That’s what I do. In love and solidarity, Angelika, the Personal Assistant Cat
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