What kind of person orchestrates and celebrates the destruction of a family and the stripping away of a soon- to-be-adopted newborn of her identity, history, family, and civil rights?
This Happy Dance (we assume a dance is performed for each boxing event), was performed in February 2024, by SHBB Inc founder and CEO Monica Kelsey informing her “staff” that a baby girl was deposited in a box-in-a-wall in Mehlville, Missouri. You can read details of the case here.
@safehavenbabyboxes A call to my staff when I was at the state house in New Mexico 🤣 #safesurrender #safehavenbabyboxes #savelives #changethenarrative #monicakelsey #myteam
♬ original sound – Monica Kelsey
“This journey hasn’t ended; it’s just beginning,” he said. “I always thought when we put this box in that I hoped it was never necessary that anybody would have to use it… I am so absolutely taken back at how important it was that this box was here when it was needed.”–Monica Kelsey
Stay tuned for more wackadoodlery out of Missouri soon
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