Commentary, opinion pieces, and blog posts discussing safe haven laws and baby boxes.

Note: Some links may be cross-posted elsewhere in Critical Readings.
Greiner, Marley. Daily Bastardette (numerous; re-posted on Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes now! website)
Greiner, Marley, Lauren Sabina Kneisly, Children of the Corn: Reporting Theory and Opinion on Legalized Child Dumping in Nebraska
Hicks, Chris. Hicks’s Watchdog. on Facebook. Hicks is a major researcher and critic of baby boxes. He writes about them extensively on his Facebook page and posts primary documents and videos. Most of his work concerns the baby box situation in Ohio, especially in the Cincinnati area. His work led to the deactivation of a box in Union Township, Ohi8o and contributed to the closing of another box outside of Columbus. A must-read..
Calamity Jane, the Expat Insurance Lady in Korea. No more excuses for the Babybox, TRACk (Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea), June 21, 2015
Evans. Maureen McCauley. Build Families, Not Boxes: Family Preservation in Korea. Light of Day Stories, January 21, 2014
Editorial. Safer Surrenders: Promotion of existing law is best approach. Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, January 5, 2018
Foushee, Sherry. Guest Commentary: Safe Havens provide confident alternatives, NW Indiana Times, January 12, 2018
Hansen, Jayme, Korea’s Revised Adoption Process, Intercountry Adoptee Voices (ICAV), July 22, 2021
Larsen Dana. Baby Drop Boxes? God help us. Storm Lake (Iowa) Pilot Tribune, May 5, 2016
Jurenovich, Elizabeth, Texas Safe Haven adoption alternatives, Abrazo Adoption Associates blog, March 16, 2021
Malinda. Finder’s Fees, Baby Hatches & Safe Havens: Incentivizing “Safe Abandonment.” AdoptionTalk, October 18, 2011
New Matilda, Why baby hatches are a bad idea, December 3, 2013
Oberman and Clara Lewis. Wildly Inconsistent Safe Haven Laws Put Surrendered Infants, Parents at Risk, Chicago Tribune, January 15, 2023
peace Shannon. Build Families not Boxes, Reblog Please! Tales of Wanderlust, January 21, 2014. ( Tumbler account required)
peaceshannon. Why I am an adoptee who is against the baby box. Tales of Wanderlost, January 20, 2014. ( Tumbler account required)
Pertman, Adam. Legalized infant abandonment: Alarm in Europe, barely a peep in the U.S. Huffington Post, April 23, 2013
Robinette, Stephanie/ Lee Yun Hyun. MOVE UPSTREAM–Build Families NOT Boxes. A Journey to the Motherland, March 2, 2015.
Rosita. I was the baby in the box, Lost Daughters, January 21, 2014
Shrodes, Deanna, I’m a Christian pro-life Adoptee and I Don’t Like the Baby Box. Here’s Why. Dr Deanna, vlogm March 9, 2023
Smith, Erik L. The Art of Procedural Frustration: The Unconstitutionality of Safe Haven Anonymity Laws, Erik L Smith Attorney-at-Law, blog, nd
Smith, Erik L.The Government Hiding Children from Fathers: Ohio’s “Safe Haven” Law and the Separation of Powers Doctrine, Erik L Smith Attorney-at-Law, blog, nd
Smith. Erik L. The Myth of the Right to Privacy as Justifying Anonymity is Safe Haven Laws. Erik L Smith Attorney-at-Law, blog, nd
Srinivasan, Sharada and Bedi, Arjun. Daughter Elimination: Cradle Baby Scheme in Tamil Nadu. Economic & Political Weekly, June 5, 2020
TAO More Thoughts on The Baby Box Legislation, The Adopted Ones Blog, February 28, 2023
TAO. Safe Haven. The Adopted Ones Blog, March 7, 2013,
TAO. Safe Haven Baby Boxes, The Adopted Ones Blog, March 17, 2021
TAO.. Time to relearn, what history already taught us…. The Adopted Ones Blog, March 2, 2015
WP. Encountering adoption when you least expect it. Lost Daughters, November 12, 2015.
Updated March 10, 2023