Connecticut and Alaska have Safe Haven Baby Box bill hearings scheduled for February 20, 2025. We need your help now…Safe Haven Baby Boxes are a direct attack on the adoptee rights movement and bastards who speak their own truth. This year, as you will see by the 2025 Legislation page, the country is being blitzkrieged with baby box bills. Currently there are 316 boxes in the US. 55 newborns have been caught and erased from their own histories and birth records. The adoptee voice has been virtually ignored by baby abandonment box promotors who say that adopted people who oppose are “mentally unstable.” Let your voice be heard now and show them who is really unstable.
Oregon: Joint Bastard Nation/Stop Safe Haven Baby Boxes Testimony/ Letter in Opposition to HB2901–Safe Haven Baby Box Bill
Oregon is by far, the gold standard for adoptee equal rights in US. The Oregon adopted automatically expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
It is with great alarm then that legislators are proposing—and apparently making it a priority– to take a backward step and promote the secretization of adoptees, their records and histories with the introduction HB2901. This bill authorizes the use of “newborn safety device,” popularly known as “Safe Haven Baby Boxes” that allow parents—that is, overwhelmingly “mothers in crisis”– to anonymously stick their infant up to 60 days of age, in a box in a wall and walk away
Action Alert: No Baby Boxes in Maryland
Ask Maryland state senators to VOTE NO on SB873 when it comes before them.