This is a Safe Haven Baby Box. Over 100 of them operate in the US today and many more are threatened.
In addition, unaffiliated boxes have been placed in Arizona (6) and California (1). Both sites predate the SHBB movement by more than 10 years. We do not kmow how many times these boxes have been used. but we understand that some Arizona boxes have been used a few times.The Pomona box has probably not been used. Text and pictures are published here with permission of Articulations: Dysfunctional Americana.
Baby Deposit Box, Banner Thunderbird Hospital , Glendale, Arizona

View from the parking lot.
No one will ever hae to know
Close up of Glendale depository. It doesn’t give a receipt.
Baby Receptacle, Pomona Valley Hospital, Pomona, California
This baby box was furnished by Debbie Faris, founder of The Garden of Angels baby cemetery. .
The so-called “Safe Surrender” facility at Pomona Valley Hospital. It might be more accurately called a very fancy baby dump box. The logo on the box (actually the door) is the same as that used for the so-called “Garden of Angels” cemetery. It makes you wonder what these people are really thinking when this same logo is at the top of each headstone in their cemetery.
(Pictures of the cemetery appear in a following entry.)
Copyright © 2003 Michael T. Doughney.