An overview of Arizona law, statistics, legislation, and news stories related to Safe Haven Baby Boxes in the state.
- No law specifically authorizes installation of safe haven baby boxes. Arizona’s general “Safe Haven for Newborn Infants” law is here.
Arizona Statistics
Baby Boxes:7 (similar devices not affiliaead with SHBB; ) 1 SHBB
Cases: Not known
Safe Haven “Baby Drawers” are located in six hospitals in the state. They are not affiliated with the corporate entity Safe Haven Baby Boxes.
See appropriate Legislative Year page for details on each bill.) 2025 is here; links to other years on that page.
No legislation has been introduced to authorize the use of newborn safety devices in the state. Baby Shelves, however, are located in six hospitals located in Glendale, Mesa, Phoenix, and Scottsdale. Their installations are not connected to the corporate entity Safe Haven Baby Boxes and predate the movement. Safe Haven Baby Boxes says that these boxes are not up to contemporary standards and indicates on social media that it intends to push to replace them with its own SHBB product.

For those who insist a “safe haven” baby dump box at every hospital would ensure their mythical ‘no dead babies:’
In September 2009 a 15- year old girl, accompanied by her mother, went to the Thunderbird ER complaining of severe stomach cramps. While waiting for a doctor, she gave birth in the ER restroom, wrapped the baby in bloody toilet paper, and dropped him in a trashcan. Her pain miraculously gone, she returned home. The baby was discovered later by a cleaning crew. Thunderbird’s baby box was 100 feet away. Read more about this case at Baby Love Child and The Daily Bastardette.
News & Commentary
- City of Prescott Presents the 1st Safe Haven Baby Box–Cermonial Blessing to take place September 30,th at 1 pm, Prescott News, September 20, 2024
- City of Prescott Holds First Safe Haven Baby Box Blessing at Fire Station 71, Providing a Lifesaving Option for Newborns, Prescott Times, October 7, 2024
- Q&A: If Roe v Wade is overturned, could more Arizona babies be given up under the Safe Haven Law, KJZZ-FM June 6, 2022
- Newborn baby boy found dead in Ariz. hosptial bathroom. EMS World (via KMHO-TV, September 30. 2009
- Arizona: More “Safe Haven” fantasy; BLC link, Daily Bastardette, October 3, 2009 from the hospital’s dumpbox.
- *Updated* Un”Safe Haven:” Dead baby found inside hospital “about 100 feet ” from the hospital’s dumpbox, Baby Love Child, October 3, 2009
Updated: October 8, 2024