Today campaigns to install new Safe Haven Baby Boxes operate in 60 towns throughout the United States! There are probably more that we don’t know about. Some box locations are approved by appropriate officials; some are in that process. All locations are fundraised even if they are not approved. Some boxes are planned for states that have not even passed laws to legalize their use because they are Home Rule/DillonRule states and don’t need a state imprimatur or, well….just because they want to and nobody is stopping them. Monica Kelsey, founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc vows that by the end of 2025, baby boxes will be available in every state to scoop up anonymous record-free babies to ramrod into unidentified adoptions–just like the good old days.
To challenge this “goal” we have added a new page to the SSHBBN site: Targeted Communities: Check This List to Learn If Your Town is Next.
We can’t say this page is comprehensive since we get our information from news stories, press releases, and social media. But we can say that this list is growing due to the moral panic Mrs. Kelsey has constructed to push her evangelical baby-scoop agenda and one-stop family business. Be cool! Get a baby box!
Please check to see if your state or city is targeted. If it is–act. We will help you!
The page is located under the United States Page and includes links to other pages on the SSHBBN site where you can find more information about what is happening in your state and town.
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